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What does the hazard symbol mean when a character breaks through a block?

New player here, I noticed when I block attacks my opponent sometimes breaks through my block and a hazard symbol appears. What kind of attack did they use to break through my block?
submitted by StormBringer95 to Guiltygear [link] [comments]

Advice to The Pair of Would-Be Thaumcraft Novice Quitters (Minecraft Stoneblock Series)

Achievement Hunter's Stoneblock 2 Minecraft Modpack playthrough has been going on for quite some time and I've been enjoying it a lot! It's fun to watch everyone go off and do their own thing, tackling the quest book from different angles as they slowly discover the many many fun and great things modded Minecraft has to offer. Sure there's a lot to learn with the dozens of different mods and tech and magic and items and new mechanics, but I'm happy to see the group willing to learn instead of just raging out and quitting all together!
As someone who's toyed with Thaumcraft since the early days (remember when paper and research were all you needed? those were simpler times.) it really really pains me to see Matt and Jeremy put their magical pursuits on pause because they don’t know how to progress. Given a fair chance, Thaumcraft is a great mod. It's a BIG mod and has a lot to offer the aspiring wizard or alchemist.
Now I understand, the mod can be daunting and confusing at times. You open the Thaumonomicon book for the first time and you're like "what the hells 'Infusion' mean?" or "what's 'Warp'?' or "Why do I keep hearing heartbeat sounds when my screen darkens around its edges?" And when you're recording yourself playing a game, it can be incredibly stressful and taxing trying to be entertaining for the audience, joining in the conversation of others, AND trying to learn new convoluted mechanics all at the same time.
So I’m really hoping Matt and Jeremy see this. I want to provide a few pointers that will help get them started in Thaumcraft, This isn’t a cold copy/paste of the Thaumcraft wiki. This is, I hope, an easy to skim through guide to getting your feet wet and earning your thaumaturgist wings without spoiling everything little thing about the mod. For those of you who have shown an interest in Thaumcraft as well, but never felt like you understood enough to get started, let this be a sort of BeginneNovice starters guide.
So here's five pieces of advice I can offer, from one Thaumaturgist to another. I don’t know how far ahead they record these videos, but I’m hoping my advice hasn’t come too late! Matt and Jeremy. This is for you!

First. Please Stop Trying to Cause Rifts to Appear!

Flux is an unavoidable side effect of doing anything magic related. Later down the tech tree of Thaumcraft you will eventually unlock ways to reduce flux build up and even scrub the atmosphere of it like pollutants in the air. However starting off, you WILL produce flux. In small amounts, flux does very little except prevent the chunk’s aura from reaching its maximum amount. But all you have to do is pace yourself and not let it reach a high level.
Rifts are the physical representation of severe flux build up. They'll typically appear as you work through the mod. You don't need to deliberately coax one into existance. When one appears, you'll likely just have to wait for the rift to pop and spread poisonous taint around it OR somehow reverse the buildup before it does.
Unlocking the flux and rift related research of the Thaumonomicon won’t become necessary until later in the mod’s progression. Instead focus your attention on the other icons on the Fundamentals tab of the book, particularly the ones right below the flux and rift entries. These are introductory tasks that will help unlock the other sections of the book.
There are so so SO many cool things you can do without having to throw a bunch of cobblestone into an overflowing crucible of purple. Dealing with high levels of flux is it’s own problem all together. Explaining flux poisoning and taint would require a post of it’s own, but if you follow this guide, hopefully you’ll have the wit to figure that out on your own. If not, well, I guess I can always make another guide post!

Second. Get Yourself a Research Table!

To unlock new entries in your Thaumonomicon, you need the required Observations (scanning related items with your Thaumometer) and Theories which are created by working through the Research Table's 'mini-game'. Creating a Research Table and supplying it with Scribing Tools and Paper will allow you to earn the required theory points.
Opening up the research table’s menu and beginning your research will draw up two to three cards to pick from. The goal here is to earn at least 100% progress in the category of your choice by selecting the right cards. For every 100% stored progress in a category you earn 1 theory of that category. Note that only the category with the most progress will get the full bonus while others get a 33% penalty in gained knowledge.
Each card you pick costs one Inspiration (lightbulb icon on the top of the research table’s menu). When you run out of Inspiration, the theory is completed and whatever progress you earned along the way are cashed in for points. Some cards require items to progress. If the item has a golden exclamation point on them, then the item will be consumed once that card is selected.
SIDE NOTE on Study Aids: To improve your chances in finding research related to the field of magic you’re interested in, there are specific items you can place in close proximity of the table (specifically a 9x9x3 block area). At the cost of an Inspiration (lightbulb) you can use those items to add a set of extra cards to the pool.
Some of those items are:
Bookshelf Adds Generic Research Cards
Crucible Adds Alchemy Research Cards
Runic Matrix Adds Infusion Research Cards

Third. Aspects, Essentia, And You!

Those colorful symbols that pop up when you look at something with the Goggles of Revealing or the Thaumometer are called Aspects. Aspects are the basic magical elements of the world. There are 48 aspects in basic Thaumcraft. Some other mods add their own aspects to the mix, but they’re usually only used in their own recipes and don’t normally overlap. Essentia is the physical form of these aspects and you will primarily be working with essentia in their crystal form and then, later on, their liquid form.
By throwing items into it, the Crucible can be used as an early game way to melt items down to the aspects they’re made of. You can then extract those aspects from the Crucible by throwing quartz shards into the mix, creating a crystal of that aspect. This is however very inefficient because it takes two of any aspect to make one crystal. You can’t place the crystals you get on the ground to grow them at this point, but they might be necessary in research later so keep them handy!
Once unlocked, items can be smelted down to their essentia aspects much more efficiently in the Essentia Smeltery. This contraption of alchemical brass acts as a furnace and uses fuel to burn up whatever you toss in it. For example, smelting a wooden trapdoor yields 5 Motus (motion) and 6 Herba (plant) essentia while smelting a piece of charcoal will yield 10 Ignis (fire) and 10 Potentia (energy). The liquid essentia can then be extracted from the smeltery by right clicking it with an empty Glass Phial (can store up to 10 essentia of one type) or Warded Jars (can store up to 250 essentia of one type). You can also pipe the essentia out with alchemical pipes and pumps!
SIDE NOTE on smeltery pipes basics: Only one aspect can move through them at one time. To try anything else can make them clog up and cause colored steam to escape to indicate the clog.
Later on you can distill simpler aspects from more complicated aspects (i.e. you can extract Aer (air) and Ignis (fire) from Lux (light)) but that’s a little higher up the tech tree at the moment. Baby steps!
For the best sources of essentia, I can’t recommend this list enough!

Fourth. Infusion Altars And Symmetry and Stability!

Arguably the coolest looking magical structure you’ll craft, the Infusion Altar is a multiblock structure that allows you to craft items primarily found in the Infusion and Artifice book tabs. The Thaumonomicon does a good job at showing you how to build one, but if there’s two important things I want you to learn about Infusion Alters it’s SYMMETRY and STABILITY.
Symmetry means everything within a 17x17x11 block cube (centered on the altar) should be as symmetrical as possible. Pedestals, essentia jars, candles, you should try to keep all of it as radially symmetrical as possible. The north side of the altar should look like the south side, the west side should look like the east side and so on.
Stability is the primary reason why you should keep your altar area symmetrical. The less symmetrical the altar is and the more complicated the recipe for the item you’re crafting is, the more unstable your altar can get. Unstable altars can lead to hazards like bolts of lightning hitting you, your items being knocked off their pedestals, the alter consuming more essentia than it needs, and items turning into liquid taint. The more stable your altar, the less likely these things will happen.
Now later in the Thaumonomicon, you can find items to help stabilize your Infusion Altar more efficiently, but for now, placing mob heads and candles around the area should be sufficient enough. And remember, those items should remain symmetrical as well!

Fifth. Beyond the Basics!

This guide merely SCRATCHES the surface of what Thaumcraft has to offer. I didn’t even go into detail about spell crafting or making golem servants! And I do hope all this information will help guide you through the mod and inspire you to create some great things!
I hope this information improves somebody's lives! Whenever I learned a new mod, I relied heavily on the Wiki as well as Reddit so I hope this helps returns the favor!
That’s it for now. Keep an eye on that flux!
-From the Desk of Journeyman Thaumaturgist StarsMcdazzler
submitted by stars_mcdazzler to Achievement_Hunter [link] [comments]

Why INFJs (and INTJs) have a hard time with words

Authors note: I did that thing again where I spent such a long-ass time writing a reply to a post that I thought "I may as well make it its own post".
So I did.
Here you go.
Words are just symbols used to indicate a particular value.
The problem is, symbols mean different things to different people; despite what English teachers and people that write dictionaries might have you believe, words are all just "made up" (in reality, you can't learn "another language", only new words).
I once started reading a book, Universal Interpretation of Dreams, and stopped reading about 8 pages in, because to me (an INFJ) that seems superfluous.
Dreams are a collection of various things being "played out" in your minds eye (things you don't necessarily have time for in the day); it's the mind unraveling while you're anatomically inactive and don't have other stuff to focus on (unless you're an INFJ or an INFP, in which case, fuck that, you'll do it while you're awake, too -- probably in the middle of class, during that important meeting, or while reading overly-long text walls you find on Reddit, lol).
And so, when the mind is unraveling, the way things are connected is entirely unique to your persons.
For me, dreaming I go to school naked could be indicative of me feeling "unprepared" for tests or social interactions; for you, the same dream could be indicative of sexuality, or vulnerability (or hell maybe you're just really forgetful, rofl).
As to how this relates back to INFJs (more specifically, INFJs struggling to find the "right words"), Introverted-Intuitives are those for whom the minds eye is the most vivid; that is to say, what they see in their heads is so unavoidably vivid that they (often unknowingly) read things into the object that aren't there, to the point that they bring it into fruition ("and in perceiving, creates").
In my mind, most of what I think of is in pictures; I'd say less than a fifth of it is in words (which come secondarily). Oftentimes, I find myself struggling to find the right words, because I want to say something so unique to my persons that trying to find the correlating symbols becomes daunting.
I'm fairly certain most people are capable of learning basic phrases like "I'm hungry"; the reason this is a basic phrase is because pretty much everybody knows what it's like to be hungry.
But for you, as an INFJ (for whom these symbols are so much more specific to your persons), finding the "Universal Interpretation" is going to be much harder, not because you're any less decent with words, but because you're more fixated on something specific to your condition (that dream you're having and what it means in your case); Introverted-Intuition is almost exactly the same as Extroverted-Intuition, the only difference being Extroverted-Intuition is focused on the objects it perceives as being external to itself, whereas Introverted-Intuition is focused inwards, towards the subject (if Ne is an alchemist mixing together all these different chemicals because "fuck the danger", Ni is the mind digging into itself, regardless of the hazards, and regardless of how "non-universal" the conclusion1).

"In their own way, men with such an attitude are educators and promoters of culture. Their life teaches more than their words. From their lives, and not the least from what is just their greatest fault, viz. their incommunicability, we may understand one of the greatest errors of our civilization, that is, the superstitious belief in statement and presentation, the immoderate overprizing of instruction by means of word and method."
Carl Jung, Psychological Types, "The Introverted Intuitive Type"
In a sense, it's kinda like those "match the pictures" games (the ones where you flip over the tiles trying to find the matching images?); the problem is you have more tiles you have to flip, so finding the two that matches takes longer.
For example, I once drew an analogy about the difficulty of finding the right words by comparing it to those "match the picture" games (where you have to find the matching images?); to me the non-universal symbol ("match the picture games") was analogous to matching my thoughts with their universal symbols (words), one that I thought others might be able to (universally) relate to, by virtue of "we have both played this game; we share this experience; we have this in common, so I can make you understand".
When this connection is considered by most a "common correlation" (as in, when it happens frequently enough that most people can relate), we speak of it as a universal (words).
Does that make sense?
1 I believe this is why Ni-dominants are also known for their tangents (lol)
submitted by OrdanCoal to intj [link] [comments]


Soundtrack: https://open.spotify.com/track/770xg19bhZii0ARFBn1qR5?si=bh38fULgTO-ZvONz0QlPTw
Hey dipshits. Here's some DD summarizing where we are at.
ORIGINS: A while ago a legend on this sub found out Gamestop was a phenomenally undervalued company on the fundamentals. This is a must read. [Someone plz comment so I can link]
LEADERSHIP & OPERATIONS: Gamestop got some new board members. Most notably, Ryan Cohen, of Chewy. He has the skills an knowhow to setup a phenomenal company in this day and age. They have a couple paths:
Shorting: This should be illegal, and it isn’t, but it means the price of Gamestop is suppressed. Definitions first for you retards:
Short interest (SI) = shares sold short/float shares
Note that there is potential infinite loss on a short, ie, infinite risk and should be legal, for fiduciary reasons alone. Ethically, it is also horrendous - shooters are essentially betting a company will go out of business (otherwise you would use options). There are more complex methods that do what a short does but limit losses involving options, those should be legal.
Shorting of GME
A lot of people (you’ll see two firms mentioned a lot, but these were just a small fraction of the shorted shares) shorted GME. GME started getting shorted. And then, more. And then, more. SI climbed. It climbed above 100%. It climbed well above 100% and most sources place it between 135% and 250%. This suppressed the price well below what reasonable analysts would recognize as the fundamental value, whether looking at numbers or the operations or the leadership, and also represent a bet (a bit that tips the odds in it’s favor too) that 50,000 American’s would lose their jobs during a pandemic.
Good news
And then, good news - Gamestop wasn’t going out of business (there was no reasonable expectation of that either, they have enough revenue to cover debts), and they’ve done some good stuff to improve (some listed in § LEADERSHIP & OPERATIONS). The price rose. And more investors saw the move did due diligence (DD, something the shorter did not do, irresponsibly) and bought. This company has reasonable potential to be a 50 billion market cap, conservatively (that would be a share price of $700 btw).
Vicious short sellers and hedge funds double down
Instead of doing due diligence and closing out their shorts (with infinite potential for loss) more shorts were entered. But retail investors who did due diligence saw through this artificial distortion and bought more. And more. And more. And now we’re at over $300 a share.
And they have continued shorting. SI is, again, above 100%. This implies that the stock has a fair market valuation well above double the current levels, because every share would need to be bought at the current price to close those out (and then some).
So long as short interest remains, the stock is undervalued, unless you expect it to go to bankruptcy.
Short squeeze
Now, you see a lot of talk of a short squeeze. Shorts need to be closed, and they are collateralized, but if the price continues to rise, they will be less collateralized, until they do not have enough collateral and must purchase Gamestop shares at that time. This pushes the price closer to fair valuation because it is a purchase of a share. You can think of a short squeeze as the stock market equivalent to vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time - it is the rapid, violent, but ultimately very healing “immune response”. This will happen so long as there are shorts, *especially* if SI is over 100% (and ESPECIALLY if it is closer to 135-250%). (See § SI sources)
If you buy Gamestop now, it’s because it’s fundamentally (yes, on actual fundamentals) undervalued. And you are a part of the uncoordinated free market (much akin to white blood cells) healing an ill. It’s not risk free, maybe Gamestop goes bankrupt, but do you think that will happen?
Big boys manipulating price
The downward movements appear (to my non-expert eye) to be NEW shorts on top of the existing shorts. They are effectively doubling down on a strategy with infinite loss, and this continues to indicate that Gamestop is undervalued on the fundamentals. I can only speculate as to why it is occurring, but with an assumption that Gamestop will not go bankrupt, I can only guess it is due to firms trying to suppress the market, akin to last ditch effort by the flu to fuck your body up. You can compare the dips on your preferred chart with the drops in available stocks here (hint: it lines up almost perfectly): https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME
This implies a continued, unnatural suppression of price. It should be illegal, but it isn’t, but you can use public resources to see people trying to pull off what I consider immoral.
Price target
I can’t give an exact price target, but I think Gamestop is worth a minimum of double the current price, but potentially 6-20x the current price given the fundamentals and the available data. I would hazard a guess of a 0.01% chance of bankruptcy, which is the only situation where these short are warranted.

SI sources
twitter.com/ihors3/status/1354477089471295492 (138%, 5 hours ago)
https://www.highshortinterest.com (138% as of Friday)
https://financhill.com/most-heavily-shorted-stocks-today (249% today, make sure you're looking at the % float column, cause that's the one that matters)
https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/GME (151%, no date)
https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME (Live short availability, allows extrapolation from more firm percentages above)

I am not a financial adviser, this is not advice, just publicly available information. I hold 36 and some fractions of a share of GME, and 2x $200c 1/29 and 2x $320c 1/29. I only started buying Monday, and plan to buy more (5k every few days) as the ACH clears my transactions. I plan to roll my calls until GME hits a reasonable valuation.
submitted by DC-COVID-TRASH to u/DC-COVID-TRASH [link] [comments]

New PC: Buki the Medium

A’ight. Sit down and grab some coffee folks. It’s gonna be a long read since this is probably one of the largest character sheets I’ve ever made...
— Buki the Spooky - By people interested in the occult or who know Buki’s capabilities, and is her alias in the Rites of Departure.
— The Scammer - By people she’s done medium work for that don’t believe she’s a real medium.
— That Annoying Child - By literally everyone at some point or another.
— The Blood Source - By a cult who thinks she’s the vessel for their god. They believe her spirit form is the form of their god. (Which she very much isn’t, though they don’t seem to believe that and continue to think she is.)
Herald of Flame - Buki is able to use fire magic, which can manifest in a few ways. Her main form of attack is creating a spear made of hardened and sharpened embers, which has the benefits of both physical and fire damage, along with the fact that she’s pretty fast with the weapon. Outside of this, she can summon and launch flaming spears around her towards an enemy; slashing the ember spear horizontally, launching a blast of fire out from it; lighting any objects that can be lit such as candles, Bunsen burners, stoves, etc (Although she sometimes ‘accidentally’ sets the entire thing on fire); making a finger gun gesture and launching a tiny ball of fire in a straight line, which she can make detonate into an explosion, though can’t change the trajectory of it and must detonate it before she can launch another; creating a blast of flames that go out in a cone from her hand; etc.
Demonologist - Buki is a demonologist and spirit study, and has a knowledge of practically every type of spirit, undead and demon that exists, along with their strengths and weaknesses.
Nimble - Buki is rather quick on her feet, able to move fast and dodge well. She is also very proficient with her speahands and able to attack with both rather swiftly in a flurry of blows.
Exorcist - Buki is an exorcist, and knows how to exorcise spirits and demons from people by using a special technique, that being spirit leash (talked about in Spirit Art Techniques). She also knows how to let spirits pass on into the afterlife through a ritual, though if the spirit is unwilling, she would just fight it until it ceased existence. Buki is able to physically harm spirits through physical attacks and magic, though only through her spear, gauntlets, or other attacks from her and not outside attacks or the environment, and if enough damage is dealt, that spirit would be destroyed. Though, the actual amount of strength a spirit has varies from spirit to spirit.
Spirit Communion - As a medium, Buki is able to speak and commune with spirits. While she’s nowhere near kind enough to let them possess her to speak through her, she can speak to a persons dead relatives if they have some kind of keepsake from when they were alive for her to be able to summon them (Although, due to how blunt she is, not a lot of people believe she’s a real medium or think she’s a fraud since she’s never really nice about the way she communicates with the dead.) Buki can also sense any nearby undead, demons or spirits in a building or near where she is.
Spirit World Traversal - Buki possesses a unique connection to the spirit world with an ability to interact with both the material and spirit world at the same time rather than being restricted to one or the other like most people or spirits, and is able to alter her sight to allow her to see the spirit world. When this happens, one of her eyes is able to see the material world on her left (with that eye remaining orangey red), and the other is able to see the spirit world on her right (with that eye turning pale blue). For the most part, the spirit world has objects/structures exactly where they would be in the material world, however, the spirit world is far more broken down, arid, and essentially a wasteland with different features depending on where it is, but normally having an orange colour palette around the area for the most part with things like desks being replaced by rocks, and a constant weak sandstorm low to the ground. There are also certain places in the spirit world that have openings that the material world doesn’t, like a locked door in the material world being unlocked in the spirit world, though, she still wouldn’t be able to walk through it normally since she’s existing in both spaces at the same time, instead needing to Astral Project (talked about later) to get through. In the case of somewhere in the spirit world being locked but unlocked in the material world, Buki would need to stop viewing the spirit world and just stay in the material world to go through. It’s in the spirit world that Buki can see any spirits that would be invisible in the material world, including weak ones that can’t even cause anything to happen in the material world, as well as certain details in the spirit world giving an idea of aspects of the area she’s in, such as a puddle on the ground where there isn’t one in the real world signifying someone drowned there, or piles of ropes in the spirit world signifying someone was hung, etc. The objects are up for interpretation and not always entirely obvious, but give hints as to incidents with spirits in that area. Objects that ward spirits such as salt, runes, and other spirit warding assets would appear in the spirit world in a variety of ways, and mostly in the form of a glowing line in the case of salt which creates a barrier, and a floating symbol in the case of a rune, etc. The spirit world is occupied by spirits that haven’t yet passed on to another life, or refuse to pass on, which is what commonly causes hauntings. The actual appearance of these spirits can vary, from ones that just look like how they appeared when they were alive (which is the most common as it’s the general appearance of low to mid-tier spirits), to more unique appearances from just general shapes or floating lights (Normally the form of much weaker spirits or elemental spirits), or larger more monstrous looking spirits (Those being much stronger spirits or demons). There may also be certain objects or equipable items that only appear in the spirit world. Sometimes these objects can be used to interact with both the spirit and material world, and at other times they can only be used on things in the spirit world. The type of object, weapon, magic item or whatever it is can vary from place to place, but tends to only be visible in the spirit world aside from exceptions such as mundane looking objects in the material world having a far more unique appearance in the spirit world with mystical properties, and in the case of objects only visible in the spirit world, to others in the material world it just looks like Buki is holding nothing. In the spirit world, her appearance is slightly different to other spirits, instead being in the form of her appearance in her spirit form (seen in appearance).
Possession Warded - Buki cannot be possessed by spirits or demons, which is mainly thanks to 2 things. One is a tattooed charm she has on her stomach that keeps spirits from even being able to possess her, and the second is the fact that due to her mana absorption, any spirit that tries to possess her would literally be torn apart from the inside since her body constantly absorbs mana and the sheer amount that goes through her would cause immense pain to any spirit attempting to possess her, with enough to literally rip their soul apart if they somehow got past the warding.
Echoes - Buki can sometimes find objects which have strong emotions connected to them. This can include anything from a shoe worn by someone running away from a monstefight; an old phone used by a now deceased person; a gun used to kill someone; etc. Sometimes in the case of these objects that have strong historical or emotional aura’s, Buki can pick up an echo from them, and by focusing on the object, she can hear a key event the object was a part of, though can’t see anything to do with it and has to rely on sound. The length of the echo and the actual things she hears from it vary from object to object. This ability also extends to objects only visible in the spirit world. Her ability to hear things from the past is most effective on objects such as tapes or phones, which she can hear a vital conversation or message from. As well as this, the ability also allows her to sense emotions related to an area, such as being able to feel guilt, happiness, fear, etc from certain locations, those being strong emotions that were experienced there at some point in time.
Astral Projection - By staying still for a moment and focusing, whether she’s standing or sitting, Buki can stop moving with her real body, and just move through the spirit world while staying in place in the material world. By doing this, she can remain in one place without anyone noticing anything wrong or her secretly moving around in the spirit world. This does have a big disadvantage though, in the form of her only being able to see the spirit world while moving with her astral body, and being unable to see certain things that may exist in the material world, and unable to see other people. Technically speaking, she could be fully capable of travelling through the entire spirit side of the world if she wanted while Astral Projecting, though she wouldn’t be able to have much effect on the material world aside from objects connected to both planes like a phone, bell, or object that appears in both, which is sometimes hard to come across. Furthermore, her physical body is still vulnerable to attack while she’s astral projecting until she returns. She can still interact with objects in the spirit world that also exist in the real world, such as ringing a bell, pushing an elevator button, etc. This is also an important ability as in the spirit world, there may be certain parts different from the real world, such as a locked door being an open one in the spirit world/a staircase in the spirit world while one in the material world is broken, so she can astral project to get through to at least see the spirit worlds side of that area she can’t reach. She can also harness mana or spiritual energy in the spirit world to restore power to something like an electrical box to power up a building. She can return to her physical body at will while in this state.
Spirit Shield - A special skill involving Buki drawing in but not absorbing spiritual energy (not mana) in the air around her hand to make a barrier in the shape of a sphere around her. Buki is able to create something akin to a spiritual shield (though it’s more like a bubble around her), which is invisible in the material world, but appears as ripples of light in a bubble shape around Buki in the spirit world, acting as a barrier against certain things. The shield is able to block weak magical attacks (with anything stronger than what could be considered a cantrip breaking through with ease), and attacks in the spirit world, such as being able to block lesser spirits that try to slam into her or block spirit magic attacks. While the shield is only slightly effective against people who use magic in the material plane, as well as completely useless against physical objects, it is far stronger against spirits or demons that attack her or magic cast by spirits or things in the spirit world. However, this does come with a caveat. Not only is she unable to use any other abilities while she holds the barrier until she drops it, she also cannot put the barrier up in areas with weak spiritual activity. When she fights a spirit or demon, this isn’t a problem; but if she were to go up against a spell caster or magic user in a place with no spiritual activity, she could not gather enough spiritual energy to make a barrier.
Recovery - While Buki doesn’t heal incredibly quickly, her mana absorption will slowly heal her wounds over time. In game terms, she would restore around 1-2% HP every 10 seconds.
Mana Protection - Buki cannot be harmed by her own attacks.
Spirit Art Technique - Spirit Bomb - Buki rapidly absorbs intense amounts of spiritual energy and mana in the air into a condensed point on her hand, before releasing it out in an explosion of pure spiritual force all around her. This blast is enough to send most people flying back, aswell as blasting through certain magical barriers. The force of the blast of spiritual energy hurts both humans and spirits, and works as a good technique to knock away any enemies alongside doing some damage. This ability is even stronger in areas with more spiritual activity.
Spirit Art Technique - Blazing Spirit - Buki calls forth a pyro spirit (Pailo) which lunges into the ground and causes an eruption of flames around Buki in a 15ft radius, knocking back anyone hit a good distance away and dealing fire damage to them. For every enemy hit, her attack power slightly increases temporarily for the rest of the fight by about 5%, and she recovers a small amount of health. This attack power increase does not stack if she uses it a second time, unless an enemy that wasn’t hit before gets hit the second time it’s used.
Spirit Art Technique - Spirit Leash - Buki digs her hand into the stomach of a person who is possessed in a gut punch and literally yanks the spirit or demon possessing them out of their body. This does not harm the spirit or demon, just tossing them out and throwing them about 10ft away onto the floor, though the possessed person would be winded from the force of getting exorcised and very likely throw up or pass out.
Spirit Art Technique - Scorching Ocean - Buki lets a pyro spirit loose and causes what is essentially a tidal wave of flames to erupt out spiralling around and outward from her, which mainly causes anything on the ground to be set ablaze within 40ft of her, before the flames blast upward and back in towards her like a crashing wave about 20ft into the air, before the flames slam back into the ground. This attack is almost impossible to avoid just because of how much space the tidal wave of flames take up and the fact it blasts out in all directions before folding in on itself, with the only real way of avoiding it being similar to how you avoid a tsunami, that being to get to higher ground very quickly, or to just get out of the 40ft range.
Spirit Art Technique - Blood Blossom - Buki stabs or grazes someone with her spear, and promptly sets their blood ablaze before retracting the spear. The victims blood would then quite literally start boiling. This doesn’t tend to result in death, but rather just causes an incredibly high amount of damage over time in most cases, though weaker humans like random minions could just outright die from it. It can only be used on one person at a time though. This also applies to any blood type, even monsters or robots that have oil. When Buki uses this ability, if she misses her spear attack, or doesn’t manage to break the skin of whatever she’s attacking, the ability is still used up and must cool down before it can be used again. Once used on a creature, should it land, it cannot be used on that creature again for 24 hours. Buki can also control the intensity of Blood Blossom, being able to use it normally in combat as a weapon, or as another prank tactic by slightly grazing someone and pretty much causing the same sensation as a ghost chilli pepper, but worse. The actual length of time someone is affected by blood blossom varies with how intense it is. If it’s just a weak version she uses as a prank, it’d probably last for around 3-5 minutes. Meanwhile if she was actually using it offensively to cause major damage, it would only last for about 25-30 seconds. For obvious reasons, this attack does not work on creatures that do not have any fluid inside them.
Spirit Form - Almost 90% of the time, Buki remains the same for the most part. But, in circumstances where she is in an unparalleled amount of danger, her body will kick in a defence mechanism, that being her Spirit Form (She can also trigger it on her own, but most of the time she doesn’t since she doesn’t like how tired it makes her feel). For the most part, her physical appearance stays the same, aside from her hair turning white and her clothing becoming more light grey in appearance than black, as well as her eyes becoming a mix of blue and red. Her spirit form is the result of drawing in immense amounts of spiritual energy to the point where her appearance in the material world takes on the appearance of what she looks like in the spirit world. This new form comes with new advantages, as well as disadvantages (those being mentioned in the flaws section), and her ‘Spirit Art Techniques’ are replaced by ‘Cursed Techniques’. Her Spirit Form can also slightly come through but not fully manifest when she feels strong emotions, particularly anger, though this is a very rare occurrence.
Herald of Flame and Frost - As a result of the sheer cold produced around her by absorbing mana in the air, Buki is capable of using both ice and fire magic. The spear she normally creates takes on a new appearance, losing the attributes of a spear, and instead taking the form of a pair of clawed and spiked gauntlets with ice and embers lining them which result in frost, fire and physical damage at the cost of the reach the spear provided, along with increased damage as she literally knocks out and absorbs life force from people she makes physical contact with which just adds insult to injury. The gauntlets also work far better when it comes to defence, as they can block most forms of weaponry that hit them, so they act as both a weapon and a small shield, though that protection is only around her hands and wrists. She can still do most of the things she can with the fire magic mentioned in her standard abilities, but can also use ice magic to do things like create ice spears alongside fire spears to launch at enemies; Drop a giant icicle directly on top of someone; Release a smoke cloud of icey wind to obscure the environment making a smoke screen; tossing a small ice dagger which if it hits something, causes ice to burst out and cover a small area on them (best aimed at the feet to trap their foot in ice on the ground, or hands to keep them from using their... well... hands); cause ice to cover the ground and make it incredibly slippy for others; Create a giant scythe made of ice and swing it in a 10ft cone slash before it melts; Erupting a massive 10ft long and tall ice wall out of the ground which she can melt at will; etc.
Heightened Mobility - Buki is able to move at faster speeds than normal, and can dodge much easier and run much faster while in her spirit form, as aswell as much faster reactions.
Heightened Recovery - Buki’s healing is somewhat enhanced, as her mana absorption will slowly heal her wounds over time. In game terms, she would restore around 3-4% HP every 8 seconds. However, when her mana sickness kicks in (explained in flaws), this ability deactivates.
Cursed Technique - Spirit Nuke - An enhanced version of Buki’s ‘Spirit Bomb’, Buki is capable of releasing an even more explosive blast out from herself, causing furniture caught in the blast to completely shatter and easily breaking bones when people are caught in the blast, and possibly outright killing weaker people or minions. This technique is also able to break through practically any kind of magical barrier or shield, and can easily break through building walls.
Cursed Technique - Black Hole - Buki focuses her mana absorption and mana release on two close points somewhere that she can see, with a small blue sphere and red sphere about the size of a marble being created for absorption and repulsion respectively, essentially creating 2 points that constantly absorb and repel eachother and anything in between in a sort of 8 motion around the two points, similar to a magnet. The result of this is that anything in between the two points she creates takes a severe amount of damage as a result of the drastic gravitational force pulling and pushing against eachother, with enough power to shatter a marble pillar if both were placed on either side. She is also able to adjust the distance between the two points in order to get more enemies in it, at the cost of doing slightly less damage. She can keep this up for about 3 seconds, which would likely be enough to kill a regular human and cause severe damage if not.
Cursed Technique - Rewind - Buki creates a point just above her finger that will result in intense waves of magical energy being released from it in a force somewhat similar to an airplane door on a plane being opened, but in reverse, and far more intense. The sheer force produced is enough to blast people away and slamming into and breaking through walls or debris at terrifyingly high speeds (with it pretty much being the equivalent of getting hit by a speeding truck but way stronger), and strong enough to uproot trees, alongside an intense amount of collateral damage being caused by the ability as it repels literally everything away from her. She is able to keep this up for roughly 4 seconds before it diminishes.
Cursed Technique - Overhaul - Buki creates a small point on the end of her fist which forcefully absorbs and attracts nearby objects, which she can use to deal a severely damaging punch by causing anyone she’s fighting to get forcefully pulled toward her and into her fist as she punches, which could easily crack a persons skull.
Cursed Technique - Spirit Whip - Buki harnesses a long rope like object of pure spiritual energy, which will connect to a creature or spirit that is within her line of sight and not obstructed behind other objects, being visibly connected to roughly the centre of the creature, usually the torso or stomach. At this, she will be able to essentially toss whoever it is around and slam them into walls, debris, etc by thrashing the rope in whatever direction she needs. The chord remains for about 15 seconds, and also cannot be used on an enemy that does not have a soul. It is most effective against spirits who pretty much get turned into ragdolls getting flung about (Although since spirits wouldn’t be too badly harmed from getting slammed against walls, it’s more of a technique to throw them around for a bit), but works roughly the same on humans or other mortal creatures. On physical creatures, they can still move their limbs, but will still be flung about.
Cursed Technique - Tomb - Buki creates a single blue point somewhere she can see which will draw objects towards it. Anyone who is close to where it’s created wouldn’t be harmed by the absorption itself, just being pulled towards it and stuck flailing around it, but if there is a lot of debris, that would also be drawn in along with said person to pretty much crush anything by constantly absorbing objects towards the point, with whoever’s inside being crushed. Buki can keep this up for about 10 seconds.
Cursed Technique - Solstice - Buki kicks her mana absorption up to 11 as she absorbs intense amounts of mana in the air to the point she can cause snow to begin falling. Any creatures around Buki, friend or foe, and even the surrounding area that could be roughly the size of a small town, will be severely weakened as a result of less oxygen being in the air and the environment becoming freezing cold. This will not kill anyone, though will probably give bystanders a good bit of hypothermia and a cold, but still has the weakening effect. She does not have a time limit on how long she can use this, but also cannot use any other abilities (including pyro/cryo magic or techniques) while using Solstice (aside from Dead Girls Wonderland). Any creatures that both do not require oxygen and aren’t affected by cold environments aren’t affected by solstice, though if it’s only one or the other they will still suffer the weakening effects of Solstice. Once she stops, the lingering effects of the solstice will remain, as snow will continue to fall and creatures will gradually regain some strength, though this isn’t immediate, and while the environment won’t become warm, it will at least be a manageable degree of cold rather than the hypothermia inducing levels of the Solstice.
Cursed Technique - Snow Jail - Buki freezes the air around herself, creating a strong set of armour made of ice and hardened embers. This armour has the gauntlets built into it, and is strong enough to withstand most basic firearms aside from stronger ones like shotguns or AP rounds. The armour will shatter outward in an explosion of ember and ice shrapnel when it dispels after about 20 seconds or when Buki dispels it, which could cause harm to anyone nearby.
Cursed Technique - Dead Girls Wonderland - Buki’s ultimate cursed technique, which unlike the other techniques, can only be used once per encounter. Dead Girls Wonderland works most efficiently in areas with a lot of bodies. Once Dead Girls Wonderland activates, Buki’s eyes will become a mix of blue and red, and her hair changes to being half white and half black. Dead Girls Wonderland involves Buki essentially puppeteering any corpses within 200ft of her and temporarily reanimating them by quite literally releasing an ungodly amount of spiritual energy and filling every corpse within range with spiritual power and controlling them. Due to the corpses being filled with spiritual energy, they cannot be possessed by other ghosts, and Necromancers/Clerics wouldn’t be able to affect them since it’s not necrotic magic that is controlling them, but rather the corpse itself being controlled more like a puppet than a reanimation. And by any corpses, that means any corpses. Buki’s puppets will be incredibly strong, being puppeted by pure spiritual energy, with strength equal to that of about 4 times their normal strength (though that’s mainly in the case of humans, with larger corpses being less boosted as a result of already being strong), alongside becoming extremely mobile and able to scale buildings or structures. Furthermore, Buki can control each individual puppet all at the same time, and has an awareness of whatever the puppets can sense in areas she cannot see. These puppets will charge any enemies Buki wants them to, and some particularly strong corpses may possess abilities they had in life depending on the state that corpse is in. These corpses will be controlled for about 60 seconds (or until she decides to end Dead Girls Wonderland), and after this point, every single corpse will spontaneously combust in an explosion. After using Dead Girl’s Wonderland, Buki will be unable to use any other cursed technique for 10 turns. Although, there is one cursed technique she can use in conjuncture with Dead Girls Wonderland, that being Solstice, which in turn comes at the cost of her not being able to do much else since Solstice disables her other abilities.
Collateral Damage - While Buki is good at handling spirits, any fights she gets into tend to have a severe amount of collateral damage not only due to most of her abilities wreaking havoc, not just on the enemy but on everything around Buki, but also because she just doesn’t seem to have any awareness for the chaos she may cause in a fight.
Physical Attacks - While Buki does have quite a good amount of defence against magic and spirits, she is still a human, and takes damage from physical weapons and hazards just the same as anyone else, having to rely more on dodge work than physical resistance as a result.
Oblivious - Buki is by no means a complete idiot, but lacks any kind of social awareness and can very easily start a fight completely by accident via her ‘pranks’ or random teasing comments she makes.
Physical Vessel - All of the abilities listed under her Spirit Form are only abilities she has access to while in her spirit form in the material world, not the spirit world. In the spirit world, her powers remain the same as the ones listed in her standard abilities.
— Candles
— Chalk
— Basic ritual equipment for exorcisms and medium work.
— Firecrackers
— Random equipment in a satchel for pranks (including things like stink pellets, rotten eggs in bags, whoopee cushions, electric handshake buzzers, ‘jelly beans’ which are actually all the bad flavoured beans from bean boozled packets, etc.)
— Notebook and Pen
— Standard Theme - Prankster Cremation
— Spirit Form Theme - Dead Girls Wonderland
Chonxin - An exorcist who uses a large great sword which he imbues with ice magic to give it freezing effects. He doesn’t like Buki for her very laid back attitude to exorcisms and just as a childish person in general. He was actually the person who introduced Buki to the Rites in the first place, a decision he states that he now immensely regrets.
The Red Knights - A far more militaristic force of the Red Order which the Red Order claims aren’t connected to them, as the Knights are a rebel group who unlike the regular Red Order which acts more as an annoying paparazzi essentially, the Red Knights instead want to take Buki by force since they think she’s keeping their god trapped (which once again, she’s Not). The Red Knights mainly consist of magic casters who focus on offensive spells, as well as a few dark paladins. However, the issue with them is, they’re idiots. They keep doing the exact same tactic, that being show up, announce their presence to literally everyone, and just send a single guy in to attack... then just leave... It also doesn’t help that they’re also pretty weak in comparison to most magic casters... it just gets worse considering most of the members of the Red Knights are also completely incompetent, and every single one of their ‘battles’ against Buki have ended without her even having to do anything cause they somehow accidentally knock themselves out, or break a limb somehow, or have their magic backfire on themselves before they can even get a single attack in. They’re like a walking Roadrunner cartoon...
— In spirit form - Calm, Confident, slightly more serious but still trash talks the enemy.
submitted by Crimson_Viper_N to BossfightUniverse [link] [comments]

Why Ni-Dominants have a hard time with words

Authors note: I did that thing again where I spent such a long-ass time writing a reply to a post that I thought "I may as well make it its own post".
So I did.
Here you go.
Words are just symbols used to indicate a particular value.
The problem is, symbols mean different things to different people; despite what English teachers and people that write dictionaries might have you believe, words are all just "made up" (in reality, you can't learn "another language", only new words).
I once started reading a book, Universal Interpretation of Dreams, and stopped reading about 8 pages in, because to me (an INFJ) that seems superfluous.
Dreams are a collection of various things being "played out" in your minds eye (things you don't necessarily have time for in the day); it's the mind unraveling while you're anatomically inactive and don't have other stuff to focus on (unless you're an INFJ or an INFP, in which case, fuck that, you'll do it while you're awake, too -- probably in the middle of class, during that important meeting, or while reading overly-long text walls you find on Reddit, lol).
And so, when the mind is unraveling, the way things are connected is entirely unique to your persons.
For me, dreaming I go to school naked could be indicative of me feeling "unprepared" for tests or social interactions; for you, the same dream could be indicative of sexuality, or vulnerability (or hell maybe you're just really forgetful, rofl).
As to how this relates back to INFJs (more specifically, INFJs struggling to find the "right words"), Introverted-Intuitives are those for whom the minds eye is the most vivid; that is to say, what they see in their heads is so unavoidably vivid that they (often unknowingly) read things into the object that aren't there, to the point that they bring it into fruition ("and in perceiving, creates").
In my mind, most of what I think of is in pictures; I'd say less than a fifth of it is in words (which come secondarily). Oftentimes, I find myself struggling to find the right words, because I want to say something so unique to my persons that trying to find the correlating symbols becomes daunting.
I'm fairly certain most people are capable of learning basic phrases like "I'm hungry"; the reason this is a basic phrase is because pretty much everybody knows what it's like to be hungry.
But for you, as an INFJ (for whom these symbols are so much more specific to your persons), finding the "Universal Interpretation" is going to be much harder, not because you're any less decent with words, but because you're more fixated on something specific to your condition (that dream you're having and what it means in your case); Introverted-Intuition is almost exactly the same as Extroverted-Intuition, the only difference being Extroverted-Intuition is focused on the objects it perceives as being external to itself, whereas Introverted-Intuition is focused inwards, towards the subject (if Ne is an alchemist mixing together all these different chemicals because "fuck the danger", Ni is the mind digging into itself, regardless of the hazards, and regardless of how "non-universal" the conclusion1).

"In their own way, men with such an attitude are educators and promoters of culture. Their life teaches more than their words. From their lives, and not the least from what is just their greatest fault, viz. their incommunicability, we may understand one of the greatest errors of our civilization, that is, the superstitious belief in statement and presentation, the immoderate overprizing of instruction by means of word and method."
Carl Jung, *Psychological Types, "*The Introverted Intuitive Type"
In a sense, it's kinda like those "match the pictures" games (the ones where you flip over the tiles trying to find the matching images?); the problem is you have more tiles you have to flip, so finding the two that matches takes longer.
For example, I once drew an analogy about the difficulty of finding the right words by comparing it to those "match the picture" games (where you have to find the matching images?); to me the non-universal symbol ("match the picture games") was analogous to matching my thoughts with their universal symbols (words), one that I thought others might be able to (universally) relate to, by virtue of "we have both played this game; we share this experience; we have this in common, so I can make you understand".
When this connection is considered by most a "common correlation" (as in, when it happens frequently enough that most people can relate), we speak of it as a universal (words).
Does that make sense?
1 I believe this is why Ni-dominants are also known for their tangents (lol)
submitted by OrdanCoal to mbti [link] [comments]

Ars Magica (#40)

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The presence of all encompassing Light is almost always a way to tell whether or not you're dying. This isn't a biological function, but rather a Panopticon mandated one. It's a way for an individual to best comprehend the idea that they are, in fact, dead. It saves a lot of time explaining that fact, so that the dead can be dealt with more easily.

This, of course, is a double-edged sword. While it does help the dead come to terms with their condition, and makes them easier for the system to deal with, it also means that they have time to enact a variety of other actions in their attempt to deal with the system. Actions like begging, cursing, blessing, or even attacking the avatar of death which is sent to greet them at the end of their road.

So, when Credonz saw the light coming into his eyes, and the words spelled out in front of him, he knew he was dead. It was rather unfortunate, being that he was still under contract, so he might be expected to uphold it in his next life, much like most others when they're a specific age. However, he knew he had a chance to not be upheld by the contract. All he had to do, was convince the person he was meeting to help him with that.

One might wonder how exactly Credonz knew what would happen. All who come back from the brink of death have their memory of it wiped after all. The only knowledge they're left with, when they're revived, is the fact that they were for a time dead. Those who manage to keep knowledge of their past life into the next one, rarely talk about what occurs. However, in this case, the explanation was simple. He had been told, explicitly, what would happen to him when he died.

All who enter the realm of Death will meet an avatar. It is simply the information you receive from the Voice of the Gods. It is absolute truth that imprints itself upon those who enter. The simple minded might question why it's an avatar, and not the goddess of Death herself. The answer for that, is relatively simple. She is the Goddess of Death and Decay. Her very nature makes it, so that any that happen to be in her presence, including some choice Gods, are affected by her power the exact same way. They are stripped of anything that they achieved in life; stripped down to the barest strengths of their souls. Anything that they were born with stays, but all else is lost to her and gives her faith. This is why she often does not come out of her Dominion, as while she often does not care about others, she still enjoys some of the creations made from them. That is why she utilizes a race designated to be her avatars instead of dealing with the dead personally. She would rather that the dead retain some concept of who they had been and what they had done.

For those who die, the meeting takes place within the soul of the dead. There, they are surrounded with a myriad of different objects and things depending on the length of the life they lived. The longer they lived and the more memories they're able to hold, the more stable and thoughtful the constructs within the soul can be. For many that die young, they cannot even hold themselves together as a distinct entity, and are represented by something more like a cloud of intent. Credonz, however, was old enough to maintain himself, as well as, envision the most impactful memory he has and interact with it.

So, when the light faded away, he had found himself in the one place he held dear. It was his old workshop. Credonz could hardly believe that he was here. The last time he was in this place, was when he had accidentally blown it up. He could still remember the days when he had purchased the building from his mother. She was the land-owner for the town he grew up in, and while she loved him dearly, she still held above all else, the personality of a merchant. He mostly learned how to be an arcanist from his father, who often visited sometimes to offer perspective and advice whenever he saw fit to give it. His fingers grazed against the tool rack, idly touching some of his oldest instruments. He looked down from the wooden ceiling, across the cabinets lining the walls, towards the mostly open stone floor, to find three things that did not belong in that space. Usually, this was the area where he activated any construct he made, and hoped for the best that his information did him well enough. It was meant to be clear of any hazardous object. It had been ingrained into him that it was most safe to keep that space clear. Therefore, he was startled to see things in that space.

There were two foldable chairs set in the middle of the space. The third object however, was not necessarily there in the same way that the rest of the room was, though. The third object was the avatar. Of course, calling an avatar an object is not quite accurate. They did move, talk, and act like normal people, but they were not Bide. Credonz, seeing one, realized that they were more like golems. Every action that the performed was only ever done for the greater purpose determined at their creation.

"So, you're here then." The avatar nodded, its gaze almost piercing into his soul, which he supposed would happen soon enough.

"Are you capable of talking?" At this, the avatar radiated an aura of agreement.

"Oh. Non-verbal. That's neat. So, what are you doing here?" The flies buzzed under the cloak as it shifted away from Credonz and towards their surroundings. It's gaze almost made everything in its sight vibrate.

"Ah. Judging. I see. Is it ok if I sit?" A quick nod came from the hood, as it gestured towards the chair with what appeared to be insectoid arms, almost akin to a Devout Prayer. Credonz walked over towards the chair and sat. He didn't know exactly what to do next, but the chair almost did it for him, by giving him whispers of questions.

"I think I'm dying or am dead due to asphyxiation. It's hard to tell when sand is everywhere and its cutting into you making your senses numb with pain. I think it was Feldur's doing if that helps." The hood nodded once before a screen appeared next to it, scrolling various runic symbols across it. The avatar kept flipping through page after page, until finally, a set of runes caught its eye. It nodded to itself and reached out to touch it.

As soon as it did, the screen changed to show Credonz's face with more symbols beside it arranged almost in a circular pattern. It looked away from the screen towards Credonz, putting the idea of a question through the air.

"Ah. That might be the promise I made with the god, Ounder. I was hoping to talk about that actually. When I get put back into the cycle, could you remove that?" Fishhook legs seemed to tap against the stone floor, having vibrations reverberate through the area.

"I understand. You can't do that. Is there someone who can?" The avatar looked upwards and seemed to cause the air to shimmer, before a visage appeared, almost wavy. There floated the Goddess of Death and Decay, the Mistress of Marsh, the sister of Life, Kya. Her visage alone seemed to cause the air surrounding it to ashen. Her mandibles grasped a scrap of cloth, while she seemed to be lying upon a bed reading a book between her thousand arms.

"Ah. I understand. I mean, if I'm just going to forget my life here and now later on, I don't see why not I could give some of myself to her." It nodded, willing the apparition away. It began writing into the screen, before something started to happen, that surprised both the avatar and Credonz.

An almost ocean-blue glow began to permeate their surroundings. The thing in front of him buzzed with agitation before letting out a sigh that was akin to a groaning ship.

"I can go? Why?" It seemed to shrug its shoulders before mumbling to itself.

"I get a title for this?! Oh my Kya, that's amazing!" It became more and more agitated as time passed before it seemed to snap, and let out a shriek. The chairs disappeared from underneath the both of them, dumping Credonz onto the floor, while it stayed in a sitting position upon the air.

"You didn't have to do that. I mean, I understand you're probably upset. It doesn't mean you have to take it out on me." It didn't say anything nor changed in any perceivable way before it faded out of existence. All was silent, and the light that had been illuminating the space, withdrew, fading into itself, leaving a darkened room, then darkened vision, before finally leaving Credonz in an all-encompassed darkness.

And there, where Credonz stared, appeared the blue apparition of Dave.

"Do I have you to thank for not choking to death?" Its eyes seemed to open and glow before settling down to stare at Credonz.

"Oh dang. Didn't think that would work. I mean, [Regenerate] wasn't working at all, so I had to take care of this personally." Credonz looked confused.


"Sorry. Have a habit of thinking to myself, and apparently in this space, I'm just my thoughts, so any tangents I go on just become verbal, unless I empty my mind." Credonz nodded his head.

"Makes sense, The soul isn't exactly a place you can enter without effort." The apparition seemed to look around almost confused

"This is a soul?"

"Yes, despite how dark it is, there are things in here inherent to me."

"Huh. Just thought since my spell nor CPR was working, I'd just try and help piece your mind back together. Didn't think I could actually touch a soul." Credonz wondered how exactly this human kept stumbling upon things most people kept close to their chests.

"I appreciate it. Now, if you don't mind." Credonz gestured away from himself towards the darkness.

"Ah. Yes. Probably very personal stuff here. Well, I guess I'll see you when you wake up." At this, the light blue glow dissipated into the air, before everything once again returned to black.

Credonz looked around himself. Although the darkness was slowly growing stronger, he could still sense his workshop around him. He tried to paint in his mind the image he was seeing as his senses slowly faded, giving way to the consuming darkness, hoping beyond hope he'd be able to remember this place as perfectly as his soul did. It had been a while since he had seen or even remembered this place, after allm and even with all of his failings, he realized that he still missed some of the comforts of home. So, once again, he looked around to remember as much as he could before every detail was washed away into darkness. Then he closed his eyes, and waited.

Warning: Character Link Always Current, do not click unless ready for future spoilage. *
*(Updates the day of upload)
Dave's Character Sheet (Now with added Dave commentary) Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1idEJhkhmy7nBgAtAsfSatq0WFO2xT7fW7b_dBZwyQU/edit?usp=sharing
Author's Note: So, I wanted to give some hint as to what Death looks and feels like in universe with this chapter. Wanted to give some context as to what Feldur was talking about in the previous chapter. Anyway, wanted to let you all know that music will be relegated towards the next chapter as I haven't gotten as much access to grooves as I would've liked this week. Hope that all of you are enjoying my work.
submitted by AvidSeason to HFY [link] [comments]

REINCOCK WAS ROBBED and here's why

I’m sure that you have many questions from the title alone. Questions which may include one or more of the following:
To these questions I shall laugh triumphantly in your flair’s face, for my YouTube clickbait title has successfully done its job. Now you’ve been trapped with me here forever, forced to listen to me talk for eternity about a character who nobody remembers except for me.
Anyways, welcome to the last Choose Your Losers theorycraft post let’s talk about creepy culty dudes. The titular man in question is probably one of the most obscure characters in the franchise. He doesn’t have a translated name quite yet, but the whole 21 of us in the Thracia 776 fandom know him as either Rinekoch, Linecock, or Reincock. Or some ghastly hybrid amalgamation of the three.
Pick your favorite name, it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. I’m going with the last one because of its perfect symbolism regarding a certain other Dire Thunder-wielding individual who’s been in Heroes for years.
Anyways. I’d staunchly argue Reincock would’ve been a much much much more suitable GHB choice than Veld despite Veld being the final boss of Thracia 776. For bonus points, Reincock is even less popular than Veld is – getting a whopping 0 votes in CYL because he’s unvotable – so all our “haha 13 vote man” memes would still be intact, and perhaps even better off!

So who the heck is this rando, why are you wanking him off, and what’s his relationship with Reinhardt?

Now I’m sure you’re all wondering – who even is this Reindick guy and why does he deserve the GHB spot over more famous Thracia 776 characters who aren’t in the game yet, such as Leif, Finn, or Rayprick? Well, let me explain...
So Reincock is a boss from Thracia 776 chapter 16B. He's the a priest of the evil sinister Loptyr Cult, and he’s the guy in charge of the Melfiye Forest shrine. He has direct ties with two of the units on the banner – he’s Sara’s caretaker, and he’s also holding Miranda hostage at his shrine as a way to force the knights of Alster Ulster to fight for the Empire. Considering how he’s responsible for not just one, but TWO underage girls Very Important Individuals to the Loptyrians, I think it’s safe to assume that he’s one of the senior ranking members of the Loptyr Church, presumably hand picked by Bishop Manfroy for the job. After all, you need a Very Trustworthy Person to manage and handle all your important VIPs and POWs. If they aren’t trustworthy, and you lose some important people… that would be bad, right? Right.
According to Leif’s two advisors, Dorias and August, the Melfiye Forest is known as the “Mirage Forest” – a land owned by Loptyr where people get lost and never return. The reason is presumably because of the absolute fuckload of Warp Tiles© that are smuggled within every corner of the forest. There is literally no indication of where these Warp Tiles© are, and they have the magical power to cockblock any unit who lands on them and instantly end their turn faster than a Florida recount.
In other words, the unsuspecting player is totally screwed.
All in all, a pretty fun map... from the game developer’s perspective. And who do you think set up all the Warp Tiles© to screw the player over?
...Okay, it’s never outright confirmed but seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Reincock himself who erected all of the Warp Tiles© around the woods to mess with trespassers. Not only that but he also has a Berserk Staff, meaning that he can fill your party members with a blinding rage and make them attack their allies. And since this is Thracia 776, status effects are permanent and never go away on their own – so if you didn’t bring a Restore staff, or if your staff user accidentally stepped on a Warp Tile© and teleported off into the distance, you’re kind of fucked.
And not only that, but Reincock has used his magical powers of Plot Manipulation to set the objective for 16B to “escape” rather than “defeat boss” or “seize”. What this means is that your ENTIRE ARMY has to trudge from one side of the map to the other, aaaaaaaaaall the way through the absolute muck of trees and Warp Tiles©. And then EVERYONE needs to get to the escape point on the other side of the map before Leif does unless you want to abandon someone to Reincock’s infinite mercy. Which is super annoying when everyone basically has desert movement with the absolute sheer shitload of trees in the Reincock Forest.
Warp Tiles©, the most annoying status effect in the entire franchise and an escape chapter filled with movement penalties and hazards. Reincock, and his whole chapter, literally exists to dick the player down and fuck them over. What’s not to love about a guy like that? In some ways, “Reincock” really is the best name they could’ve chosen for this guy.

idc about any of this warp shit. So are you seriously writing all of this just to milk a joke about the funi sex parts until it’s run dry?

I have no greater passion in life than spending my time and effort on fruitless pursuits.
I’ll add that even most Thracia fans wouldn’t care about this shit either since they’d just go the A route and skip the Reinwood Forest entirely. Did I mention that this is all optional and skippable? But why would you deliberately choose to miss out on Reincock?
Even discounting his unfortunate name, Reincock is lowkey a really funny character when you think about it. As mentioned before he’s in charge of taking care of Manfroy's granddaughter Sara on her field trip to the dank cult prisons – essentially stuck acting as her babysitter.
Let me remind you that Reinballs is probably one of the higher ranking priests of Loptyr. No doubt he’s lived a long life of persecution, as the Loptyr cult was practically universally hated in the earlier years of Jugdral. And after all those hardships, all that pain and turmoil… and here he is stuck cleaning the diapers of his boss’s granddaughter.
But Sara, being a typical 3,000 12 year old, is going through puberty and developing a rebellious side. In Chapter 16B she interrupts Reinnuts in an intense and intimate staring session with his crystal ball, and she’s all like “having fun, Reincock? wink” and he panics and tells her to go back to her room since she’s interrupting his private time.
But then literally 2 turns later Sara comes out of her room and is like “I’m bored you stiff old man let me walk outside and enjoy the woods”. Upon hearing her scary and deep voice, Reinweenie’s spine transmutates into a gummy worm and he meekly says “n-no, don’t go outside, it’s not safe, that’s dangerous”. But then she ignores him and comes outside anyways to go say hello to that funny Norwegian man with the flashing glow-in-the-dark sword, his name was Eriksson or whatever, and his little army floundering through the Warp Tiles© in the woods.
This scene reminds me of a parent trying to say no to their spoiled child, but they don’t truly have the heart to refuse them anything so they just let them disobey. And even if it’s mostly just his fault for being a doormat and bending to Sara’s will, the fact remains that this poor man is constantly taking a verbal beating from this child he’s supposed to be taking care of.
That said it’s pretty understandable, because Sara is a super intimidating 100,000 12 year old. It probably helps that she’s Reinboner’s boss’s granddaughter and his boss would most definitely castrate him if anything happened to her. So I guess in some ways the pressure really is on Reincock’s head to keep Sara happy and safe. Too bad those two objectives are mutually exclusive since Sara will never ever ever be happy when she’s safe. Such is the universal way of sheltered prepubescent characters, as so many game/movie/story plots have proven time and time again like clockwork.
So Sara runs off and joins Leif, and Reinschlong uses his Berserk staff and shitty Warp Tiles© to fuck the player over and probably gets killed by whatever fliers you were using in this particular Thracia run. He also siccs the most fearsome mercenary in Jugdral, the great and legendary Prince Shannan, on Leif’s ass and Leif only barely survives his encounter with the overwhelmingly powerful Prince of Isaach. Either way, Leif pulls through. But even if Reincock survives the chapter, Manfroy probably kills him offscreen anyways for losing Sara. Therefore Chapter 16B ends, and with it goes Reincock’s relevance.
Anyways, if I didn’t make it clear already let me reiterate one more time why Reincock is such a great character. Reincock is probably an elite high ranking priest of the Loptyr Cult, trusted enough to get his own Berserk Staff. Like Manfroy, Sandima, and all those other nasty old cult men, he’s lived a long life of persecution and has probably been forced to live in hiding and on the run for most of his life. This man is a grizzled, war-torn survivor.
And here he is, so intimidated and sheepish around this 125,000,000 12 year old girl that all he can do is weakly tell her “no pls listen to your uncle reincock pls” and watch helplessly as she disobeys him and joins the enemy party.
There is literally no other character like Reincock in the entire franchise. And this makes me kind of sad, because this banner is kind of Reincock’s only chance to get into FEH. Reincock has direct ties to two of these characters – both Sara and Miranda. The only other character that Reinrichard is tied to is Shannam (and Manfroy of course). But Shannam is more likely to come as a seasonal than he is in his normal form. So they really don't have any reason to add Reincock after this banner.
Not only that, but Thracia has an incredibly slim number of GHB candidates. The only villains that are votable in Thracia are Raydrik, Veld, Kempf, and Reinhardt. Out of these only Raydrik is left. Toss in Gomez the Invincible and some of the recruitable enemies (Lifis, Perne, Galzus, Misha) and you get six more characters as GHBs.
Assuming one Thracia banner a year, the game will be out of villains to use in only six short years. Which is obviously very bad, because it’ll discourage IS even more from making further Thracia banners… that is, unless you want the GHB to be someone like the ever-memorable villain of Chapter 14x, the super-interesting and well written Aihiman and his quizzical 0 lines of dialogue, rivaling the writing of beloved characters such as Chilon from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Adding Reincock instead of Veld as this banner’s GHB would have not only fit thematically with Sara and Miranda, but it also would’ve extended the amount of GHB juice that Thracia has remaining. It’s a win-win-win, with the bonus flavoring of extra memes since Reincock is probably way more memeable than Veld is.
this has to be the dumbest shit I’ve written in the past 3 years someone send help
But this post wouldn’t be complete without a theorycraft, right?

The Hero We Deserved: Theorycrafting Reincock

Boy, I sure do love direct, on-the-nose references to the original game that throw any semblance of fun game balance out the window!
“I have nothing to say to you…”
Reincock literally has no art aside from his portrait and I didn’t feel like doing a floating head so this shitty photoshop of “Veld” will have to do. I even added the Berserk staff on his back. or something like that idk.
For his VA, I just had to choose the most distinctive and talented voice actor in the entire industry, which would be the one and only Blazer, the elusive megalomastermind behind the record-breaking hit game Fire Emblem: The Last Promise. Blazer has invented so many novel aspects of today’s culture both in the FE community and the world as a whole, such as Voice Acting, Roronoa Zoro, Seteth, the entire country of Canada, quintessence, and Pair Up, so I’m sure that a mere voice role like Reincock would be child’s play for him.
Now to explain away his stats. In his game, Reindick’s base Speed and Defense are both 10, so I felt like it would be a fun nod to make his stats identical. Likewise, his Strength and Resistance are identical as a callback to how Magic and Res are the same stat in Thracia. Finally, an actual use for Pure Waters!
And, most importantly, Reinprick has exactly 51 HP in Thracia. In an effort to make him have Interesting and Fun stats, I gave him 51 HP accordingly. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
Anyways let’s talk about his skills.
Berserk+: 7 Might. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts [Berserk] on target and foes within 2 spaces of target.
[Berserk] After combat, if unit attacked, deals 25 damage to nearest ally.
What would our boy be without his trademark staff? Berserk is kind of hard to emulate in FEH so I lazily stole an idea that I read on another post a few months ago instead. Yay, rushed meme writeups!
Reinwilly gets Rescue+ because he is the SUPREME WARP TILE© GOD who controls all the amazing movement skills and makes all the other wimps run to their adoptive parents. Poison Strike 3 is a replacement for his Jormungandr’s Poison effect except it sadly doesn’t do the funny Thracia thing where the enemy stays poisoned FOR THE REST OF THE MAP REEEEEEEEEE.
And finally, Def/Res Solo 4. You may be wondering, “what does this have to do with Reincock?” It has nothing to do with Reincock, it has to do with the abominable aberration known as the THRACIA THRONETM. See, THRACIA THRONETM s give +10 defense to anyone who’s standing on it, and standing on a THRACIA THRONETM inevitably means you’re standing solo.
Therefore, because Reincock is a Strong Independent Old Man who can stand up at a THRACIA THRONETM on his own two feet without no 1,358,953,200 5 year old girl pulling at his cheek, he gets Def/Res Solo 4.


we should’ve gotten reincock as the ghb. veld can wait. reincock can’t.
...you know, now that I’m done writing this and I’ve stopped to think, I’m... really not sure why I wrote this at all especially since I’m not 100% finished with my Choose Your Losers for tomorrow just yet. I kind of started writing this as a joke on a whim right after the GHB announcement and it sort of snowballed from there into this piece of trash. I guess I just wanted an excuse to talk about Reincock lmao.
anyways I hope you’ve learned a bit about reincock and why he’s cooler than veld and should've been the gbh instead of him.
submitted by BobbyYukitsuki to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

Fool's Journey-John

So, I believe u/Rexthedinosaur2002 made a post about the Fool's Journey before. He believed John was in The Tower (Tarot card 16 of 21) as of now.
I'm gonna see if I agree by going through the story thus far:

BEGINNINGS & CONSCIOUSNESS: "He is a fool because only a simple soul has the innocent faith to undertake such a journey with all its hazards and pain" (The Fool, 0). "The Magician....represents the active, masculine power of creative impulse. He is also our conscious awareness" (The Magician, 1).
UNCONSCIOUS AWARNESS & POTENTIAL: "The High Priestess is our unrealized potential waiting for an active principle to bring it to expression" (The High Priestess, 2).
NATURE & SENSATION: John's parents influence him as he learns about the world (The Empress, 3)
ORDER & DISCIPLINE: John also learns about the Rules (The Emperor, 4). It's possible that John's mother represents the Emperor and John's father represents the Empress, instead of vice-versa. I don't think we know enough yet to say though.

EDUCATION & GROUP IDENTIFICATION: "Eventually, the Fool ventures out of his home into the wider world. He is exposed to the beliefs and traditions of his culture and begins his formal education" (The Hierophant, 5).
RELATIONSHIP & VALUES: "[The Fool] yearns for relationship. The Fool also needs to decide upon his own beliefs" (The Lovers, 6).
VICTORY & SELF-ASSERTION: "For the moment, the Fool's assertive success is all he might wish, and he feels a certain self-satisfaction (The Chariot, 7).
STRENGTH & COMPASSION: "Over time, life presents the Fool with new challenges, some that cause suffering and disillusionment" (Strength, 8).

INTROSPECTION/GUIDANCE/SOLITUDE: "The sensual world holds less attraction for him, and he seeks moments of solitude away from the frantic activity of society. In time he may seek a teacher or guide who can give him advice and direction" (The Hermit, 9).
TURNING POINT & PERSONAL VISION: "When the Fool glimpses the beauty and order of the world, if only briefly, he finds some of the answers he is seeking" (Wheel of Fortune, 10).
RESPONSIBILITY & DECISION: "He looks back over his life to trace the cause and effect relationships that have brought him to this point. He takes responsibility for his past actions so he can make amends and ensure a more honest course for the future" (Justice, 11).

LETTING GO & REVERSAL: "Sooner or later, he encounters his personal cross - an experience that seems too difficult to endure. This overwhelming challenge humbles him until he has no choice but to give up and let go" (The Hanged Man, 12).
ENDING & ELIMINATION: "The Fool now begins to eliminate old habits and tired approaches" (Death, 13).
TEMPERANCE & COMBINATION: "Now, he realizes the balancing stability of temperance (14). He discovers true poise and equilibrium" (Temperance, 14).

HOPELESSNESS: "The Fool has his health, peace of mind and a graceful composure. What more could he need?...The Devil is not an evil, sinister figure residing outside of us. He is the knot of ignorance and hopelessness lodged within each of us at some level" (The Devil, 15).
DOWNFALL/SUDDEN CHANGE/RELEASE: "How can the Fool free himself from the Devil?...The Tower is the ego fortress each of us has built around his beautiful inner core. Gray, cold and rock-hard, this fortress seems to protect but is really a prison" (The Tower, 16).

HOPE/SERENITY/GENEROSITY: "The Fool is blessed with a trust that completely replaces the negative energies of the Devil. His faith in himself and the future is restored. He is filled with joy and his one wish is to share it generously with the rest of the world" (The Star, 17).
FEAILLUSION/BEWILDERMENT: "What effect could spoil this perfect calm? Is there another challenge for the Fool? In fact, it is his bliss that makes him vulnerable to the illusions of the Moon" (The Moon, 18).
ENLIGHTENMENT/GREATNESS/ASSURANCE: "No challenge is too daunting. The Fool feels a radiant vitality. He becomes involved in grand undertakings as he draws to himself everything he needs. He is able to realize his greatness" (The Sun, 19).

REBIRTH/INNER CALLING/ABSOLUTION: "The Fool feels absolved. He forgives himself and others, knowing that his real self is pure and good. He may regret past mistakes, but he knows they were due to his ignorance of his true nature. He feels cleansed and refreshed, ready to start anew" (Judgement, 20).
INTEGRATION/INVOLVEMENT/FULFILLMENT: "In line with his personal calling, he becomes actively involved in the world. He renders service by sharing his unique gifts and talents and finds that he prospers at whatever he attempts" (The World/ZA WARUDO, 21).

Edit: Wow, I didn't think this would get gold. First one I've ever gotten. Thank you very much u/DemiNeveWinter!
submitted by DawnOfHavoc to unOrdinary [link] [comments]

USA Presidential Inauguration 2021

USA Presidential Inauguration 2021
11:59 AM, US Capitol, January 20, 2021, Placidus + whole signs.

This unproven student astrologer indulges in wild speculation about the meaning of the astrological weather, and is probably both wrong and batshit crazy. You'd have to be just as crazy to believe a word. Want to know what's really going on? Do what a baby does: look all around you and absorb everything without prejudice. Check diverse news and opinion sources. Remember that a lot of voices are paid to push a certain narrative, or have an agenda to push, so relying on only a few channels of information is hazardous.
At the moment of Inauguration, Jupiter and Mercury rule under Saturn's (or some say, Neptune's) house, proclaiming an expansion of repressive government. The energy in Aquarius is small comfort. Directed to collectivist ideals, the rules come clothed in dangerously good intentions that reek of unintended consequences. The warmth seems somehow cold.
Jupiter is square Mars/Uranus, which are exactly conjunct in the House of Transformation (12th), close to the Moon at its apogee: The expansion of government triggers rebellion in the heart of the people. Sudden insights or revelations pierce the heart but also bring new inspiration. Secrets are uncovered; deceptions, secret enemies and imprisonments do their ugly work while new inventions work transformations. Goldsmith's revised Sabian symbol for the 7th degree of Taurus, where Mars/Uranus sit, is "Standing by an ancient well, a Middle-Eastern woman ladles out water for a thirsty wayfarer. Over her head, one sees a small halo." Divine inspiration guides benevolent action. Attempts to provoke us into civil war or totalitarian crackdowns will be prevented by small acts of kindness. The rebellion will be quiet and internal on this day. Chiron the enlightener, healer and self-sacrificing hero in the 12th reinforces this conclusion. Truth will prevail in the hearts of patriots.
Is a hot war with China imminent? Will there be domestic military rebellion? Why are so many troops massing in DC for a virtual inauguration? The massing is Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th at work. Based on the position of Mars/Uranus, Pluto with Venus in 9th/Capricorn, Chariklo at midheaven, empty 7th House (the house of open enemies), and positions of Ascendant, Midheaven, and Descendant, no hot war is imminent. The troop buildup and warlike footing will not explode into fighting. The military buildup is a temporary show of power. By who or why, I don't know. A state of war may exist with China, but it is a secret war in the 12th house as of Inauguration Day.
Ascendant in 14th degree of Taurus: "Crayfish are groping towards land, while high above the shore a modern city rises upon the ruins of an ancient civilization." The conscious mind, the coming day, is evolving and shedding outmoded ideas and structures. The family of humanity is forming underground organizations that resist repression and expand consciousness. Together we are building a more humanitarian society.
Midheaven in 27th degree of Capricorn: "A group of travelers passes a graveyard wreathed in luminous mist. When a frightful man appears, the leader of the group yanks a gawking child forward so they can all move on." The main event, the most prominent activities springing from this day will free the enthralled from morbid fascination, liberate the fearful from their cage of fear, and lead true patriots on their perilous and misty ways.
Descendant in 14th degree of Scorpio: "During wartime, a train arrives at a bombed-out trestle and is forced to stop. The passengers argue among themselves about the feasibility of continuing along the same track." The subconscious mind, the unreported and unheralded activities of the nation, will struggle with the tension between keeping to our missions in life and being derailed by sudden disruptive events. We must put our common survival first; conflict arises over how.
Imum Coeli in 27th degree of Cancer: "Barbarians on horseback swoop down on a wilderness fort, a violent lightning storm following close behind them." Deep in the heart of the nation a mighty storm is raging. In the chaos and lighting flashes, we glimpse an alien nation wreaking havoc among us. We must unite and turn our weapons outward. Without a root, the tree will wither and die.
Venus, in the 9th house of bringing truth into consciousness comes into a friendly sextile with Neptune in the 11th house of community, while Neptune similarly receives the Ascendant. Meanwhile, Venus supports the Ascendant with a trine, bringing opportunities for building communities of friends to view. In these friendly associations we will begin to transform our consciousness around the meaning of life (Pluto in the 9th) with great struggle and works (Capricorn). Neptune is central in all the activity, bringing awareness of our unity and strength. Many great opportunities for positive change lie before us, if only we can summon the will for mass action.
Ketu (South Node) in the House of Death indicates a mortal threat of death, to what I can guess but will not say. By grace the end would be mainly to old ways of thinking, and to old divisions. Death or rebirth are the choices, and rebirth always leads to a different world. The nearby star Antares (10 Sag) adds a flavor of strategic ability and courage, hopefully by those who defend the weak. Ketu square Neptune indicates a major threat to unity and self-awareness, and many being deceived. The Sabian symbol for Ketu's place is "A politician in an open limousine is being driven along a parade route. An angry spectator, repressing the impulse to shout obscenities, makes a cynical aside to his neighbor." Apply the symbol to events of the day as you will, interpretation is scarcely needed. The emperor is deluded and all can see the nakedness, but few dare speak the truth out loud.
Rahu (North Node) points to the 2nd House of Ownership as the path of ambition. A powerful square with Neptune injects a reordering of values into Rahu's hurly-burly competitions. Re-evaluations, crass and sublime, will abound. Goldsmith's revised Sabian symbol for 18th of Gemini where Rahu sits is: "In a crowded Midwestern diner, two Chinese-Americans watch a television newscast, then argue about it in Chinese." Hmm....another hieroglyph that seems more like a photograph, you figure it out. The nodes express stark truths of solar and lunar eclipses. Proximity of Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull at 10 Gemini, adds a martial, warlike flavor. 7 degrees from the Nodes are both Antares and Aldebaran now, tension is at the boiling point. My guess, the lack of exactness means "no huge shooting war." Rahu often signifies success; but one problem with the old dragon head is its addiction to gambling. Not uncommonly, Rahu looses big. And when it wins a prize it has not rightly earned, it brings unexpected misery.
Inauguration Day is significant not only for itself, but for the next four years. We must hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The people and truth can prevail, no matter who holds the administrative reins of federal powers. Hot war or massive physical struggle (e.g., civil war, famine, plague) are not indicated by this chart. Our sacred truths that inspire purpose and honor are in crises. We must band together to protect and reconfirm our nation in the same spirit of liberty and mutual benefit as 1776 in Philadelphia. But this time, more virtuous and stronger.
The Part of Fortune points to health in the 4th house of roots and family. It's time to find ourselves again. 13th degree of Leo: "A bearded Odysseus stands at the prow of his ship and sets a course towards the western Sun." Be steadfast. Follow your heroic quest with consideration for all.
Disclaimer: I have no secret knowledge and could be totally wrong. I guarantee only that the reading is honest and made in good faith to entertain you and inspire you to good works.
Seek truth, abide in love, repent from evil. Grace and peace to all.
submitted by non-aggress to astrology [link] [comments]

Brand new to the game? Gather round swabbies, lets get you started!

What's all this and why should I care?

I'm Thopterthallid. I like to write game guides as a hobby. I've been sailing the Sea of Theives since day one, and I've learned a thing or two. With Christmas having just past, and the game still half off on Steam, I've seen a HUGE influx of new players on the waves and in my crew. It's an exciting time to be a pirate and I want to help you get your sea legs and give you the best head start that I can.
I'll be writing this as a sort of blend between a guide and a F.A.Q post. And if you have any questions yourself, be sure to ask them in the comments! I'll try and answer everyone.

Here there be monsters.

The single most important thing to know and accept about Sea of Theives is that it has (for lack of a better term) "non-consensual PvP". This means that you'll be sharing the seas with other crews, and those ships are perfectly within their rights as defined by the game to attack you on sight. That's not to say that every crew you meet will be hostile though. Most crews I've come across are perfectly chill, and there's plenty of PvE content to keep what I'd say are the majority of players busy.
The second most important thing to know is that Sea of Thieves is not like Rust, or Ark. Nobody is going to destroy your things while you're offline, nobody can steal your gold or items you've bought, and the only things that can be taken from you are treasures you've yet to turn in, and freely spawning supplies you'll find in every barrel. You'll only be set back as much time as you're willing to risk, and maybe some bruised pride.
You will get boarded, cut down, shot, sunk, and burned by other players in this game. It's not cheating, it's not griefing, it's not against the rules of the game. If you can accept that, you'll have a great time with Sea of Thieves.

So what do you do in this game?

The gameplay loop of Sea of Thieves is a simple one. You'll set out on quests like bounties and treasure hunts, participate in world events like fleet battles and boss raids, and interact with other crews for better or worse. Your goal is to gather up treasures like chests, gems, cursed skulls, trinkets, trade goods, and animals to sell at outposts. With the gold you earn, you can buy cosmetic items like clothing, weapon skins, and ship parts. As you turn in treasures, your ranking in various factions called Trading Companies will rise. As you level up in Trading Companies, you'll unlock more lucrative voyages and new kinds of missions.
All progression in the game is either cosmetic, or unlocking ways to earn gold faster. Your pirate never grows stronger, your weapons deal the same damage as they did before, there's no magic blade that inflicts elemental effects, and your ship's hull never gets any more durable than it is. This might throw a few players off. It's definitely odd to play a multiplayer open world game like this and not find any sort of mechanical progression, but I think that's a testament to how fun the game is. We don't play because we're grinding levels to get to new content. We play because there's no other game like Sea of Thieves out there.

What should I be doing first?

The very first thing you should do is the Maiden Voyage. When you first launch Sea of Thieves, you'll be prompted to check out this tutorial mission. You'll be dropped on a safe, single-player island where you can get acquainted with the controls and feel of the game. For the cleverest and most determined pirates, there's a sizable gold reward hiding on the island for you. If you don't find it, don't worry. You can come back here any time from the main menu. Once you've completed the Maiden Voyage, you'll be placed into a live game. From here, you'll be offered the Onboarding Voyage. This will get you used to the loop of the game; get treasure, turn into NPC for a reward. After that, the sky is the limit and you've just unlocked 90% of the content in the game.
The first thing I'd suggest doing is talking to the Gold Hoarder in the green tent. He'll offer you some free starting voyages. The rewards for these early voyages are really low, but its important to understand how to locate and island, sail to it, retrieve treasure form it, and sail back. Luckily, these early voyages won't send you far. Bring the voyage to your ship and slap it down on the quest table. You'll either be given a riddle, a map, or some combination of both. Check your ship's sea chart to find the name of the island in the riddle, or the island that matches the picture on your map. You're already well on your way. Once you've become more acquainted with the seas, you can try an Order of Souls voyage or Merchant Alliance voyage.

What shouldn't I do early? What is that thing in the sky?

From time to time, you'll often see strange glowing symbols or trails in the air. These are world events and should be avoided when you're still learning the game.
A white skull cloud in the sky with green eyes is an active skeleton fort. Sailing near it is hazardous, as the fort's cannons will open fire on you. In addition, these tend to attract players. If you can defeat all the waves of skeletons inside, defeat the skeleton lord, and steal all the loot in the vault, you'll be very wealthy, but it's a tall order for a new player on their own.
A white skull cloud in the sky with red eyes is probably the most dangerous world event. The Fort of the Damned can only be summoned through a somewhat cryptic ritual involving acquiring a rare skull, and dying in six different fashions to unlock colored flames. This is the most valuable single activity in the game, and players will sail across the ocean to compete for it. I can't stress enough that you shouldn't even park at an island next to them unless you're prepared to be boarded and sunk. Players put a lot of time in starting the event and they WILL NOT tolerate you hiding nearby if they percieve you to be a threat.
A flaming tornado is the Ashen Winds event. On one of the large islands, one of four skeleton lords will spawn. They have tons of health, multiple forms, and are going to be the most heavily contested event during all of January save for a Fort of the Damned.
A cloud that looks like a galleon is the Skeleton Fleet Battle event. These are probably the least contested event in the game as they take a lot of resources to burn through. It's a good idea to keep your distance from these clouds as the skeleton ships that spawn will encircle your ship and broadside you with cursed cannonballs.
A glowing red skull in the sky wearing a hat is the Flameheart Fleet Battle. The ghostly ships that spawn are much more fragile than the ones from the other fleet battle, but cluster in much greater numbers. You'll need a lot of resources to defeat them all. Flameheart himself will comment on whats happening, such as another player ship entering the battle. The ghost ships sometimes drop crates full of cannonballs and planks, so it's not always a bad idea to sink a few to try and get one for a top up on supplies.
Glowing ribbon-like streams floating upwards signal the location of a Reaper's Chest or Reaper's Bounty. These treasures are worth a lot of gold and doubloons. These chests appear on maps as red or yellow skulls. which means if you pick one up, everyone will know where you are and where you're going. You'll need to take the chest to Reaper's Hideout near the center of the map. If you think you can get away with it, it's a good prize. Avoid it if you're carrying a lot of treasure you don't want to lose though.
As for other emergent encounters... You'll also meet Skeleton Sloops, Skeleton Galleons, Megalodons, and Krakens out on the seas. They're challenging opponents, but drop a decent bit of loot if you can take them out.

What are all the trading companies and what do I do with them?

The Gold Hoarders will send you on voyages to find buried chests. They'll give you riddles, or X-marks-the-spot type maps that lead you to troves of treasure which they can unlock for you if you split the contents with them. When you reach rank 25, they'll offer a new type of voyage that has you looking for map fragments that lead you to a vault full of treasure.
The Order of Souls will send you on voyages to destroy skeleton captains. These captains are tougher than normal skeletons and often have special traits to them, such as being immune to damage in the dark, or being made of gold. Once you reach rank 25, you'll be able to go on voyages to defeat ghostly fleets of galleons.
The Merchant Alliance will send you on Trade Good Voyages, which task you with finding supplies, animals, and gunpowder and delivering them to a specific outpost. They'll also send you on Cargo Runs, which task you with picking up fragile cargo from one island and taking it to another. Devil's Roar Cargo Runs are easily the best way to make money in the game. In the next update, they'll offer a new kind of voyage called Merchant Detectives that tasks us with locating lost shipments.
The Hunter's Call don't give out voyages. Instead, they'll buy any meat or fish you bring them. You'll get more gold and reputation by turning in cooked meals instead of raw. Some of the rarest fish in the game will sell for massive amounts of money. You won't find them on outposts. Instead, a Sea Dog's representative is waiting for you on each seapost. The tiny islands with little buildings on them. As an aside, Seaposts will sell clothing you can find in normal shops at a modest discount, so keep an eye out for deals!
The Sea Dogs don't give out voyages. Instead, they offer unique cosmetics for participating in the Arena. Separate from the normal adventure mode. Sadly, this mode never lived up to it's potential and won't be receiving any new updates. It's still worth playing to jump into ship to ship combat.
The Reaper's Bones don't give out voyages. Instead, they task players with hunting down emissaries and returning their flags to Reaper's Hideout.
Athena's Fortune are the "end game" trading company. Their voyages involve completing eight Gold Hoarder, Order of Souls, and Merchant missions before offering a voyage to dig up a chest of legends, one of the best chests in the game. To access this trading company, you need to reach rank 50 in three other trading companies.
The Bilge Rats are the event trading company. You don't rank up with them, but they'll offer seasonal voyages, event-based cosmetic items, and other cool things. You can also pay doubloons to get certain event triggering items like the Ritual Skull for Fort of the Damned.
It should be noted that none of the factions are "at war" with one another. In the lore, they often cooperate and work together (Aside from the reaper's bones). You can work with all eight trading companies without locking yourself out of the others.

What are emissaries?

The emissary system is a high risk, high reward style of playing. To be an emissary, you need to pay up 20,000 gold for the right to sail under a trading company's flag. Once you're an emissary, you can at any time raise the emissary flag by voting with your crew. When the flag is up, performing activities for that trading company will level up your flag up to 5. For example, if you're an Order of Souls emissary, you'll level up your flag by finding skulls, defeating captains, defeating skeleton lords, etc. If your ship sinks, you lose your flag and must raise it again from level 1. Levelling up your flag increases the gold reward for turning in items. Level 2 gets you an extra 33%. Level 3 gives you 66%. Level 4 doubles your reward, and having a level 5 flag gives you a whopping 2.5x bonus on all loot turned in for that faction.
Note that you only need to pay the 20,000 ONCE. Once you own the flag, you can raise it whenever you want.
The downside to playing as an emissary is that Reaper's Bone's players will be out to find you. By levelling up a Reaper's Bones flag to level 5, that crew will be able to see ALL other emissaries on the map. To balance this out, all Reaper's Bones emissaries appear on the map regardless of their level.

What else is there to do when I'm bored of voyages?

Tall Tales make a great chance of pace. Long adventures that will have you sail all over the world solving riddles, exploring dungeons, dodging traps, and fighting skeleton lords. Sea of Thieves has a surprisingly rich lore, and new world activities like Flameheart's fleet and the Ashen Winds raid that are added to the game are set into motion by events that occur during these story quests. I don't recommend them for brand new players as they tend to require a little bit of knowledge of the world, but don't skip out on them.

What is the Devil's Roar?

The Devil's Roar is the easternmost area of the Sea of Thieves. Its a series of volcanic islands that are very hazardous to pirate and ship alike. Volcanic rocks, earthquakes, steam geysers, and ashen skeletons are just some of the dangers that lurk in this area. If you're brave enough to explore it, all the loot you'll find there is worth double the value of normal loot. It's a great place to earn money, and PvP players tend not to venture there. Just be sure to drop what you're doing and run back to the boat when the caldera starts to smolder, otherwise there's a good chance your ship will be at the bottom of the ocean when you get there.

How do the microtransactions work?

Sea of Thieves has a microtransaction store called the Pirate Emporium. Microtransactions gross a lot of people out, but I don't think that Sea of Thieves does it in an especially predatory or icky way. I'll try to give as non-bias of an opinion as I can.
As I said before, you CAN earn Ancient Coins in game, but there's a big catch. You can only get them by defeating Ancient Coin Skeletons. These skeletons are absurdly rare, and in my hundreds of hours of playing I've only seen two. The combined total of Ancient Coins they gave me were barely enough to get a cheap emote. It's almost a non factor. THAT SAID, Rare is adding new ways to earn Ancient Coins in the next update. We'll see how it goes.
All things considered, I think that it's handled with at least some level of tact. It's not shoved in your face, and they avoid most of the big predatory tactics.

Quick FAQs:

How do I get a pet? The only way to get pets is to buy them in the Pirate Emporium. You'll need Ancient Coins which can be purchased for real money, or dropped from the VERY rare Ancient Coin Skeletons.
How do I know when food is cooked? Food will change color twice. Raw > Undercooked and then Undercooked > Cooked a few seconds later. There will also be a sound queue that sounds more sizzly. Fish will turn golden brown with white eyes.
What do different kinds of cannonballs do?
What are the advantages of each ship?
How do I get different colored lanterns?
When you die, the torch on the ferry of the damned will offer you a flame of fate. Raise your lantern and press the button prompt to take that colored flame. The color you get is determined by how you died:
When you have the flame in your lantern, you can set your ship's lanterns to those colors as well!
Where do I turn in this treasure?
Sometimes you'll find some strange treasure that doesn't go who you expect it to. Here's a quick guide:
Good techniques?
If you hold block while charging a sword, you can more freely move before performing a sword lunge. Jump just before you lunge to launch yourself great distances through water.
When digging, double tap the X key after each strike of your shovel to put it away and take it back out. You'll be able to dig treasure almost twice as fast.
When a riddle tells you to count paces, equip your compass and hold the mouse button. Your character will slowly walk and count steps more visibly.
When you're struggling with an X-marks-the-spot map, one of the best landmarks you can use to position yourself are those bright red plants.
When shooting an enemy ship, aim for the top deck if they're firing back. This will knock other players and skeletons off the cannons. If they aren't shooting you, aim below the water line so they take more damage.
If a harpoon latches onto your ship, you can quickly cut the line by slashing at the harpoon gun with a sword, or hitting it with a bullet.
What are some good resources for new players?
An interactive map that can help with riddles, tall tales, finding certain animals, and MUCH more. A must bookmark for every player.
PhuzzyBond's Youtube Channel. Dude is a Sea of Thieves genius and makes tons of great guides, such as how to win battles as a solo player.
Optimal sail positions for each ship in different wind conditions.

I hope that covers everything. If you have any questions, let me know! I'll try to answer them.

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Hazard symbols warn about the dangers of a substance. Risk is the chance that a hazard will cause harm. Risk assessments describe how to reduce the risk of harm when carrying out an experiment. To warn us of the hazards chemicalsuse hazard symbols. A substance that may cause irritation to the skin, eyes or inside your body. Toxic. A substance that is poisonous if swallowed or breathed in. Click to see full answer. Aug. 22, 2016. Hazard symbols have come a long way from the rudimentary drawings used to designate poison in the early 1800s. As a result of updated OSHA chemical labeling requirements, 2016 marks the first full year of adoption of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) in the U.S. 27th March, 2019. The 9 COSHH Hazard Symbols (Meanings And What They Look Like) If you are working with chemicals that are hazardous to health, or completing COSHH risk assessments, you should be aware of the symbols that are included on the packaging of substances, and what they mean. I was swimming to suddenly turn around to see a bear jumping off a stone into the water after me (still have no idea where it came from). Died. When I respawned I have this red nuclear/hazard/radiation symbol on the side of my screen and I have no idea what it means. What does the hazard symbol radioactive mean? WARNING, the thing or area so marked is emitting or permeated by radiation (alpha, beta or gamma) and is therefore harmful to your life. What element... In this way, what does the fire hazard symbol mean? Some may be poisonous, cause burns, catch fire easily or even explode. To warn us of the hazards chemicals use hazard symbols. This type of substance gives of a large amount of heat when in contact with other substances. Explosive. What does the hazard warning symbol mean? A symbol which gives the warning regarding type of hazard (danger) when an explosion takes place and it also suggests the remedial action to be taken in Definition of hazard symbol in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of hazard symbol. What does hazard symbol mean? Information and translations of hazard symbol in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Health Hazard. In the list of hazard symbols and meanings, this particular symbol shows that exposure to a particular substance may cause very serious and prolonged health effects. Never swallow such substance and ensure that it does not touch your skin surface. 11.

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