Virtual Pan flute Online |

pan flute player

pan flute player - win

Ginichicken?? Where are the pan flute players when you need them

Ginichicken?? Where are the pan flute players when you need them submitted by TheZigRat to Snorkblot [link] [comments]

How do I become the best pan flute player in the world?

submitted by jaimmster to shittyadvice [link] [comments]

Whenever you whistle "Greensleeves", everyone within earshot becomes an expert pan flute player as long as you whistle.

submitted by Chastity_belt_buckle to shittysuperpowers [link] [comments]

Winnipeg Pan flute player - thought we could help he views a bit.

Winnipeg Pan flute player - thought we could help he views a bit. submitted by adrenaline_X to Winnipeg [link] [comments]

Co Adriaanse says Depay needs to smarten up, stop dressing up like a “Peruvian pan flute player” and realise he’s not Usain Bolt or Cristiano Ronaldo.

Co Adriaanse says Depay needs to smarten up, stop dressing up like a “Peruvian pan flute player” and realise he’s not Usain Bolt or Cristiano Ronaldo. submitted by migraine_boy to reddevils [link] [comments]

The best pan flute player you'll ever see

The best pan flute player you'll ever see submitted by iamthewinner to videos [link] [comments]

Any Pan Flute Players here in #RVA?

Hi there, I am filming a documentary about unique instruments and I would love to chat with anyone who plays the pan flute in the Richmond area. Let me know if you or anyone you know plays and thanks!
submitted by seanyb14 to rva [link] [comments]

Damian Draghici is one amazing pan flute player. Yeah, that's right, PAN FLUTE.

Damian Draghici is one amazing pan flute player. Yeah, that's right, PAN FLUTE. submitted by TJazZ1337 to Jazz [link] [comments]

Bad-ass pan flute player, and yea he has no hands.

submitted by note54 to Music [link] [comments]

I think I got my luggage mixed up with Satan's - Part 8

Apparently, when Crabapple said detective work what he meant was for me to find a job on my own. My life, as turned upside-down as it had been since Paris, wasn’t just some game. No mission boards, no exclamation marks over people’s heads, and no radio station telling me to help a nearby settlement.
I wound up making a few more batches of the healing and sleeping potions. To his credit, my imp told me I was a natural alchemist.
Really, it’s just soup stock. And I like soup.
In order to empower the potions with their latent energies, I had to focus on each bottle at a time, sealing the contents with a hint of magic almost like sterilizing pickles or jam. Between refilling the pot, getting the water to simmer, and waiting for the stock to be ready for bottling, I made a dozen each of the potions before calling it a night.
I also think I detected an oncoming headache, as though even the limited mana I needed for alchemy bordered on pushing myself too far.
After a couple days binging new shows on Netflix and cleaning out my laptop, I convinced Crabapple to come with me to The Gray Rose. There wasn’t much else to do, really.
“Good to see ya, Emily!” Floo greeted me as we entered. The place seemed busier than last time, with many booths filled with customers of all sorts.
I said hello and introduced the satyr to my imp, taking a seat at the bar again. “And I brought these,” I smiled, placing four Lunes on the countertop. I’d also packed my bag with some of the potions, in case I ran into anyone I could sell some to.
“Ah! The usual, then?” Floo asked, receiving a nod in reply. He took two of the Lunes and pushed the others back. “Like I said last time - first time’s free.”
My cider arrived shortly after, and I hardly had a chance to take a sip my imp had been going so crazy since entering.
“Oh my Satan, you didn’t tell me Floo worked here!” Crabapple exclaimed quietly, constantly pulling at my sleeve. “Do you think he still plays? Would it be weird to ask for an autograph? Can we get some fries?”
Yeesh, and I thought I needed to get out more, I thought, directing it at the imp’s mind-reading. “I’ll make you some fries later, need to find a job if we want to buy them. What’s your deal?”
“What’s my deal? What’s your deal! That’s Floo!”
Floo Floo.”
“Argh!” Crabapple punched at my side with a claw, furious I didn’t understand. I nearly smacked him across the room in response but remembered the warning I’d received about causing trouble in the pub.
After calming himself a bit - I gave him a sip of the cider to help - Crabapple explained like an excited schoolgirl. “That’s Floo.”
“As you’ve said.”
“No, he’s… As in Floo, the flautist.” He grumbled and went on when I didn’t reply with shock. “The most talented pan flute player this century? Surely you’ve heard of him.”
I shook my head, but a girl to my side interrupted before I could reply with any confusion. “Most talented?” She scoffed with a smile. “Aside from Ruby, you mean.”
“Ruby?” Crabapple replied. “Ruby? Ruby’s a piper-vocalist, you can’t compare her to Floo. Ruby. Honestly.”
“What, you haven’t heard her new album then?” Came a small, higher voice to the girl’s side. A female imp stepped out from behind her shoulder, walking forward with arms crossed.
“Ruby put out a new album?!” Crabapple questioned. “When?”
The girl giggled slow and warm, turning to face me as our imps argued. “I’m Mary, of the green,” she introduced herself, then nodded to her imp. “And that’s Dandelion.”
“Emily, and Crabapple. Nice to meet you,” I said, as pleasantly as I could. Mary looked a few years older than I, with dark skin, full lips, and a veritable mane of frizzy but tamed black hair. She wore a baggy green sweatshirt that matched her emerald eyes, and skinny jeans showing off her long legs. In the right light, I could see a potential girl crush.
“And your coven?” She asked.
“Oh, my color. Right. Uh, gray-adjacent?”
Mary laughed molasses, showing off a beaming white grin. “Still learning, got it. How long?”
“A couple weeks.”
“Oh boy, a total newbie, huh?” Mary reached to sip on a milkshake, the color of which seemed to shimmer occasionally.
“Yeah, I, um…” Look at me go, making friends with my impeccable conversation skills. “Why green?” I simply asked without thinking. I hoped it wouldn’t be too personal a question.
“Oh, you really are a newbie,” Mary raised her eyebrows. “No mother, aunt, great-anything?”
I shook my head. “Found a spellbook in my luggage. He came with it,” I nodded to Crabapple, who’d somehow found a fry.
“Huh. Certainly never heard that one before.” Mary leaned on the counter and looked off to a corner. “Why green.” She paused. “I guess I just didn’t see myself as white or black, you know? Healing, harming, why get so involved?”
I’d suspected what white and black witches focused on, but I still had no idea what green witches were for. “So what do you do then?”
“Oh! We’re nature witches. Druids, sort of. Specialize in alchemy mostly, preserving the balance and whatnot. More wiggle room in terms of our choices.”
What choices she referred to I couldn’t tell, but if she excelled in alchemy, then… I reached into my bag and took out one of the healing potions. “Could you tell me if this is any good?”
Mary gave the bottle a look, a little surprised. “You made this?” She asked, rolling the bottle over in her hands as she inspected the contents.
“Yeah. First time, so I don’t know if-”
Without another word, Mary took out a pocket knife and cut her arm. A few customers in a corner booth gasped loudly, but she ignored them completely and downed the potion.
Crabapple flitted to my shoulder. “What the hell are you-”
Dandelion darted up to Mary, speaking at the same time. “Why did you-”
“Oh, relax you two,” the green witch rolled her eyes, taking a moment to assess the aftertaste. She sort of nodded a bit, then looked at her bleeding arm.
It took some time, but sure enough the cut slowly came together until it became nothing more than a seam, then flawless skin. Mary grabbed a napkin to wipe the remaining blood off and gave me a thumbs-up.
“It’ll work for small stuff,” she explained, “but don’t expect it to fix more than a bone or two. Could use some work on the taste, too. Maybe add some honey?”
“That won’t change the potion?”
“Nah. Usually any non-magical stuff will only affect the flavor.”
“Good to know, thanks.”
“No problem! Happy to help.”
My lingering stare got fortunately cut-off by a delivered Belgian waffle. I tried to ignore Crabapple’s pestering while I ate, making idle conversation with Mary. Dandelion stayed rather quiet throughout, glancing around the bar while swinging her legs off the edge of the counter. Before leaving, Mary gave me her number in case I wanted any more help with alchemy.
Crabapple insisted we find a schedule of any live performances coming up at the tavern, and after confirming none that night we made it home safely.
And I had, presumably, made my first friend as a witch.
submitted by Zchxz to Zchxz [link] [comments]

What are your favorite contradictory character tropes?

Screw barbarian Goliaths, elven rogues, and human wizards.
I'm thinking the elf sorcerer who hates magic, but can't do anything well besides magic. The human cleric who is trying to prove there is no higher power. The dwarf rogue who happens to be 100 pounds overweight. The scrawny goblin paladin who is much stronger than she looks. The scary and massive Goliath who aspires to be the greatest pan flute player in the land.
What else have you got?
submitted by fisheypixels to DnD [link] [comments]

What's the relationship between the TTC and the musicians that play in its subway stations?

Does anyone know how much are they paid by the TTC if at all, or do they pay for the right to play in the stations?
I remember hearing a while back that they had a union that negotiates with the TTC for play rights. Is this true?
Also, how much would you think do they make on a daily basis? My guess is the cellist and the really young saxophonist must do well, but I wonder how the balalaika guy, the Bolivian pan-flute player and the old violin guy do.
The reason I ask is because some of them seem to work really long hours in what aren't the best conditions, and I wonder if better opportunities are not available to them as talented musicians.
submitted by greendude to toronto [link] [comments]

[Table] IamA 18-yr old boy who was raised by my two lesbian mothers. AMA.

Verified? (This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)
Date: 2012-11-23
Link to submission (No self-text)
Link to my post
Questions Answers
I'm a lesbian and I'm pregnant with my first child with my partner. It's a boy! Do you have any advice or do's and don't's as a son of gay parents? Wow, really? That's awesome! Oh, gosh...that's a lot of responsibility! I'll do my best!
First of all, I think the most important is to make clear to the child that whatever activities he wants to do, you'll support. He wants to try ballet? Go for it. Karate? Cool. Baseball? Even better. I'm so fortunate that my parents didn't over-emphasize gender stereotypes in either direction, which has had a direct impact in my ability to express myself however I want. If the boy starts to express feminine tendencies, don't repress them on the basis that they're unnatural. Some of my fondest memories are of my moms painting my toenails and letting me wear their high-heeled boots.
Next off, I hope you live in a friendly and tolerant area. I was fortunate to grow up in one, and I can only hope he will do the same. However, not everyone is accepting, and I sometimes had to lie about my parents to not be bullied. If he lies about having two moms, don't freak out. Many people won't understand. Sure, you want to instill pride in him in his family, but don't force it. If he has to lie so that school is better for a while, sure. That doesn't mean he isn't proud of you and doesn't love you. In fact, he would probably be trying to protect you, in some deep-seated way.
What else? Love him, feed him, tell him he's worth it, always support him, be there for him's very important also to be honest about issues. If he asks about sex before he's ready to know, don't lie. Just tell him "I'll tell you in 5 years." That always shut me up. It gave me a time to look forward to rather than a lie that would eventually be broken. Honesty is ALWAYS best.
Other than that, just abide by like, common sense and stuff. If you have any more specific questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them. PM me or whatnot.
Mate, that was some of the best advice i have ever read. Don't over emphasize his sexuality (he'll grow into it), don't freak out about not telling the truth about his parents situation and always be honest. Very impressive and completely spot on, tip o' the hat. Just doin' my duty.
How did kids treat you at school when they found out you had 2 moms? I didn't tell people until I was in high school, and by then no-one cared.
Did you ever feel like you were missing anything by not having a father? I knew my father up until 2 years ago. He was an asshole.
Were you adopted or is one your biological mother? If you were adopted how old were you? One of them is my biological mother.
Thanks for answering my questions. Got another one for you. If you dont mind. When you were younger I assume your friends knew about your parents. Did that ever effect your friendship with them? Or possibly their parents put a stop to your friendship? EDIT: Can't spell to save my life. I never had a lot of friends, and those who did know didn't mind. I chose my friends wisely--I wouldn't have made friends with people whose attitudes were dickish enough not to accept my parents. I never actually experienced very much discrimination on the basis of my parents. I live in New York, in a pretty liberal area, so that's always a plus.
Since your father was a cunt, did you take one of your mothers' friends or relatives as a male role model? No, not really. I looked up to Teddy Roosevelt.
Smart choice in friends. Indeed.
What do you call them? both "mom", or "mom1" and "mom2"...? I call my biological mother "Mom" and my non-biological mother "Angela."
What are the chances of you becoming lesbian? At least 300% or more.
Honest question, are you straight, bi or gay? Pansexual.
I like those odds (; So do I ;p.
How do you feel about girl on girl porn? It's hot.
It brings me joy to know that the presence of your parents' sexuality doesn't prevent you from intimately knowing the beauty of girl on girl. Oh, friend...neither hell nor high water could keep me away from that joy. ;)
Star Trek or Star Wars? Stargate SG-1.
Get at me.
Indeed. My parents, though, hate the show. They hate Richard Dean Anderson on principle because they think he sucked on McGuyver. Little do they know that when they told me that, they signed their own death warrants...
How about Babylon 5? Fuck yeah!
The mom on the left is hot! Which one is your biological mom? The one on the left.
Has your mothers sexual identity ever affected your own? I'm pansexual. I suppose it didn't affect it so much as it made it easier for me to discover it for myself.
How does that work? Have you - at your tender age - actually encountered a lot of cisgender people and felt attraction to all of them? Or maybe you are bisexual? Or maybe you still have to identify yourself properly? Nope. No question about my identity. I am not 'actually bi.' I am not still identifying. I have met plenty of transgender people as well as cisgender people and have been attracted to many of them. I know what I do and do not like sexually. I've had sexual experiences with both cismen and ciswomen, and enjoyed both. I've never had sexual experiences with non-cis people, but it wouldn't be as important as the person themself.
This wasn't taught in my gender and sexuality class in college, hmm. Anywho off to google pan sexual. I'm going to go ahead and assume it means you only have sex with pan flute players ;) It actually means that I get off to pots and pans. Like, Teflon is super sexy and shit.
Hey, teflon is easy to clean afterwards, good choice! P.
So I need clarification. A cisgender is a girl who acts like a girl or a guy who acts like a guy? Yea? A cisgender is a person who identifies with the gender corresponding to their biological sex. A cisgender woman would be someone whose body is female and who identifes as female.
Do you cum while browsing the kitchen section at your local supermarket? Or you're not allowed there anymore? Uhh...I'm under a court order not to talk about that...
OP - You already have. Well, then I'm doing my part.
I have never been so confused reading a conversation thread yet laughed so much, thank you pan sexual man, you have made my day. I live to serve, m'lord.
What is it called if you are an asexual female but gender wise identify as a male but are still attracted to males? I'd call this person a gay male. Transmen are real men, no doubt about it. Fuck society's pigeonholing.
Today I learned I am a cisgender woman. Now you know...and knowing is half the battle! GI JOEEE.
How old are they? How long have they raised you for? My biological mother is 46, my non-bio Mom is 36. My bio-mom has raised me since birth--my non-bio mom came into my life when I was two.
Are they hot? My biological mother is pretty good-looking. My non-bio mother is beautiful, but not hot.
Are you still in contact with your dad? If not, who was the 'man' in your life to teach you the manly ropes? I am not. He was a poor role model, a drunkard and coke-head who cared more about laying pipe in confused young girls than morals.
Have you ever been attracted to your non-maternal mother? ಠ_ಠ No. She is awesome and loving, but not particularly attractive.
Did you have a good Thanksgiving? Yes, actually. Thank you! I got to bake two pumpkin pies, my specialty!
A man who bakes, eh?? Nice! If I learned me some of that, I could get any girl I want. But sadly, I'd rather play Black Ops. Hey, COD is kind of cool.
Pumpkin pies are cooler though. It's true.
However, my dad *has** a dick so she divorced his ass before I was born.* FTFY. This makes me are funny.
What was it like to graduate? Awesome! Now I get to go to an amazing state school and do crazy science!
Not to mention that on the day I graduated, we went out to eat a a local diner and the manager told me my meal was free after I showed him my diploma!
Oh awesome! I'm set to graduate high school this month. I do hope I get a free meal. Have your parents be all like, really excited. Make it seem as if it was a WAY harder effort to graduate than it actually was.
I will never not help people get free food.
Do they watch man on man porn? They both think porn is gross. They don't care if other people enjoy it, they just don't.
What kind of relationship did you have with you father? and does anyone give you a hard time because of it? My father...was a verbally abusive sumbitch alcoholic drug-addict violent bipolar aggressive fuck-up who I had a long, troubled, and complex relationship with and even though I hate him I miss him. That's the condensed version, all in one sentence.
What is your opinion on the current situation in Israel? Israel needs to stop being such a butt. So does Hamas.
Are u yourself gay or straight? I am pansexual.
Do you prefer cast-iron or copper-bottom? Oh, baby...copper-bottom all the way!
But are you single? :3. But of course...;)
Well hey there ;) Hello =3.
I don't know.. if you want to do something later or... like...maybe we could hang out or... Do you have an Okcupid?
Did your mothers establish roles? (i.e was one more like the father and one the mother?) No, they both did their own thing. It's always been pretty non-stereotypical.
Why does it say deleted? Why would he delete something that made the front page? Did I delete something? Did I delete myself? I'm baffled.
Did you ever do every kid's nightmare; walk in on your parents having sex? I did. I had a nightmare when I was four and went into my (lesbian) parents' room. They were passionately scissoring on the bed. I said "Why are you wrestling at night, Mommies?" They screamed in surprise and tried to explain they were trying a new work-out routine.
Thank you for answering my question kind sir; I lost it on the "passionately scissoring" comment. One more question I have always wondered; does the fact you have lesbian parents turn you off from say girls at parties making out or seeing other women in general doing more explicit female on female activities (especially after seeing your mothers working out on the bed)? Not really. Turn-ons are turn-ons. I take them as I am...stimulated, we shall say.
That was the main thing I have always wondered, for some reason. Thanks again for answering my questions. No problem! Always happy to help.
Ok... I know that you love your moms. And for the record, I'm gay, so I totally affirm your family and all. This AMA has made me smile all the way through. I know that you are most fortunate to have loving parents at all in a world where there are so many kids without. But... do you ever wish that you were raised in a hetero-normative family? Like, I'm hispanic, living in Miami. I love it. but sometimes I wish I was born into a nebraska farm family. Do/did you ever wish you were born into a straight family? Or do you consider yourself more fortunate than others to have been born into a lesbian household? I have never wished that my family was any different. I actually consider myself more fortunate, for accepting and tolerance were instilled in me earlier than most.
Awesome. I still wish I was born on a farm in Nebraska though... I really loved your AMA by the way. Anytime!
I know you talk a lot about how people were cool with it, but did you ever have some negative run-ins with people? Yeah. Some church-goers. Not violent ones, the kind of people who say "We just want you to really accept Jesus, and turn from your sin when He fills your life..."
Are you too legit to quit? I'm too fab to be drab.
Once I was trying to reconnect with my family. Usually I don't like my family, such as cousins, aunts and uncles. I sat on my cousins porch one night for two hours and just before I decided to leave I was subjected to this, "kids who are raised by same sex couples turn out all screwed up. They're more promiscuous, they do drugs. They're just screwed up. A kid needs a mom and a dad." This coming from the guy who has 7 kids from five different women, all of whom he cheated on and did drugs as far back as I can remember. So let me ask you. Are you more promiscuous than a person who was raised by a traditional family? Are you screwed up? I'm kind of promiscuous, and actually kind of screwed up...but that's because my father was a horrible person, not because my mothers were.
If you are going bowling with a group that is ok-good at bowling and it is your first time, is it ok to request the bumper sides to help you? or do you just man up and try it the traditional way? I'm a really good bowler, so I do it bareback.
Have you turned into a carpet munching dyke as the fundies would have me beleive? Well, I'm a boy, so I'm not really a dyke...but I have munched some carpet in my day ;)
Do you believe women are superior to men? I am an egalitarian, so no.
Do you find yourself to be sexually dominant with your partners or sexually submissive, a mixture, or neither? I like to be sexually everything ;)
Do you try too hard to put out a normal and healthy vibe so people don't think having two moms made you weird? I put out a natural vibe--an all-around friendly vibe.
You must be a lesbian too now, because that's how it works right? Yes, totally. When I was 17, my apotheosis into an uber-dyke was made complete.
Also, I definitely forgot how to use sarcasm.
Are you a lot closer to your biological mom than the other? Not really.
Are you a "momma's boy"? A little bit...
See, because you have two moms. It was a play on words. Oh. Ha ha. Sorry, I'm a bit tired. Some things are just wizzing right by my head today...
Basically it's to avoid calling them "normal" or "traditional." because that sets up transsexual / intersexual as NOT normal. It may be uncommon but that's not the same as not normal. The word 'normal' carries connotations of superiority and sets up a structure in which there will be an inferior class of 'abnormal' people.
Seems like I had a similar upbringing eg raised by lesbians. except my dad is gay as well as a fuckwit. My dad was definitely a fuckwit. In the worst possible way.
Alcoholic fuck that he was.
I'm sorry to hear that. mine was both physically/emotionally abusive and a drug addict. haven't spoken to him in over 2 years and refuse to let him meet his only grandchild (my son) I cut off all contact with Halloween 2010. He was getting heavily into coke, E, and his alcoholism, depression, and bipolarism were worsening.
And to everyone who says that gay parents corrupt children, they DON'T. BAD parents do.
Not sure how to not be awkward about this, but Left-Mom is f'ing hot. No problem. I'm well aware that literally EVERYONE EVER finds her hot.
So cool! As a gay guy I've always wanted to meet someone with same sex parents. Seems like you had a great experience (not to sound like a weirdo lol). No, not weird at all! It's been great.
Nice. Niiice.
Nice work OP, post an AMA and don't answer any questions. I've answered a ton of questions, Ming. I don't know what y'alls talking 'bout...I was at brunch with my family today, so I can't be redditing alls the time.
My best friend is also 18 and was raised by lesbian mothers. Coolest family ever. just throwing that out there I know! Gay families always seem so much happier.
Haha, I'd love to move up there. Norway, Sweden and Finland are wonderful countries. Who knows, might be the only option after all. Would be nice to stay close to our families and friends though. We'll see. We got time, we're only 20. Thank you for taking the time to answer me & wish me luck ! :) No problem! ^
Try having lesbian mothers while living in Texas... Not a fun time, I promise. :( When your parents are gay in Texas, you're gonna have a bad time.
My Aunts have a 4 year old girl they are raising together and she is absolutely precious. She calls her biological mom Mommy and non-biological mom "Baby" it's pretty damn adorable heart has melted.
Thought this was in /circlejerk when I saw it on my front page. What is /circlejerk, exactly?
You have beautiful eyes blushes
Last updated: 2012-11-27 19:32 UTC
This post was generated by a robot! Send all complaints to epsy.
submitted by tabledresser to tabled [link] [comments]

I wanna write a pastoral horror game or story or something

We won't have a freezer so I have to drink the vodka. Shh I know it doesn't go bad.
This thing told me about Scandinavian composers. I've never even been on reddit before, but I'm sick of 4chan, and the stupid fucking thing. So I'm thinking my protagonists will be straw hat-wearing shepherdesses, maybe some creepin' pan flute player with his head ever tilted to one side. The bad guy could say "Et Arcadia Ego" and be a metaphor for time, or death. It might be eating their sheep.
What would you want out of pastoral story, or tabletop RPG? If the latter, who would your player character be? Do you have a favorite pastoral painter? Do you think they genuinely liked painting that stuff, or do you feel they were trapped into it like cogs in the machine? I think they were goddamn double scientists.
submitted by metalego to drunk [link] [comments]

7 player piano rolls and a mini fluted cake pan by Pampered Chef for $11.41! Woohoo!

7 player piano rolls and a mini fluted cake pan by Pampered Chef for $11.41! Woohoo! submitted by Red-Bell-Pepper to ThriftStoreHauls [link] [comments]


Survivors! Welcome to the new Crossout season “Syndicate”! Complete the tasks of the season, increase your level in the event and unlock new parts of the “Neon Dragon” faction! In this update you will also find: a new PvP map, balance changes and a number of other important improvements and fixes.

In-game event “Syndicate”

Attention! The event will last until April 30 inclusive!
  • There are 75 levels in the event. Raising the level of the event can unlock new rewards.
  • If the player has a Battle Pass, 20 in-game coins are rewarded for levels from 76 and above.
  • All players without exception (both with and without a paid Battle Pass) can unlock:
    • Structural parts of the new faction.
    • Recipes for the production of weapons/chassis/cabins/ of the new faction.
    • A banner logo that displays your current level in the event.
  • Players who have acquired a Battle Pass may receive the following additional rewards:
    • Parts that have been crafted before. Please note that such parts are already issued with certain upgrades and cannot be sold/bought on the market.
    • In-game coins.
    • Cosmetic items: paints, stickers, decor, backgrounds for personalizing the banner, holograms.
  • Rewards marked with a lock icon are only available in the Battle Pass.
  • When the event ends, the player will have access to all recipes and structural parts that he managed to unlock.
  • All locked parts (except for structural parts) can be purchased on the in-game market from other players.
  • When the event ends, all locked part recipes will be unavailable.
  • Structural parts can be unlocked some time after the event. The unlock method will be announced later.

Event Level Up

  • You can increase your level in the event by completing special challenges:
    • Daily challenges
    • Challenges that are updated during the week. Given on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • At the end of the day, all outstanding daily challenges are reset and replaced with new ones.
  • At the end of the week, all outstanding challenges that are updated during a week are carried over and added to the list of new challenges.
  • Challenges that are updated during the week are divided into “main” and “additional” groups. At one time, 2 „main” and 1 “additional” challenges are issued.
  • Please note that it is possible to get the maximum level in the event by completing only daily and “main” challenges. Completing “additional” challenges will help you increase your level even faster.
  • Try not to miss challenges to open all available rewards as soon as possible.
  • When the event level is increased, the reward is issued automatically.
  • You can still complete regular daily and weekly challenges, save badges and other resources.

New Faction: “Neon Dragon” Syndicate

Those who proudly call themselves “Neon Dragon” were once a branch of a Pan-Asian corporation. With Crossout approaching, the attempts to escape its effects have led to the mass cybernetization in their ranks.
The Syndicate uses abandoned high-rise buildings as their bases. Their bright, flamboyant armoured vehicles are visible from afar, and with technically advanced weapons, they quickly proved that the “dragons” are not the ones to be trifled with.


Epic cabin “Jannabi”
  • Lightweight cabin.
  • PS: 1800.
  • Maximum cabin speed: 100 km/h.
  • Tonnage: 4000 kg.
  • Mass limit: 8100 kg.
  • Adds energy: 12 pts.
  • Durability: 230 pts.
  • Weight: 700 kg.
  • Perk: “Increases the weapon damage when armoured vehicle is in a drift.”
Most of the Syndicate’s technical achievements were made possible by advanced energy storage systems. For example, this cabin accumulates the energy that is generated while the armoured vehicle is drifting. It directs the excess energy into the weapon, seriously increasing its damage.
Legendary cabin “Yokozuna”
  • Heavy cabin
  • PS: 2100.
  • Maximum cabin speed: 65 km/h.
  • Tonnage: 10000 kg.
  • Mass limit: 21000 kg.
  • Adds energy: 11 units.
  • Durability: 490 pts.
  • Mass: 4500 kg.
  • Perk: “Upon activation gives a bonus to power and maximum speed. Reactivation sends a drone to the highlighted ally, increasing the power of its cabin. If the cabin is heavy, the maximum speed is also increased. Duration — 13 sec, cooldown 30 sec. ”
In combat, the Syndicate often uses groups of heavy armoured vehicles with this cabin as their base. The support drone modules build into them allow the group to move much faster than one would expect from such massive vehicles.


“Special” activatable contact weapon “Tempura”
  • PS: 570.
  • 30% resistance to explosive damage.
  • Durability: 140 pts.
  • Energy drain: 3 pts.
  • Mass: 94 kg.
A construction welder converted to a melee weapon. After charging, it fires a short stream of high-temperature flame. Burns parts right through. Requires a reload.
“Epic” autonomous drone “Yaoguai”
  • PS: 1375.
  • Ammunition: 8 pcs.
  • Durability: 173 pts.
  • Energy drain: 5 pts.
  • Mass: 405 kg.
  • Perk: “The drone deals increased damage for the first few seconds.”
The Syndicate drones are noticeably different from their equivalents in the Valley. For example, the “Yaoguai” model is fired into the specified area, where it unleashes heavy fire on the enemy. The short active time is compensated by an enhanced weapon system.
“Epic” tracking system “Enlightenment”

  • PS: 275.
  • Durability: 115 pts.
  • Energy drain: 1 unit.
  • Mass: 216 kg.
  • Perk: "When the beacon is shot down, the module’s cooldown is reduced by 30%”.
One cannot hide from the Syndicate — a lesson learned quickly in the Valley. The beacon fired by this module will not only constantly broadcast the enemy’s position on the map, but will also prevent him from using invisibility. Unless an ally destroys it, of course.
“Legendary” minelayer “Jubokko”
  • PS: 1600.
  • Ammunition: 2 pcs. (the weapon reloads after launching 2 mines)
  • Durability: 349 pts.
  • Power consumption: 4 pts.
  • Mass: 360 kg.
  • Perk: “If all projectiles from the burst hit the target, the last of them will deal increased damage”.
The Syndicate’s traps came as an unpleasant surprise to many survivors. After trying to outmaneuver the “dragons”, drivers often found themselves surrounded by turrets of the “Jubokko” model. With almost no ability to move, they became an easy target, held down by electric cables.
“Legendary” pulse cannon “Kaiju”
  • PS: 4400
  • Durability: 1197 pts.
  • Energy drain: 11 units.
  • Mass: 1980 kg.
  • Perk: “If all projectiles of a fully charged weapon hit the enemy, the damage of the next burst will be 125% of the default”.
A high-tech weapon developed by Syndicate engineers. Incredibly accurate and reliable. When fully charged, it deals colossal damage but consumes a lot of energy. So much so that, as a result of overcharging, it reduces the speed of the armored vehicle and the guidance of the weapon itself.


“Special” wheel “Camber”
  • PS: 100.
  • Tonnage: +630 kg (+350 for the ST version).
  • Power: -5% (-10% for the ST version).
  • Durability: 135 pts.
  • Mass: 45 kg.
For most Wasteland inhabitants, this kind of wheel tilting looks like a usual malfunction. But for those who like to send their armored car into a drift, preferably controlled, this is an extra advantage.
“Epic” rolling-based chassis​ “Omni”
  • PS: 380.
  • Max. chassis speed: 90 km/h.
  • Tonnage: +1300 kg.
  • Power: -19%.
  • Durability: 360 pts.
  • Mass: 310 kg.
  • Perk: “Allows to move in any direction.”
This unusual chassis came to the Valley with the Syndicate. Their main feature is the ability to move in any direction. But they will definitely not be used for parallel parking.
The progression and receipt of faction part blueprints occur within the framework of the in-game event “Syndicate”.

“Battle Pass” (Deluxe Edition) pack

  • Upon purchasing this pack, the player gains 15 levels to his current progress in the event. All additional battle pass rewards for already received levels are automatically made available.
  • Provides access to additional rewards: crafted and upgraded parts, decor, paint, backgrounds for personalizing the banner, CK and coins.
  • The pack can be purchased only once.

“Battle Pass” pack

  • Upon purchasing this pack, the player gains 1 level to his current progress in the event. All additional battle pass rewards for already received levels are automatically made available.
  • Provides access to additional rewards: crafted and upgraded parts, decor, paint, backgrounds for personalizing the banner and coins.
  • The pack can be purchased only once.

New PvP map «East quarter»

Developer comment: “East quarter” is the first map in the new style of the Syndicate, which stands out against the existing locations with its urban theme and color palette. The new faction firmly settled there and is not particularly glad to see new visitors. And no matter what brings them to the Syndicate territory — everyone will be provided with a warm welcome.
The fierce battles in the center of the quarter in the “capture” mode allow you to experience all features of the map: height differences, the ability to control points, the balance of pathways and much more.
Multiple shooting openings and good visibility from covers will allow you to play tactically both in defense and in offence. It should not be forgotten that the center of the location is crossed by a dried channel. Fast melee cars can descend there to catch their opponents by surprise and cause panic in the ranks. Therefore, it is better to stick together and watch closely what your opponent’s actions, finding weaknesses in his defense.


  • Now, when an armored vehicle hits a bush or when the camera is close to a tree, the bush or tree will become translucent and will not block your view. This is implemented only for the “Clean island” and “East quarter” locations, but in the future we plan to implement this for older locations as well.
  • Added destructible objects to the map “Cursed mines”.


  • Raiders blueprints of the “Nomads” faction have been revised.
  • Changed the bases for turrets. Now they do not stay on the map after the destruction of turrets and do not interfere with the movement of players.
  • Improved the draw distance of mines and explosive barrels in raids.
  • Now, if the first player joined the raid at any stage after the second player received sufficient points in this stage, the stage is always counted for the first player.

Custom battle

Now you can select the PS range for AI vehicles participating in the battle (only for “Missions”).


Cabin “Werewolf”
Now the drone from the cabin is invulnerable for 1 second after it appears.
Cabin “Favourite”
Changed the mechanics of the perk:
  • Now, when the perk is activated, the heating of weapons stops for 3 seconds.
  • The heat accumulated before the activation of the perk is not reset.
Developer comment: it is not a secret to anyone that the “Favourite” cabin is extremely effective with miniguns and the ability to achieve almost infinite shooting raises many questions among the players. With this rework, we want to make its perk more interesting and precise: the player will be able to discard the radiators in favor of additional weapons and will be able to choose the moment when he will need to his weapon’s heating to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time. We will monitor the situation around the “Favorite” and minigans and, if their efficiency indicators will go down, make changes in a timely manner. Possible options include reducing the time required to charge the perk.
Cabin “Howl”
  • Now the bonus from the cabin’s perk decreases gradually and not immediately.
  • Now the damage of weapons and drones increases if you have enemy vehicles in a 25 - meter radius from you (previously - 30 meters).
Developer comment: now the mechanic will be more friendly to the player and will not penalize him with a sharp loss of all bonus damage for briefly moving away from the target. Since the cabin is designed for close combat and no longer resets the entire bonus at once, we slightly reduced the perk’s action radius.
Cabin “The Call”
  • The unique feature of “The Call” cabin is not affected by:
  • “Kapkan” mines
  • “King” mines
  • “Jubokko” mines
  • “Argus” drones
  • “Verifier” detectors
Cabin “Cockpit”
Now the max. perk bonus is 125% (instead of 140% earlier).
Developer comment: we have taken into account your feedback regarding the excessive effectiveness of “Cockpit” with leviathans and agree that one of the main reasons for it is the maximum possible amount of bonus to damage from its perk. We would like to emphasize that, first of all, the change will affect the high efficiency of leviathans with this cabin.


DT “Cobra”
Damage reduced by 10%.
Drone “SIdekick”
Increased initial spread when firing.
Course rocket launcher “Cricket”
Reload time reduced by 8%.
Crossbow “Spike-1”
Reload time increased by 9%.
Defense module “Argus”
Reload time reduced by 15%.
Automatic weapon “Caucasus”
Released burst length reduced by 25%.
Pulse Rifle “R-37-39 Adapter”
Updated the weapon’s perk. Now when all projectiles hit the target within one burst, the last projectile deals 150% damage.
Developer comment: we agree with many that the current weapon’s perk is not very suitable for the “Adapter” archetype, namely, weapons for medium and long distances. The new perk is more suitable for this accurate weapon and will reward accurate players.
Rocket launcher “Pyre”
Explosive damage reduced by 10%.
Cannon “BC-17 Tsunami”
Changed the cannon’s perk:
  • Now the perk allows you to accumulate a charge that increases the damage of the next shot by 30%. Charge accumulation occurs within 2 seconds when your vehicle is stationary.
  • After the shot, the perk recharges for 12 seconds and does not allow you to accumulate a new charge until the red scale of charge accumulation is reset.
  • “BC-17 Tsunami” Projectiles no longer shoot through the parts.
Developer comment: we have taken into account your considerations about the cannon’s strong orientation for positional gameplay. The updated perk will allow you to receive a bonus in a couple of seconds and act more aggressively.
Cannon “CC-18 Typhoon”
Changed the cannon’s perk:
  • Hitting the enemy still increases the reloading time of his weapons by 40%.
  • Now, instead of slowing down the cooling speed, hitting increases the heating speed of enemy weapons.
  • Now the impact effect lasts 3 seconds (previously - 4 seconds).
Developer comment: Typhoon’s perk was quite effective against weapons with reloading, but was hardly efficient when playing against weapons with heating mechanics. The change should fix this and make the perk more useful against different types of vehicles. P.S. It is worth paying attention to the updated perk of “Favorite” if you want to confront “Typhoons” even more effectively.
Machine gun “Punisher”
Perk’s active time increased by 1 second.
Now all weapons with the shot charging mechanics are not being reloaded if at the time of the shot the muzzle was blocked by other parts, and the shot did not occur.


Augers and tracks
Reworked the chassis’ mechanics:
  • Vehicles with 4 or more augers or tracks are much more responsive in motion and turn much faster on the spot.
  • Vehicles with 4 or more augers respond correctly to turns during the strafe.
  • The overall comfortability of controlling the vehicle with augers has been improved: changing the movement direction, turns, transitions from forward and backward to strafe and vice versa.
  • Fixed a feature were turning the tracked car at low speed led to the car being “stuck” in place.
  • The interface of the “Trade” tab in the “Trade and parameters” menu has been improved:
    • Now you can familiarize yourself with the schedule of changes in the price of a particular item.
    • You can also select the period displayed in the graph: 2 weeks, week, and day.
    • You can select 2 types of charts displayed: regular and stock charts.
  • Added profit filters to the market interface (the difference between the sale price and the purchase price, with the commission taken into account) and ROI (a coefficient that illustrates the level of profitability or loss of transactions with the item on the market).
  • Added the ability to search for all armored vehicles posted to the exhibition by the same player. To do this, specify the player’s nickname in the tab with the car’s name and start the search.
  • Now you can rename the blueprint of your car, leviathan, or range at the exhibition. To do this, open the blueprint’s context menu and select “Rename”.
  • Improved display of the sight at low screen resolutions.
  • Improved display of a personal profile tab.
  • Updated effects and animation of in-game notifications on player’s progress during the season.
  • Improved display of many icons for the parts mounted on a leviathan.
  • Improved the auto-assembly function: added new parts for automatic assembly of the vehicle and corrected the set of prepared blueprints.
  • Improved physical model of the revolver “Corvo”.
  • Improved models of the decor “Army headlight” (right and left).
  • Added welding points for cabins: “Guerilla”, “Huntsman”, “Thug”, “Bear”.
  • The radiator model of “RN Seal” has been updated.
  • Updated the active time of factional flags received from containers.
  • Improved the physical model of the part “Narrow wing” and fixed the possibility of installing weapons in a way that the muzzle was inside the wing.
  • Fixed a bug where the warning signal of “Mandrake” continued to play, even if the weapon was destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug where a collision with something or someone could lead to a wheel lock.
  • Fixed a bug where switching to wheel mode when using the “Bigram” mechanical leg could cause a serious decrease in the speed of the car.
  • Fixed a bug where quick message icons could appear above cars in a test drive.
  • Now the car with active quadcopter drones can be turned to the wheels with a jack.
  • Now the exhaust pipe animation works correctly, regardless of the vehicle’s direction.
  • Fixed a bug where opponents in raids could activate turrets without reloading the launch modules.
  • Fixed a bug where “Steppenwolfs” raiders with homing and precision rockets could attack invisible opponents.
  • Now the cabins “Cerberus” and “Tusk” are taken into account in the progress of challenges for dealing contact damage.
  • Fixed a bug where “Steppenwolfs” raiders could appear outside the gate on the “Cursed mines” map.
  • Now the “Flute” rockets fly correctly towards the target pointer even with the “Alt” key pressed.
  • Now the damage from Tesla emitters correctly passes through the parts being shot and deals damage to the parts located behind them.
  • Now the upgrade to reduce the spread of single-shot shotguns is correctly displayed in the parameters of the gun.
  • Fixed a bug where a “Kapkan” mine could immobilize the drone of the “Argus” defense module.
  • Fixed a bug where the use of the “Kapkan” minelayer was not taken into account in the progress of obtaining the “Minelayer mastery” patch.
  • Fixed a bug where a player could lose control of a car after it collided with a moving truck in raids.
  • Now, when the “Argus” defense module is activated, all bombs attached to the armored vehicle and on the way of drone takeoff are destroyed and do not cause damage to the module owner.
  • Improved the location of environmental objects on the “Lost Coast” map.
  • Improved environmental objects on the maps “Sandy gulf” and “Terminal-45”.
  • Improved installation of a number of objects for the range.
  • Improved a number of icons, texts, and descriptions.
submitted by Kerry-Shark to Crossout [link] [comments]

Shadow Monkey Train

Shadow Monkey Train submitted by infidel11990 to dontstarve [link] [comments]

CM Review - February 9, 2021

Happy Tuesday, and to a whole lot of us here in the U.S., "Holy CRAP it's cold out, bundle up!". Here's some ice-cold CM combos for ya.
Junkie Peggy - 500 gems, addicted
What it isn't: Cigarette Addicts. What it is: A combo that might be inevitable if you are trying to build yourself a CA Deck without a copious quantity of every single card you need.
The two inputs are Toad Licking and Butterscotch Cookies - and you might be relying on those two inputs to form as many CA combos in your addict deck as possible but if you don't have quite enough cards to make a full deck, well .... you could wind up with some Junkie Peggys in the gaps. It has high Punch and high Jab, but no third skill.
So my advice would be this: If you already have a wicked Cig Addicts deck and/or another Addict deck that works well for you... then you're probably far enough along that CM1 Junkie Peggy won't do you any good. However if you're a little late to the party and still working to fill out your collection and you feel your Addict deck isn't where you want it to be? I would invest a CM1 in this just to expand your options on-hand.
If you have a lot of Peggy cards, you might even consider CM2 (but I don't think it is at all 'mandatory'). Not a bad combo. Outshined by CA, but useful. 6.5/10
Pan Flute Brian - 500 gems, musical
Moderate strength Crazed oops, Payback and Jab with complementary Heal All (Musical Only). Lots of inputs, most notably Pan Flute Brian and Fart School Jimmy Jr. - and the Atk strength in particular is ample enough to help you along.
If you have more than one Brian character card and you aren't already a master of the Musical BGE, this is a great combo to get to CM1 or even CM2. If you have a Mythic Brian (especially leveled up) then I'd give strong consideration toward CM2 (even CM3?). 7.5/10
Spin Out Louise - 1000 stones, (n/a)
Nahhhh. Lowish-strength Jab and Bomb skills, high Def stats with low Atk, but it's another weird-ass Golf Ball Escape combo and to the average not-a-whale player this is pretty useless. I assume this is in a clash, or at least will be in some future clash to come... 2/10
Ventriloquist Bobby - 1000 stones, toy
It's not awful, but Toy BGE has better options. Marionette Louise is psychotic, the new Toy Blocks Snot is strong, Zapp Figurines is so good, Stewie's Trike, Toy Farnsworth Ad, and Boob Tube are all good..... It's hard to make an argument why Ventrilo Bobby should be included in the same conversation.
Wireless Audio Trans is the only input that forms this Bobby combo, and you get moderate-level Jab and Cripple and that's all. Based on that? 2/10
Imgur album is over here at:
submitted by r_u_dinkleberg to AnimationThrowdown [link] [comments]

Someone else's list but i added commas

Pac-Man,bow,Apple,chest,six pack,nail,tornado,Mickey Mouse,Youtube,lightning,traffic light,waterfall,McDonalds,Donald Trump,Patrick,stop sign,Superman,tooth,sunflower,keyboard,island,Pikachu,Harry Potter,Nintendo Switch,Facebook,eyebrow,Peppa Pig,SpongeBob,Creeper,octopus,church,Eiffel tower,tongue,snowflake,fish,Twitter,pan,Jesus Christ,butt cheeks,jail,Pepsi,hospital,pregnant,thunderstorm,smile,skull,flower,palm tree,Angry Birds,America,lips,cloud,compass,mustache,Captain America,pimple,Easter Bunny,chicken,Elmo,watch,prison,skeleton,arrow,volcano,Minion,school,tie,lighthouse,fountain,Cookie Monster,Iron Man,Santa,blood,river,bar,Mount Everest,chest hair,Gumball,north,water,cactus,treehouse,bridge,short,thumb,beach,mountain,Nike,flag,Paris,eyelash,Shrek,brain,iceberg,fingernail,playground,ice cream,Google,dead,knife,spoon,unibrow,Spiderman,black,graveyard,elbow,golden egg,yellow,Germany,Adidas,nose hair,Deadpool,Homer Simpson,Bart Simpson,rainbow,ruler,building,raindrop,storm,coffee shop,windmill,fidget spinner,yo-yo,ice,legs,tent,mouth,ocean,Fanta,homeless,tablet,muscle,Pinocchio,tear,nose,snow,nostrils,Olaf,belly button,Lion King,car wash,Egypt,Statue of Liberty,Hello Kitty,pinky,Winnie the Pooh,guitar,Hulk,Grinch,Nutella,cold,flagpole,Canada,rainforest,blue,rose,tree,hot,mailbox,Nemo,crab,knee,doghouse,Chrome,cotton candy,Barack Obama,hot chocolate,Michael Jackson,map,Samsung,shoulder,Microsoft,parking,forest,full moon,cherry blossom,apple seed,Donald Duck,leaf,bat,earwax,Italy,finger,seed,lilypad,brush,record,wrist,thunder,gummy,Kirby,fire hydrant,overweight,hot dog,house,fork,pink,Sonic,street,Nasa,arm,fast,tunnel,full,library,pet shop,Yoshi,Russia,drum kit,Android,Finn and Jake,price tag,Tooth Fairy,bus stop,rain,heart,face,tower,bank,cheeks,Batman,speaker,Thor,skinny,electric guitar,belly,cute,ice cream truck,bubble gum,top hat,Pink Panther,hand,bald,freckles,clover,armpit,Japan,thin,traffic,spaghetti,Phineas and Ferb,broken heart,fingertip,funny,poisonous,Wonder Woman,Squidward,Mark Zuckerberg,twig,red,China,dream,Dora,daisy,France,Discord,toenail,positive,forehead,earthquake,iron,Zeus,Mercedes,Big Ben,supermarket,Bugs Bunny,Yin and Yang,drink,rock,drum,piano,white,bench,fall,royal,seashell,Audi,stomach,aquarium,Bitcoin,volleyball,marshmallow,Cat Woman,underground,Green Lantern,bottle flip,toothbrush,globe,sand,zoo,west,puddle,lobster,North Korea,Luigi,bamboo,Great Wall,Kim Jong-un,bad,credit card,swimming pool,Wolverine,head,hair,Yoda,Elsa,turkey,heel,maracas,clean,droplet,cinema,poor,stamp,Africa,whistle,Teletubby,wind,Aladdin,tissue box,fire truck,Usain Bolt,water gun,farm,iPad,well,warm,booger,WhatsApp,Skype,landscape,pine cone,Mexico,slow,organ,fish bowl,teddy bear,John Cena,Frankenstein,tennis racket,gummy bear,Mount Rushmore,swing,Mario,lake,point,vein,cave,smell,chin,desert,scary,Dracula,airport,kiwi,seaweed,incognito,Pluto,statue,hairy,strawberry,low,invisible,blindfold,tuna,controller,Paypal,King Kong,neck,lung,weather,Xbox,tiny,icicle,flashlight,scissors,emoji,strong,saliva,firefighter,salmon,basketball,spring,Tarzan,red carpet,drain,coral reef,nose ring,caterpillar,Wall-e,seat belt,polar bear,Scooby Doo,wave,sea,grass,pancake,park,lipstick,pickaxe,east,grenade,village,Flash,throat,dizzy,Asia,petal,Gru,country,spaceship,restaurant,copy,skin,glue stick,Garfield,equator,blizzard,golden apple,Robin Hood,fast food,barbed wire,Bill Gates,Tower of Pisa,neighborhood,lightsaber,video game,high heels,dirty,flamethrower,pencil sharpener,hill,old,flute,cheek,violin,fireball,spine,bathtub,cell phone,breath,open,Australia,toothpaste,Tails,skyscraper,cowbell,rib,ceiling fan,Eminem,Jimmy Neutron,photo frame,barn,sandstorm,Jackie Chan,Abraham Lincoln,T-rex,pot of gold,KFC,shell,poison,acne,avocado,study,bandana,England,Medusa,scar,Skittles,Pokemon,branch,Dumbo,factory,Hollywood,deep,knuckle,popular,piggy bank,Las Vegas,microphone,Tower Bridge,butterfly,slide,hut,shovel,hamburger,shop,fort,Ikea,planet,border,panda,highway,swamp,tropical,lightbulb,Kermit,headphones,jungle,Reddit,young,trumpet,cheeseburger,gas mask,apartment,manhole,nutcracker,Antarctica,mansion,bunk bed,sunglasses,spray paint,Jack-o-lantern,saltwater,tank,cliff,campfire,palm,pumpkin,elephant,banjo,nature,alley,fireproof,earbuds,crossbow,Elon Musk,quicksand,Playstation,Hawaii,good,corn dog,Gandalf,dock,magic wand,field,Solar System,photograph,ukulele,James Bond,The Beatles,Katy Perry,pirate ship,Poseidon,Netherlands,photographer,Lego,hourglass,glass,path,hotel,ramp,dandelion,Brazil,coral,cigarette,messy,Dexter,valley,parachute,wine glass,matchbox,Morgan Freeman,black hole,midnight,astronaut,paper bag,sand castle,forest fire,hot sauce,social media,William Shakespeare,trash can,fire alarm,lawn mower,nail polish,Band-Aid,Star Wars,clothes hanger,toe,mud,coconut,jaw,bomb,south,firework,sailboat,loading,iPhone,toothpick,BMW,ketchup,fossil,explosion,Finn,Einstein,infinite,dictionary,Photoshop,trombone,clarinet,rubber,saxophone,helicopter,temperature,bus driver,cello,London,newspaper,blackberry,shopping cart,Florida,Daffy Duck,mayonnaise,gummy worm,flying pig,underweight,Crash Bandicoot,bungee jumping,kindergarten,umbrella,hammer,night,laser,glove,square,Morty,firehouse,dynamite,chainsaw,melon,waist,Chewbacca,kidney,stoned,Rick,ticket,skateboard,microwave,television,soil,exam,cocktail,India,Colosseum,missile,hilarious,Popeye,nuke,silo,chemical,museum,Vault boy,adorable,fast forward,firecracker,grandmother,Porky Pig,roadblock,continent,wrinkle,shaving cream,Northern Lights,tug,London Eye,Israel,shipwreck,xylophone,motorcycle,diamond,root,coffee,princess,Oreo,goldfish,wizard,chocolate,garbage,ladybug,shotgun,kazoo,Minecraft,video,message,lily,fisherman,cucumber,password,western,ambulance,doorknob,glowstick,makeup,barbecue,jazz,hedgehog,bark,tombstone,coast,pitchfork,Christmas,opera,office,insect,hunger,download,hairbrush,blueberry,cookie jar,canyon,Happy Meal,high five,fern,quarter,peninsula,imagination,microscope,table tennis,whisper,fly swatter,pencil case,harmonica,Family Guy,New Zealand,apple pie,warehouse,cookie,USB,jellyfish,bubble,battery,fireman,pizza,angry,taco,harp,alcohol,pound,bedtime,megaphone,husband,oval,rail,stab,dwarf,milkshake,witch,bakery,president,weak,second,sushi,mall,complete,hip hop,slippery,horizon,prawn,plumber,blowfish,Madagascar,Europe,bazooka,pogo stick,Terminator,Hercules,notification,snowball fight,high score,Kung Fu,Lady Gaga,geography,sledgehammer,bear trap,sky,cheese,vine,clown,catfish,snowman,bowl,waffle,vegetable,hook,shadow,dinosaur,lane,dance,scarf,cabin,Tweety,bookshelf,swordfish,skyline,base,straw,biscuit,Greece,bleach,pepper,reflection,universe,skateboarder,triplets,gold chain,electric car,policeman,electricity,mother,Bambi,croissant,Ireland,sandbox,stadium,depressed,Johnny Bravo,silverware,raspberry,dandruff,Scotland,comic book,cylinder,Milky Way,taxi driver,magic trick,sunrise,popcorn,eat,cola,cake,pond,mushroom,rocket,surfboard,baby,cape,glasses,sunburn,chef,gate,charger,crack,mohawk,triangle,carpet,dessert,taser,afro,cobra,ringtone,cockroach,levitate,mailman,rockstar,lyrics,grumpy,stand,Norway,binoculars,nightclub,puppet,novel,injection,thief,pray,chandelier,exercise,lava lamp,lap,massage,thermometer,golf cart,postcard,bell pepper,bed bug,paintball,Notch,yogurt,graffiti,burglar,butler,seafood,Sydney Opera House,Susan Wojcicki,parents,bed sheet,Leonardo da Vinci,intersection,palace,shrub,lumberjack,relationship,observatory,junk food,eye,log,dice,bicycle,pineapple,camera,circle,lemonade,soda,comb,cube,Doritos,love,table,honey,lighter,broccoli,fireplace,drive,Titanic,backpack,emerald,giraffe,world,internet,kitten,volume,Spain,daughter,armor,noob,rectangle,driver,raccoon,bacon,lady,bull,camping,poppy,snowball,farmer,lasso,breakfast,oxygen,milkman,caveman,laboratory,bandage,neighbor,Cupid,Sudoku,wedding,seagull,spatula,atom,dew,fortress,vegetarian,ivy,snowboard,conversation,treasure,chopsticks,garlic,vacuum,swimsuit,divorce,advertisement,vuvuzela,Mr Bean,Fred Flintstone,pet food,upgrade,voodoo,punishment,Charlie Chaplin,Rome,graduation,beatbox,communism,yeti,ear,dots,octagon,kite,lion,winner,muffin,cupcake,unicorn,smoke,lime,monster,Mars,moss,summer,lollipop,coffin,paint,lottery,wife,pirate,sandwich,lantern,seahorse,Cuba,archer,sweat,deodorant,plank,Steam,birthday,submarine,zombie,casino,gas,stove,helmet,mosquito,ponytail,corpse,subway,spy,jump rope,baguette,grin,centipede,gorilla,website,text,workplace,bookmark,anglerfish,wireless,Zorro,sports,abstract,detective,Amsterdam,elevator,chimney,reindeer,Singapore,perfume,soldier,bodyguard,magnifier,freezer,radiation,assassin,yawn,backbone,disaster,giant,pillow fight,grasshopper,Vin Diesel,geyser,burrito,celebrity,Lasagna,Pumba,karaoke,hypnotize,platypus,Leonardo DiCaprio,bird bath,battleship,back pain,rapper,werewolf,Black Friday,cathedral,Sherlock Holmes,ABBA,hard hat,sword,mirror,toilet,eggplant,jelly,hero,starfish,bread,snail,person,plunger,computer,nosebleed,goat,joker,sponge,mop,owl,beef,portal,genie,crocodile,murderer,magic,pine,winter,robber,pepperoni,shoebox,fog,screen,son,folder,mask,Goofy,Mercury,zipline,wall,dragonfly,zipper,meatball,slingshot,Pringles,circus,mammoth,nugget,mousetrap,recycling,revolver,champion,zigzag,meat,drought,vodka,notepad,porcupine,tuba,hacker,broomstick,kitchen,cheesecake,satellite,JayZ,squirrel,leprechaun,jello,gangster,raincoat,eyeshadow,shopping,gardener,scythe,portrait,jackhammer,allergy,honeycomb,headache,Miniclip,Mona Lisa,cheetah,virtual reality,virus,Argentina,blanket,military,headband,superpower,language,handshake,reptile,thirst,fake teeth,duct tape,macaroni,color-blind,comfortable,Robbie Rotten,coast guard,cab driver,pistachio,Angelina Jolie,autograph,sea lion,Morse code,clickbait,star,girl,lemon,alarm,shoe,soap,button,kiss,grave,telephone,fridge,katana,switch,eraser,signature,pasta,flamingo,crayon,puzzle,hard,juice,socks,crystal,telescope,galaxy,squid,tattoo,bowling,lamb,silver,lid,taxi,basket,step,stapler,pigeon,zoom,teacher,holiday,score,Tetris,frame,garden,stage,unicycle,cream,sombrero,error,battle,starfruit,hamster,chalk,spiral,bounce,hairspray,lizard,victory,balance,hexagon,Ferrari,MTV,network,weapon,fist fight,vault,mattress,viola,birch,stereo,Jenga,plug,chihuahua,plow,pavement,wart,ribbon,otter,magazine,Bomberman,vaccine,elder,Romania,champagne,semicircle,Suez Canal,Mr Meeseeks,villain,inside,spade,gravedigger,Bruce Lee,gentle,stingray,can opener,funeral,jet ski,wheelbarrow,thug,undo,fabulous,space suit,cappuccino,Minotaur,skydiving,cheerleader,Stone Age,Chinatown,razorblade,crawl space,cauldron,trick shot,Steve Jobs,audience,time machine,sewing machine,face paint,truck driver,x-ray,fly,salt,spider,boy,dollar,turtle,book,chain,dolphin,sing,milk,wing,pencil,snake,scream,toast,vomit,salad,radio,potion,dominoes,balloon,monkey,trophy,feather,leash,loser,bite,notebook,happy,Mummy,sneeze,koala,tired,sick,pipe,jalapeno,diaper,deer,priest,youtuber,boomerang,pro,ruby,hop,hopscotch,barcode,vote,wrench,tissue,doll,clownfish,halo,Monday,tentacle,grid,Uranus,oil,scarecrow,tarantula,germ,glow,haircut,Vatican,tape,judge,cell,diagonal,science,mustard,fur,janitor,ballerina,pike,nun,chime,tuxedo,Cerberus,panpipes,surface,coal,knot,willow,pajamas,fizz,student,eclipse,asteroid,Portugal,pigsty,brand,crowbar,chimpanzee,Chuck Norris,raft,carnival,treadmill,professor,tricycle,apocalypse,vitamin,orchestra,groom,cringe,knight,litter box,macho,brownie,hummingbird,Hula Hoop,motorbike,type,catapult,take off,wake up,concert,floppy disk,BMX,bulldozer,manicure,brainwash,William Wallace,guinea pig,motherboard,wheel,brick,egg,lava,queen,gold,God,ladder,coin,laptop,toaster,butter,bag,doctor,sit,tennis,half,Bible,noodle,golf,eagle,cash,vampire,sweater,father,remote,safe,jeans,darts,graph,nothing,dagger,stone,wig,cupboard,minute,match,slime,garage,tomb,soup,bathroom,llama,shampoo,swan,frown,toolbox,jacket,adult,crate,quill,spin,waiter,mint,kangaroo,captain,loot,maid,shoelace,luggage,cage,bagpipes,loaf,aircraft,shelf,safari,afterlife,napkin,steam,coach,slope,marigold,Mozart,bumper,Asterix,vanilla,papaya,ostrich,failure,scoop,tangerine,firefly,centaur,harbor,uniform,Beethoven,Intel,moth,Spartacus,fluid,acid,sparkles,talent show,ski jump,polo,ravioli,delivery,woodpecker,logo,Stegosaurus,diss track,Darwin Watterson,filmmaker,silence,dashboard,echo,windshield,Home Alone,tablecloth,backflip,headboard,licorice,sunshade,Picasso,airbag,water cycle,meatloaf,insomnia,broom,whale,pie,demon,bed,braces,fence,orange,sleep,gift,Popsicle,spear,zebra,Saturn,maze,chess,wire,angel,skates,pyramid,shower,claw,hell,goal,bottle,dress,walk,AC/DC,tampon,goatee,prince,flask,cut,cord,roof,movie,ash,tiger,player,magician,wool,saddle,cowboy,derp,suitcase,sugar,nest,anchor,onion,magma,limbo,collar,mole,bingo,walnut,wealth,security,leader,melt,Gandhi,arch,toy,turd,scientist,hippo,glue,kneel,orbit,below,totem,health,towel,diet,crow,addiction,minigolf,clay,boar,navy,butcher,trigger,referee,bruise,translate,yearbook,confused,engine,poke,wreath,omelet,gravity,bride,godfather,flu,accordion,engineer,cocoon,minivan,bean bag,antivirus,billiards,rake,cement,cauliflower,espresso,violence,blender,chew,bartender,witness,hobbit,corkscrew,chameleon,cymbal,Excalibur,grapefruit,action,outside,guillotine,timpani,frostbite,leave,Mont Blanc,palette,electrician,fitness trainer,journalist,fashion designer,bucket,penguin,sheep,torch,robot,peanut,UFO,belt,Earth,magnet,dragon,soccer,desk,search,seal,scribble,gender,food,anvil,crust,bean,hockey,pot,pretzel,needle,blimp,plate,drool,frog,basement,idea,bracelet,cork,sauce,gang,sprinkler,shout,morning,poodle,karate,bagel,wolf,sausage,heat,wasp,calendar,tadpole,religion,hose,sleeve,acorn,sting,market,marble,comet,pain,cloth,drawer,orca,hurdle,pinball,narwhal,pollution,metal,race,end,razor,dollhouse,distance,prism,pub,lotion,vanish,vulture,beanie,burp,periscope,cousin,customer,label,mold,kebab,beaver,spark,meme,pudding,almond,mafia,gasp,nightmare,mermaid,season,gasoline,evening,eel,cast,hive,beetle,diploma,jeep,bulge,wrestler,Anubis,mascot,spinach,hieroglyph,anaconda,handicap,walrus,blacksmith,robin,reception,invasion,fencing,sphinx,evolution,brunette,traveler,jaguar,diagram,hovercraft,parade,dome,credit,tow truck,shallow,vlogger,veterinarian,furniture,commercial,cyborg,scent,defense,accident,marathon,demonstration,NASCAR,Velociraptor,pharmacist,Xerox,gentleman,dough,rhinoceros,air conditioner,poop,clock,carrot,cherry,candle,boots,target,wine,die,moon,airplane,think,pause,pill,pocket,Easter,horse,child,lamp,pillow,yolk,potato,pickle,nurse,ham,ninja,screw,board,pin,lettuce,console,climb,goose,bill,tortoise,sink,ski,glitter,miner,parrot,clap,spit,wiggle,peacock,roll,ballet,ceiling,celebrate,blind,yacht,addition,flock,powder,paddle,harpoon,kraken,baboon,antenna,classroom,bronze,writer,Obelix,touch,sensei,rest,puma,dent,shake,goblin,laundry,cloak,detonate,Neptune,cotton,generator,canary,horsewhip,racecar,Croatia,tip,cardboard,commander,seasick,anthill,vinegar,hippie,dentist,animation,Slinky,wallpaper,pendulum,vertical,chestplate,anime,beanstalk,survivor,florist,faucet,spore,risk,wonderland,wrestling,hazelnut,cushion,W-LAN,mayor,community,raisin,udder,oyster,sew,hazard,curry,pastry,mime,victim,mechanic,hibernate,bouncer,Iron Giant,floodlight,pear,sad,paw,space,bullet,,shirt,cow,worm,king,tea,truck,pants,hashtag,DNA,bird,Monster,beer,curtain,tire,nachos,bear,cricket,teapot,nerd,deaf,fruit,meteorite,rice,sniper,sale,gnome,shock,shape,alligator,meal,nickel,party,hurt,Segway,Mr. Bean,banker,cartoon,double,hammock,juggle,pope,leak,room,throne,hoof,radar,wound,luck,swag,panther,flush,Venus,disease,fortune,porch,machine,pilot,copper,mantis,keg,biology,wax,gloss,leech,sculpture,pelican,trapdoor,plague,quilt,yardstick,lounge,teaspoon,broadcast,uncle,comedian,mannequin,peasant,streamer,oar,drama,cornfield,carnivore,wingnut,vent,cabinet,vacation,applause,vision,radish,picnic,Skrillex,jester,preach,armadillo,hyena,librarian,interview,sauna,surgeon,dishrag,manatee,symphony,queue,industry,Atlantis,excavator,canister,model,flight attendant,ghost,pig,key,banana,tomato,axe,line,present,duck,alien,peas,gem,web,grapes,corn,can,fairy,camel,paper,beak,corner,penny,dig,link,donkey,fox,rug,drip,hunter,horn,purse,gumball,pony,musket,flea,kettle,rooster,balcony,seesaw,stork,dinner,greed,bait,duel,trap,heist,origami,skunk,coaster,leather,socket,fireside,cannon,ram,filter,alpaca,Zelda,condiment,server,antelope,emu,chestnut,dalmatian,swarm,sloth,reality,Darwin,torpedo,toucan,pedal,tabletop,frosting,bellow,vortex,bayonet,margarine,orchid,beet,journey,slam,marmalade,employer,stylus,spoiler,repeat,tiramisu,cuckoo,collapse,eskimo,assault,orangutan,wrapping,albatross,mothball,evaporate,turnip,puffin,reeds,receptionist,impact,dispenser,nutshell,procrastination,architect,programmer,bricklayer,boat,bell,ring,fries,money,chair,door,bee,tail,ball,mouse,rat,window,peace,nut,blush,page,toad,hug,ace,tractor,peach,whisk,hen,day,shy,lawyer,rewind,tripod,trailer,hermit,welder,festival,punk,handle,protest,lens,attic,foil,promotion,work,limousine,patriot,badger,studio,athlete,quokka,trend,pinwheel,gravel,fabric,lemur,provoke,rune,display,nail file,embers,asymmetry,actor,carpenter,aristocrat,Zuma,chinchilla,archaeologist,apple,hat,sun,box,cat,cup,train,bunny,sound,run,barrel,barber,grill,read,family,moose,boil,printer,poster,sledge,nutmeg,heading,cruise,pillar,retail,monk,spool,catalog,scuba,anteater,pensioner,coyote,vise,bobsled,purity,tailor,meerkat,weasel,invention,lynx,kendama,zeppelin,patient,gladiator,slump,Capricorn,baklava,prune,stress,crucible,hitchhiker,election,caviar,marmot,hair roller,pistol,cone,ant,lock,hanger,cap,Mr. Meeseeks,comedy,coat,tourist,tickle,facade,shrew,diva,patio,apricot,spelunker,parakeet,barbarian,tumor,figurine,desperate,landlord,bus,mug,dog,shark,abyss,betray
submitted by _ButterMyBread to skribbl [link] [comments]

Add variants to the MC music tracks

Like in normal yellow deserts, there will be a more "middle-eastern" tone to the music, involving the song changing instrumentation to have more sitars, pan flutes, etc, and in snowy biomes, there are more bells and high pitched pianos. In the Nether, music takes on a scarier instrumentation, like church organs, drawbar organs, etc. In the Nether Wastes, the music becomes hotter rather than scarier, in which there are more low pitched deeper instruments like trumpets, french horns, etc. This was inspired from Banjo-Tooie's Isle O Hags Hailfire Peaks variant, which while, would not fit so much the Nether, a variant of the Minecraft songs featuring instruments similar to that would be fitting for a hot biome, like a mesa or a volcanic biome. These changes would add lots of immersion to the game. In a jungle, the instruments could even be wooden, with xylophones, vibraphones, etc. Music boxes and harps could be used underwater for instance. I think also there should be an option in Audio settings to turn the variants of the music on/off at will, as some players will always prefer the classic tracks to the variants. The variants are really extra instrumentation that is added as an overlay to the current track like in Banjo-Tooie.
submitted by SnowBallEarth43 to minecraftsuggestions [link] [comments]

Long Long Way To Go: #33 Out Of The Tunnel's Mouth - Steve Hackett

A quick note before we start: At this point on the list I love every album remaining, so don't be too alarmed if you come across an album you'd hoped would last longer, as these are all great records, and as the list goes on the ranking in turn means less and less.
Released in 2009
Full album here
In 1990, Steve was asked to compose the music for a proposed film called Soundscapes, with a script written by Jo Lehmann. The two would hit it off extremely well, becoming very close over the next couple decades, trading ideas and writing songs with each other; thus an affair was born. But as Steve's relationship with Jo began to blossom, his decade-long marriage with Kim Poor was on the wane, and would ultimately lead to a divorce in 2007 that would take over three years to settle.
And so, in 2009, during this period of uncertainty, Out Of The Tunnel's Mouth arose like a phoenix from the ashes, beginning a new era for Hackett. I would call it his comeback album if not for the fact that its predecessors were all solid efforts, but there's nevertheless a rejuvenation of spirit in the tracks, and Jo Lehmann, (now Jo Hackett), would prove to be an excellent songwriting partner.
The winding of a musical box is the first sound we encounter on the record, as "Fire on the Moon" introduces us to Steve's clean guitar that plays a mystical theme reminiscent of the flute interlude from "Supper's Ready". Steve's narrating vocals are a continuation of the style established on Darktown and Wild Orchids, and make for ornate verses sung like a nursery rhyme (a lot of Genesis comparisons already I know!). I can only imagine that the choruses symbolize the title's fire, as the entire song goes up in flames for a wordless vocal line sung in layers of harmonies.
This is where the drums kick in, joined by Chris Squire's unmistakable bass tone, chugging along with his persistent triplets. A pair of guitar solos appear throughout, like lasers bouncing off walls, and give the song that defining Hackett sound. The production also plays a significant role, with its spacious ambiance and reverb-heavy drums. I used to think that the song's transitions were quite jarring, but have recently come to love how sporadic the whole thing is.
The final stages of the divorce were put into motion in April, 2007. Anxious to find a peaceful way through, I moved into a flat on my own. I went through a lot of emotional trauma, which comes out in the lyrics of ‘Fire on the Moon’ on Out of the Tunnel’s Mouth. I was in a state of turmoil and confusion.1
We are then greeted by Spanish guitar on "Nomads", which begins with a very classically oriented intro, but soon develops into a more contemporary style, while retaining the Iberian influences. Steve pleasantly sings of his journeys with Jo, but I just can't help but be distracted by those beautiful guitars. And even after our vocal sections, we get several invigorating solos: an eastern influenced one played on the nylon string joined by an army of hand claps, and an electric solo accompanied by ethnic rhythms and subtle orchestration.
It traversed a number of styles, and I wanted to be able to do that. I always wanted to be able to do what the classical players could do, and the flamenco players. And I wanted to be able to do blues at the same time. That’s what progressive music does, at its best: It doesn’t stick around in any genre long; it’s changing styles. It’s travelogue music, really.2
Initially, when I moved out of the house in early 2007 Jo and I stayed in a log cabin in Tilford Woods. [...] We felt like gypsies or refugees, without a solid base. It was a strange atmosphere, surrounded by woods in the winter snow.1
A soprano sax continues with the eastern themes, beginning "Emerald and Ash". Steve's verses are mysterious and filled with doubt, until met by the uplifting and distinctly English choruses. But what makes this part so special is the magical 12-string playing from none other than Anthony Phillips himself. It's 100% in the spirit of Genesis, and is a peak into an alternate universe where Steve and Ant were in the band at the same time. The last three minutes finish the song with a head-banging jam, full of thick bass lines, driving riffs, and some psychotic lead work from Steve.
I’d been trying for some time to do some work with Ant. That early Genesis 12-string sound is one of his strong points. He worked very quickly and sprinkled just about the right amount of stardust on the two tracks he played on, "Emerald and Ash" and "Sleepers".3
Steve had been asking me for a while to play on his album but couldn't understand why: he, a very fine dedicated & versatile guitarist and myself, as much a keyboard player mainly operating mouse! But he was dogged and so [I] went over armed with Guild 12-string in normal tuning - though down a tone - to listen to [the] track, panic, go away and make watertight excuse! However, this pretty chorus came on in B flat Major - thus I was in C (hurrah, lots of ringey open strings!) - and a part flowed instantly. It helps if the music's good and you like it!4
Venturing into almost prog-metal territory, "Tubehead" is the album's diabolical instrumental. A number of guitars run rampant, under the support of a determined synth bass, as the track shapes up to be an exercise of destruction. Steve shreds away, throwing in new licks left in right, along with his signature tapping technique, and shows us that he has only gotten better with age. Roger King also deserves quite a bit of credit for this track, keeping up with the guitars on the keyboards, and also offering some of his own tricky ideas.
If you weren't paying attention you might think that you were listening to "Hairless Heart" during the first five seconds of "Sleepers", as the shimmering nylon strings fill the stereo panning. The main melody of course if significantly different from the Genesis track, and develops into a beautiful intro aided by the dramatic strings.
A gloomy piano soon joins in on the fun, as the song's second movement takes shape. Steve's vocal melodies here are actually quite predictable compared to the rest of the album, and a tad uninteresting, but are heavily compensated for in the subsequent section, as Steve's voice turns into a whole new beast thanks to the added distortion, all while the track takes a heavier turn in direction, with more metal-like drumming. Ant also contributes his 12-string to this track, but it's unfortunately quite hard to make out, due to the thick wall of orchestration.
I just vamped along very loosely - but by this time in a very relaxed manner to Sleepers. Fun, in B Minor for me, but didn't think I was really scoring given both size of track and guitar ensemble therein. However, again the effect was pleasing to Steve - kept wondering if he was now bored with the track and it was just the novelty of the 12 string that was seducing him.....but it appeared not! A thoroughly enjoyable, convivial and seamlessly easy post-tea session!4
Our second instrumental, "Ghost In The Glass" couldn't be more different then "Tubehead". The epiano-meets-nylon-string first half is both dreamy and sublime, and acts as a much needed cool-down, after all the excitement found on the previous five tracks. For the second half, a moody electric steps into the limelight for a poignant solo in the spirit of a Guitar Noir track.
Steve's bluesy songs almost always end up being my least favorite of his, whether it's the laughably bad "Let Me Count the Ways" or the near entirety of Blues With A Feeling. But "Still Waters" is able to beat the stigma, and is up to par with the rest of the album. Not only has Steve's voice improved greatly since the time of Blues With A Feeling, but the edition of Amanda Lehmann's harmonies on the choruses really makes the song sound convincing. Steve also breaks the rules with his guitar solo, ignoring the redundant pentatonic blues scale that one would expect in such a song, and opts for his own quirky style instead, giving the song some character.
As a big fan of eastern music, "Last Train To Istanbul" is pretty much by default my favorite off the record. A combination of backwards-played string samples and live violins begin the track with an aura of mystery, as Steve sings oblique melodies with an exotic tinge. The north-African percussion then sets the stage for a duel between Rob Townsend's illusive soprano sax and the colorful sitar. An amazing song that hints at what the future would hold for Steve (I'm looking at you, The Night Siren).
Many of the tracks were born out of conversations, dreams, jamming, guitar experiments, everything heard, a synthesis of opposite styles and also travel. Having visited Sarajevo and absorbed a fair amount of Turkish influence, it was hard not to be thrilled by the passion of the string players I heard.3
Out Of The Tunnel's Mouth began one of the strongest streaks of albums found in any Genesis member's catalogue, and proved that Steve Hackett and is fantastic music wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. There's not a weak track in sight on this record, and Steve's guitar work throughout, both acoustic and electric, is simply mesmerizing.
That was the first project that I really did after my divorce. [...] That had been a very dark, difficult period for me to get back on my feet. I did the album in my living room, although it doesn’t sound like that. It was a difficult, traumatic time — and one where I realized that I was clinging to music like a life raft. I had a lot of personal experience to draw from with that.2
Click here for more entries.
1A Genesis In My Bed
submitted by Patrick_Schlies to Genesis [link] [comments]

When you get another recipe that you already have from a message bottle (Art by me)

When you get another recipe that you already have from a message bottle (Art by me) submitted by dandelionofluff to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

pan flute player video

Pan flute player performing in street of Sydney - YouTube Bolivian Pan Flute player - YouTube Pan Flute Player, Cuenca, Ecuador - YouTube Pan Flute - YouTube the only female pan flute player in middle east - dancing ... Pan flute player in Barcelona - YouTube Pan Flute Player - YouTube Pan Flute player - YouTube

Play the virtual pan flute online! Learn the pan flute easily with your keyboard, mouse or touchscreen. Romanian pan flute player performs haunting solo for quarantined neighbours. 31 March 2020, 16:44 | Updated: 31 March 2020, 17:21. By Helena Asprou Romania’s residents may currently be in lockdown, but this incredible flautist is lifting people’s spirits high over the rooftops with the sound of his musical instrument. Professional player for pan instrument flute. He was born in Opava and he acquired his first artistic education at the art school of Václav Kálik. There he also worked in a brass band. In 1995 he started to study Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava as a trumpet player. Raymond Carlos Nakai (born April 16, 1946) is a Native American flute player of Navajo/Ute heritage. Ray Carlos Nakai was born in Flagstaff, Arizona… The Pan-Flute Shop Aloha, my name is Brad White and I am a pan-flute / pan-pipe player, professional musician, and a long time music teacher. Together with my wife, Melinda, it is our goal to encourage the pan-flute's growth by providing guidance, high quality instruments, the best instruction books, DVD's and recordings. David Döring, born in Kazakhstan, already started to learn how to play the violin at the age of six. When he reached the age of 12 he listened to Edward Simoni and spontaneously switched to playing the pan flute. Because at this time there was no one present to teach him how to play the pan flute, David auto didactically taught himself. 18 Best Pan Flute Reviews (Best Pan Flute for Beginners & Advanced Player) Here is a list of 18 pan flutes and their distinctive characteristics. 1) Peru Treasure Pan Flute 15 Pipes Tunable Bamboo. This pan flute pipe made from natural bamboo measures about 7.1 inches in length and 7 inches width. The shortest pipe of this 15 pipe pan flute is Pan, the Greek god of shepherds and nature in Greek mythology, was a great musician who is known for his invention of the syrinx, or Greek pan flute. The sound of his pipes was so sweet that he grew proud, and believing himself greater than the chief musician of the gods, Apollo, the sun-god, he challenged Apollo to a musical duel. On this page you will find the solution to Pan flute musician in iconic commercials of the 1980s crossword clue crossword clue. This clue was last seen on May 17 2020 on New York Times’s Crossword. If you have any other question or need extra help, please feel free to contact us or use the search box/calendar for any clue. Pan flute player. English. English. Norwegian. Roar Engelberg - Leading pan flute soloist. HOME. Concerts. Funeral music. Albums. About. Videos. The pan flute. Contact. More "Tuesday tunes" I hope to start with my streaming concerts again in Mars 2021. Every Tuesday at 19.00 GMT I will stream a concert live on Facebook and YouTube.

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Pan flute player performing in street of Sydney - YouTube

A Pan flute player that I came across on the Plaça Catalunya metro station in Barcelona. Mind blowing. Street performer playing El Condor Pasa with the pan flute on Pitt Street in Sydney, Australia, June 8 2011. Another street musician in San Fransisco Fisherman's Wharf, this time playing a pan flute. He also played the maracas. Esperanza (Hope), by Donato Vargas Pan Flute player from Bolivia.Fusion of the Andes.Boston, MA June 9/12 He is playing in the Flower Market in front of Santuario Mauriano instead of his usual spot alongside Immaculate Conception cathedral because of a... A funny movie about Allegra playing the pan flute. Pan Flute Worldhits is a music collection of wonderful Panflute versions of many big worldhits. We released several albums with songs like El Condor Pasa, My Heart will go on, Imagine, My Way, On ... dancing panflutist - pan flute played by Ghada Youssef song for samira said - bashtalak saat arranged by: Yasser Farouk salsa version 29 June 09

pan flute player

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