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How do you want to do this? A Discussion on Selective Rule Enforcement and the application of the "Rule of Cool"

Hello folks,
For my research analysis and writing class my professor let me pick any topic I want. (her mistake) So for my final term paper I chose to come up with a method of determining a guide to the use of the "rule of cool." I got a A on the paper so I figured I'd share it with you fine folks as well. It is rather lengthy so I've included the abstract first. The 8 tips for dungeon masters is near the end (third session), the first and second parts deal more with the philosophical and ethics of games. So, if situational ethics and a discussion on the Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics of Play are of use for you, be my guess.
I am a relatively new DM so I spent a long time researching and trying to absorb what would make me a "good DM". With that cavate please keep in mind I know next to nothing compared to a vast majority of the DMs here. I can think of no place better to have this paper peer-reviewed, picked apart and "rebutalled" to death than here. If you feel offended, challenged, or angry reading this... Please understand I am a moron borrowing the works and words of far smarter people. If you feel that "this is the WAY" again... I am a moron... so ... with out further ado.


The choice to be a stringent rule-follower without leniency using fanatical legalism in a game can be a source of contention between someone acting as a referee and/or “Game Master” and players of a game. Likewise, to approach games with a sense of fanatical antinomianism, or to completely ignore the rules and simply let players do whatever they want, tends to offer no challenge, and or reason to play that specific game. Using ethical theory frameworks such as situational ethics, natural law, and utilitarianism this paper seeks find the philosophical principles of what moments are acceptable and actually beneficial to bend the rules of a game. As such, it is important to define games, briefly discuss why games are played, and roles rules have on games. The game Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition will be used as the principal example. With “rule for rules” established, seven tips on how to implement it this rule using advice and guidance from some of the most well known “Dungeon Masters” in the modern era will be provided.
Much of this paper relies on the works of Joseph Fletcher, Sheila Murphy; Benard Suits, Robin Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc, and Robert Zubek for the ethical and philosophical discussions around games. For the practical advice, it relies primarily on the works of Matthew Mercer, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Benjamin Scott, Patrick Tracy, Kelly Mclaughlin and Monty Martin.
Players are your friends, or at the very least your fellow human beings. As such, seek out what is best for them. Games are about many things but principally about enjoyment. It’s okay if the player does not get exactly what they want, so long as they still had enjoyment. How it happens is up to the players, the one running the game, and whether the rules were used to enhance the experience or not. It’s possible to find that balance by asking these questions in order: “How will this decision affect: the final enjoyment of all at the table? the narrative? the rules in the future?”

**“Once upon a time, around a table…”

A man behind a cardboard screen sits across from a woman wearing a funny hat. He is frantically reading through the pages of the various books at his disposal. He finds the reference he is looking for, but it is not clear. “It is technically against the rules, it is barely within the realm of possibility, but the idea is so creative…” the man murmurs to himself. Exasperated, the man smiles a crooked grin and explains, “Well you can certainly try… give me an acrobatics check.” The woman throws a piece of plastic resin on to the table. The dice reads, “18.” The man sighs and then laments, “fine… how do you want to do this?” The table erupts in cheers, as high-fives are given from the others around the table. The woman adjusts her hat, as she gleefully explains how her character will use the momentum of several falling barrels to move across the map in a single turn without having to use all her character’s movement.
As a “Dungeon Master” (DM) for the tabletop role playing game, Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), I can say without a doubt that many DMs have encountered extremely similar events as the one described above. The choice to be a stringent rule-follower without leniency can be a source of much resentment between the DM and the players around the table. Likewise, to completely ignore the rules and simply let players do whatever they want offers no challenge, no reason to play. In terms of D&D rule enforcement, as is with many events in life, the choice of always being either a “Harsh Disciplinarian” or the lenient, “Laissez Faire Guide” is a false dichotomy. Instead, seeking balance between the two choices based first on the overall needs of the players, second on the needs of the story, and third on requirements and rules of the game should be the norm.

Session 1: What is the Relationship between, Players, Games and Rules?

The 19th century philosopher and founder of modern cultural history, John Hughes once wrote, “Play is older than culture, for culture, however inadvertently defined, always presupposes human society and animals have not waited for man to teach them their playing.” 1 Why do humans play? Is it instinctual? Bernard Suits was a Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Philosophy for the University of Waterloo and his essays are in part responsible for the field of philosophy of games in the late 20th century. In his book, “The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia,” Suits’ book uses Aesop’s fable about the grasshopper to argue that play is what we would do in a perfect civilization. He believed that in a world devoid of work, humans would still seek out challenges through play, suggesting that it is human nature to challenge ourselves.2 But is that the only reason someone plays a game?
One YouTuber opined that “In a practical sense, games facilitate systemic thinking by getting us to view abstractions, but also engender creativity by getting us to play.”3 If true, these are essential tools for humanity to function as an intelligent race. This makes sense from an evolutionary level as to why humanity would develop play, but is there more to it than “games encourage outside the box thinking?”
The landmark paper titled, “MDA: A formal approach to game design and game research” is one of the earliest attempts to formalize the field of video game design theory and it is fundamental to how modern game designers look at these systems. It serves to define the importance of mechanic, dynamics, and aesthetics of play and is instrumental to helping understand what players will expect out of a game. We will discuss more about dynamics and mechanics later, but first let us focus on aesthetics.
Aesthetics of Play Defined
Term Definition Examples
Sense Pleasure Enjoyment derived from how it stimulates the senses The visuals of a game, sound, and music, feel of the dice, etc.
Fantasy Enjoyment derived from the ability to step into a role that cannot be experienced in real life Playing a game as a magic wielding sorcerer or rocks in the far flung reaches of outer space
Narrative Enjoyment derived from game as drama, it is about the stories and experience gained Heavily story driven games such as Last of Us, Dungeons and Dragons, Final Fantasy
Challenge Enjoyment derived from overcoming an arbitrary obstacle Platformers like Mario, or even drinking games like beer pong, or corn hole; social games like charades, etc.
Fellowship Enjoyment from working cooperatively as a group to accomplish a goal Team based or social games such as Among Us, the card game Spades; save the world mode on Fortnite
Competition Enjoyment from showing dominance Chess or Go, Battle royal games such as Fortnite or PubG or Call of Duty; Fallguys; darts Poker; Uno, Killer bunnies or Magic the Gathering;
Discovery Enjoyment from uncovering the new or discovering news ways to play a game. These can range from searching to find things to choose your own adventure Minecraft; Zelda Breath of the Wild; simple matching games; the board game Betrayal at the House on the Hill; or games like Fable; Dragon Age Inquisition; or Mass effect
Expression Enjoyment from showing an aspect of one’s self; or games that allow full customization of characters Creation games like Minecraft; role play games like fallout 4; world of warcraft or Fortnite
Submission (aka Abnegation) Enjoyment from being able to “turn of the brain; and tune out the world” or what is also known as zone out factor. Bejeweled; candy crush; the lever-pull games at casinos, solitaire, etc.
(Source: Portnow & Floyd, October 2012)5
Aesthetics are things like sense pleasure, fantasy, the narrative of the story, challenge, fellowship, discovery, expression, and something called submission.4 There is an additional aesthetic that most game designers also consider when designing games termed as “competition”.5 These are all reasons people play games and it is important to keep all these in mind when acting as a DM.
The table above works to define these terms more appropriately and makes it easier to reference later. The reasons a player may want to play a game vary and change over time. If a DM can understand their players’ goals (i.e., what the player hopes to get out of the game) the DM will be able to understand why someone might want to perform a certain action, play a game, or want to ignore a certain rule in the first place.
On that note, what are rules in games? Think about it… Games are weird… well I should say the act of playing a game… is weird. Suits once wrote in his article, for the “Philosophy of Science Association Journal,” "To play a game is to engage in activity directed towards bringing about a specific state of affairs, using only means permitted by rules, where the rules prohibit more efficient [means] in favor of less efficient means, and where such rules are accepted just because they make possible such activity."6 In other words, to play a game we create rules that prevent us from achieving a goal through the easiest means available. Instead, we make something more difficult and we play a game. For instance, in basketball, it would be far easier to simply carry the ball all the way to the basket instead of dribbling it.
In D&D, there is a similar activity to dribbling. It is called a “dice roll.” It is something that players must make to see if they succeed or fail at a task. The player rolls a 20-sided die and tries to get above a certain score to succeed. Players can roll normal, with advantage, or with disadvantage. Rolling with advantage allows the player to roll the D-20 (the 20-sided die) twice and use the higher number. Rolling with disadvantage also has the player roll the D-20 twice, but they must take the lower number rolled instead. It introduces a chance of randomness, and players will find any excuse they can to avoid having to make a roll with "disadvantage." In his book, The Grasshopper, Suits argues that we do this because it is the act of overcoming that limitation that we find enjoyment. By taking on these restrictions and accepting these limitations, we take on what he coins as a "lusory attitude" which allows us to play the game as it is meant to be played.
Suits would argue that by not playing the game according to the rules as written, the player would have only achieved a “quasi-victory” not really worthy of achievement. He also goes on to say that even the act of “failing to win the game by virtue of losing it implies an achievement, in the sense that the activity in question -- playing the game -- has been successfully, even though not victoriously, complete.”7 So, according to Suits, it’s better to follow the rules of the game and loose than to not follow the rules and win. It’s important to point out that the aesthetics of play had not yet been defined and Suits’ work mainly focused on the “challenge” aspect of play. This is where many sports and game philosophers begin to find fault with Suits. In the “Journal of Philosophy of Sport,” a rebuttal of Suits’ work by David Myers asks, “What if the goal of the player isn't to follow the rules or even play the game?”8 For instance, what happens if the player is motivated by competition and doesn’t care about rules so long as “they win?” While an extreme example, this paradox isn’t out of the realm of possibility. Therefore, focusing on just the challenge aesthetic of game play and simply playing the game “rules as written” can lead to a disconnect between what the player desires and the game itself.
Jesper Juul, an Associate Professor in the School of Design at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, wrote in his textbook on video game design, “Rules specify limitations and affordances. They prohibit players from performing actions such as making jewelry out of dice, but they also add meaning to the allowed actions, and this affords players meaningful actions that were not otherwise available; rules give games structure”9 Basically, without rules we cannot even have play. However, if the player ignores the rules that player won’t be able to enjoy the full experience of the game, because the rules both afford the opportunity to enjoy the game and provide the obstacles in the first place.
How the rules affect actual game play is where Mechanics and Dynamics come into play. (See, I told you we would get back to it eventually.) Mechanics are the rules and systems that govern chance to create the game we experience. Dynamics are how those rules come together to govern the strategies of that game. In D&D, an example of mechanics is how a player would have to roll a 20-sided dice to see if an action would succeed. Dynamics are the actions the player takes to manipulate the situation and give themselves advantage in the roll. Some examples of this are using a spell caster’s familiar, flanking an enemy in combat, using the bend luck trait, or lucky feat. This is akin to how the rules of poker dictate that bluffing is allowed (mechanics); but how the bluffing player conceals their tells and bets is entirely up to that player (dynamics).
What happens when the player’s desired aesthetics and the mechanics don’t allow for the dynamics the player wants to use? This is where it falls on the DM to determine if the game can handle a little rule bending. In the Dungeon Master Guide’s introduction, it states “The D&D rules help you and the other players have a good time, but the rules aren’t in charge. You’re the DM, and you are in charge of the game…” However! It goes on to say, “The success of a D&D game hinges on your ability to entertain the other players at the game table.” What is a good way to approach this? Is it THE DM IS ALWAYS RIGHT, able to enforce their will on the players whenever it suits their need? Should the DM strictly enforce the rules and narrative of their planned story without the need to appease the players’ wants and desires?... well… The DM COULD do it, but it won’t be long before their players stop showing to game sessions. Just like the rules, without players, there is no game. Or as one notable professional DM and YouTuber once put it:
“The game you weave belongs to the players as much as yourself… so make sure to humor them every once in awhile by giving them a chance to be extraordinary" - Patrick "the Goddam DM" Tracy 10

Session 2: The Ethics of a Dungeon Master

So how does someone seek a balance between the rules and the players? Enter situational ethics. Situational ethics, first proposed by philosopher and first professor of ethics at Harvard Medical School, Joseph Fletcher,** is an attempt to seek a middle ground between two ethical schools of thought: Legalism and Antinomianism. In legalism, morality must come from a strict set of rules that must be obeyed at all times and cannot be deviated from or broken for any reason. Antinomianism, on the other hand, is the idea that there should be no rules, you should be able to do what you want, whenever you want (lawless society). 11
In D&D terms, "Fanatical Legalism" would be similar to what many DMs would characterize as "Lawful Stupid," where a certain player's character enforces harsh judgement without ever showing mercy to those who would break the law regardless of the circumstances… even to the detriment of the party… or that small band of orphans who were stealing food out of desperation…
Likewise, in D&D terms, "Fanatical Antinomianism" would be similar to what DMs would characterize as "Chaotic Stupid," where a player's character completely ignores consequences an action would bring and simply act according to their whims… even when it's an obvious trap… that has a 100 percent chance to damage not only your character, but the other players as well.
Fletcher's work states that the morally right thing to do depends on the situation and can change throughout the situation, but at the same time, there is a universal “moral law” on which to base our actions that he called "Agape" love. Derived from the Greek word of similar pronunciation, Fletcher sought to define Agape as a means to show love for your fellow human. In his book titled “Situational Ethics,” Fletcher states, "All laws, rules, principles, ideals and norms, are only contingent, only valid if they happen to serve love."12 Or to put it a different way, a desire to see your fellow human be happy is and should be the goal. It is not really a feeling, but an attitude to do what is best for others.
In terms of the D&D alignment chart, this would be easiest to define as whether someone is "Good" or "Evil." Whereas a “good character” is someone who acts for the betterment of others regardless of personal motivations, conversely an “evil character” acts out of their own self-interests regardless of how this action would affect others. Those that follow the concept of Agape would be “good characters.” Those that do not, would be evil.
This is where the so-called “Rule of Cool” comes into play. Mathew Mercer, an extremely acclaimed DM, comedian, and writer of D&D’s “Explorer’s Guide to Wild Mount,” and host of the show “Critical Roll,” defines the Rule of Cool as a trope in the D&D community that is “the willing suspension of disbelief for the sake of a cool moment.”13 It’s used in moments where the use of an certain object or action would be nearly impossible according to the mechanics of the game, but because it is a “cool dynamic,” the DM allows it. But what is “cool?” Is it a player that is normally too nervous to speak up being able to do something unique on time despite it being against the rules? Is it a player that has spent considerable time perfecting a skill and being able to perform a truly “epic task” (such as the jumping across barrels to effectively triple their movement distance)? Is it succeeding in persuading the main villain to befriend the party through a series of increasingly complex but successful rolls?
In all these situations listed above, there is a common theme that ties all the principles of what this paper is trying to address together in a simple phrase. As a DM, before making a ruling ask, "How will this decision affect the final enjoyment of all at the table?" Now a DM cannot give the players everything they want. Doing so cheapens the truly extraordinary moments. Finding the right balance can be difficult. That is why the flow chart above is suggested when trying to figure out whether it is a good time to “Remember the Rule of Cool.”

Session 3: “Well… You can Certainly Try”- Some Famous DM

Finally, we can discuss how the desire to make the most enjoyable experience for everyone at the table plays out using real-world examples and advice from some of the most well-known DMs in the business. Using the concept of Situational Ethics’ Agape, we can see how to work in the rule of cool using eight tips for Dungeon Masters.
Tip 1: It is advised to know your audience.
Not everything is as it seems, so be sure to pay attention to your players and look at them when you are describing the situation. Make note of how they react when tones or themes change. Remember those reasons people play games mentioned earlier? This is where those come into play. Additionally, while not something outright suggested, it is nevertheless important to take team dynamics into account.
The book “Four lenses unfolded” describes how various personality types can interact and work to solve problems. In it, the book describes four primary temperaments: Green (analytical), Blue (empathetic), Orange (adventurous), and Gold (goal oriented). Unlike most other personality tests, four lenses theory suggests that while we have a dominant personality at any given moment, other aspects of these personalities can manifest as well. Being able to draw on these aspects at will is the mark of a “mature” individual.14 As a DM/referee, coach, or manager, being able to do this and adapt to the needs of the players will take player engagement to the next level.
Tip 2: Establishing and Managing Expectations Early and Often, Works to Prevent Disappointment and Confusions
Mercer once put it this way, “Establish early on in your campaign how much of a level of crazy you're willing to allow. This allows for players to better understand what to try for and what not to try for.”15 Whether you are a teacher, referee, coach, parent, supervisor, or mentor, establishing expectations with those involved mitigates problems before they arise.
One of the main tools DM’s have for this is that is recommended by Mercer, as well as nearly every DM in existence on the internet, is the “Session Zero.” Session Zero is a term used to describe a session where no play occurs but instead rules that will be used and rules that will be ignored or bent is established. It also serves to establish a theme the players can expect from any campaign. Using the first chapter of the DMs guide will help considerably in establishing this. Additionally, one of the best guides for this is laid out by the DM YouTubers known as “the Dungeon Dudes” in their video titled, “How to Run a Session Zero for Dungeons and Dragons 5e.”16 But always keep Agape in mind throughout this process. In this step, it means actively listening to the players. The DM may want a gritty, tough, realistic, and challenging campaign. But if the players want a high fantasy power trip, some adjustments are going to need to be made to the campaign. Listening to players and changing the plans accordingly is not easy. It requires A LOT of humility and ego suppression. Especially when the DM has already designed how the game is going to go… which leads us to the next tip.
Tip 3: It is important to develop a healthy relationship with failure.
Celebrated author Orson Wells once wrote; “If you want a happy ending, that of course, is dependent of where you stop your story.”17 This applies to both the players and DM. There will be times when the DM is tempted to ignore the rules because the consequences seem dire. The player fails an athletics check trying to use a dynamic that had a high-risk, high-reward moment. Now the player’s character is doomed to fall several hundred feet down a ravine to what is likely certain doom in lava. But this isn’t the end. That player’s character is most likely dead, but their death could result in a moment of drama and tension for the players. It’s the very real chance of failure that encourages players to think critically about a situation and experience excitement and tension. Brennon Lee Mulligan, the DM of the D&D streaming show, “Dimension 20,” put it this way… “if you are not allowing for failure, you are essentially just telling a story,” and thus never actually playing a game (make-believe as Suits would put it). 18
Another thing to consider is that through failure, we can often find comedy as well as ways to encourage players to think critically and find new escapes, 19 at least according to the mind behind the “Replaying the Curse of Strahd” videos, Benjamin (Puffin Forest) Scott. Lastly, Mercer strongly advises that if a DM allows too many “rule of cool moments” to happen in succession, the weight of the moments and consistency of the game will be lost. 20
Players that are afraid to fail will not try. Mercer explains that “Most role play games are designed to forge a heroic story (showing feats of legend) so let the players try! Let them fail, and occasionally succeed!” This is where his catch phrase “you can certainly try” comes from. 21
Tip 4: Whenever Possible, Avoid Taking Things Personally
In his lecture on not talking things personally, soccer referee and public speaker, Frederik Imbo, explained there are two sides of a coin to keep in mind when trying not to take things personally: “It is not about you,” and “it is about you.” 22 Look at the other person’s intentions not just yours. With that in mind, it is okay to give yourself empathy and speak up. When someone seems upset with you, ask what are they hoping to get out of this releasing of emotions? Additionally, ensure that your pride isn’t preventing you from making the correct call. Yes I am talking about Ego again; it is that important! It is the DM’s world, but it is the players’ game. Without both, the world and the game, you do not have D&D.
D&D has a weird paradox of being both a story and a game. It has both a narrative as its core premise, but it is, in fact, also a multi-player game. Without at least two people you cannot really have much fun. DMs should make sure that everyone at the table enjoys themselves.
Tip 5: Mechanics are important precisely because they are a means of delivering impactful story moments.
Remember that rule of cool concept? Extraordinary moments don’t happen often, and this is by design of the mechanics of the game. Humans remember the novel and unique way more often than the mundane. Mundane things tend to blend into the background. It’s the unexpected moments that highlight the more impactful story moments, especially if that moment is tied to strong emotions.23
With that in mind, Mulligan suggests looking at where the players are putting their resources before deciding how to rule on a situation. Have they invested experience points/levels into a specific skill that is relevant to this situation instead of just something they can use in combat? If so, reward them for wanting to do something that is a part of the world you are creating together. 24
Tip 6: Discourage metagaming but allow it whenever possible.
Look for any and every excuse you can to give advantage on an arcana check by setting the DC low (10 or higher). If the player succeeds, they can use what they know… they are going to anyway, but at least then they can talk about it with the other players.
According to the DM guide Chapter 8, metagame thinking means “thinking about the game as a game,” Examples would be thinking “the DM wouldn’t throw such a powerful monster at us so early in the game, so we will surely be saved and not have to take this fight seriously,” or “the DM spent A LOT of time describing that door… maybe we should search it again!” 25
The problem with metagaming isn’t really about what advantage the players are getting in the game. The problem is that manipulation of the dynamics, when used to extremes, can spoil the plot line of the cumulative story being told. This can lessen the drama and tension elements resulting in decreased enjoyment of those involved. Additionally, it can create a dynamic where the DM is constantly having to escalate encounters to challenge the player, encouraging a potentially toxic “DM vs player” mentality.
For instance, how would a street orphan barbarian with no formal education and a wisdom of …let’s say very low…be able to know that liches phylactery is the source of their power. The solution here depends on why the players are playing this specific game. Is it the narrative of the story? Is it discovery? If these aren’t anywhere close to the reasons these players came to the game table in the first place, the narrative is not going to take as much of a factor into decisions. Metagaming in this instance isn’t going to be much of a problem.
Tip 7: Keep in mind, the ending is “A” destination, but the story is about how you get there.
A DM may hold off the extra cool moments for the final parts of the game, keeping their players in complete darkness and grit the entire way. However, without at least some levity along the way, some “water for the weary travelers,” as Mercer put it, they may not make it to the end.26 So, do not be afraid to relax the rules from time to time to give them those cool moments, but do so sparingly lest the destination lose its luster as well. Always keep in mind it’s about the enjoyment of crafting and playing in the world together that makes this, or really any game, fun.
Tip 8: When all else fails… take a break and have the Tarrasque attack the party.
When all else fails, roll two D-20s out of players’ views… fake a worried expression… role a D-100 (also out of player’s view) look over the score concerned as you pour through your notes… then explain sorrowfully… “I’m sorry… The Tarrasque has risen and has attacked the party. Everyone roll initiative.” This is actual advice from the DM manual. It is right under “faking illness and running away.”27 The point is this: never be afraid to pause or call a game when it’s over or needed.
Maybe something incredibly uncomfortable for a player has happened. Maybe the DM has reached the end of what they were able to prepare for that session. Perhaps everyone is hungry or needs a bathroom break. Maybe the entire table has gotten to a point where no one can agree on anything and team dynamics are breaking down. That game world will always be there… but your friends won’t. Cherish that moment and make as many good moments as possible. Additionally, taking breaks both in-game and in the real world allow for quiet moments. These allow for the greater moments to shine through and the players will enjoy their experience more.
The graphic above serves to summarize the eight tips above and show their relationship with the narrative, enjoyment, and the rules when put in the context of situational ethics. From this graph, the relationship between the eight tips and how they play into the narrative, enjoyment, and rules of the game can be seen. Each of the tips can influence many parts of the game but they are intended to primarily influence the aspect of the game they are adjacent to. “Knowing the players” should influence the narrative and what kind of enjoyment the players receive. What mechanics are used to enable the game is causally related to how the rules are used and so on. Please note that Agape is at the center as, with every decision a DM makes, considering what is best for the players should be central to the experience of any game.
The Epic Conclusion
Through crafting a game-world together with your players, a DM has the potential to tap into one of the greatest traditions humanity has: camaraderie with friends. At the end of the day, these players are your friends, or at the very least your fellow human beings. As such, you should want what is best for them. Through trials, hardships, and drama, we get to put the punctuation on the moments of excitement, joy, happiness, and bliss. It is okay if the player does not get exactly what they want, so long as they still had enjoyment. This is because getting everything we expect is sometimes boring. However, always keep in mind that at the end of the day, games are about having fun. How that happens is up to the players, the DM, and whether the rules were used to enhance the experience or not. It’s possible to find that balance by asking these questions in order: “How will this decision affect: the final enjoyment of all at the table? the narrative? the rules in the future?”
1 Huizinga, Johan . "Homo Ludens". Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. (1980), pp. 1., accessed January 19, 2021. homoludens_johan_huizinga_routledge_1949.pdf
2 Suits, Bernard, “The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia,” Broadview Press. Ed. 3. (November 29, 2005): 54–55. Accessed December 31, 2020.
3 The Game Overanalyzer, The Aesthetics of Play | Why We Play Games, and the Search for Truth and Beauty in Game Design. The Game Overanalyzer. (January 11, 2020), accessed 6 January 2021. Video 18:44.
4 Hunicke, Robin, Marc LeBlanc, and Robert Zubek. "MDA: A formal approach to game design and game research." Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Challenges in Game AI, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 1722. (2004). Accessed January 11, 2020
5 Portnow, James; Floyd, Daniel; Aesthetics of Play- Redefining Genres in Gaming. Extra Credits; (October 17, 2012), Video 9:13. Accessed December 30, 2020.
6 Suits, Bernard. “Discussion: Games and Paradox.” Chicago University Press. Philosophy of Science Association Journal, Vol 36, no. 3 (September 1, 1969). pg 316–.321. Accessed December 30, 2020.
7 Suits, Bernard. “Discussion: Games and Paradox (1969)
8 Myers, David. “Game as Paradox: A Rebuttal of Suits.” Journal of the philosophy of Sport 39, no. 1 (May 1, 2012). Accessed December 30, 2020.
9 Juul, Jesper. "Half-Real: Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds", MIT Press, (Aug 19, 2011) pp.57-59
10 Tracy, Patrick. DM Tips: The Rule of Cool. Fantasy Bango. (October 20, 2017). Accessed December 30, 2020. Video 2:23
11 Fletcher, Joseph F. Situation Ethics: The New Morality. Westminster John Knox Press, (1997). Page 17-26 (accessed January 20, 2021)
**Please note that just because Fletcher’s Situational Ethics is used prominently, this is not an endorsement of all his views. Fletcher’s work has been used to justify terrible atrocities, such as eugenics, this should serve to point out that any philosophy taken to extremes can lead to terrible outcomes
12 Fletcher, Joseph F. Situation Ethics: The New Morality. (1997)
13 Mercer, Matthew. The Rule of Cool! (Game Master Tips). Geek & Sundry. (February 16, 2016). Accessed December 30, 2020. Video. 5:52
14 Bryce, Nathan K., “Four Lenses Unfolded: A Deeper Understanding of Temperament Values,” Insight; (January 29, 2002,).
15 Mercer, Matthew. The Rule of Cool! (Game Master Tips). (2016).
16 McLaughlin, Kelly; Martin, Monty. "How to Run a Session Zero for Dungeons and Dragons 5e". Dungeon Dudes. (September 3, 2020), Accessed 12 30, 2020. Video.
17 Wells, Orson, "The Big Brass Ring." Santa Teresa Press (1987, January 1) 1-148
18 Mulligan, Brennan; Scott, Benjamin. “Animating Your Table (with Benjamin Scott) | Adventuring Academy Season 2 | Ep. 16 |” Adventuring Academy. Dimension (2020, December 28). Accessed December 30, 2020. Video 1:24:18
19 Mulligan, Brennan; Scott, Benjamin. “Animating Your Table (with Benjamin Scott) (2020)
20 Mercer, Matthew. The Rule of Cool! (Game Master Tips). (2016)..
21 Mercer, Matthew. The Rule of Cool! (Game Master Tips). (2016)
22 Imbo, Frederik, "How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen" TEDx Talks; (March 4, 2020) accessed 10 Jan 2021, video 17:36
23 Kensinger, Elizabeth. Remembering the Details: Effects of Emotion. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. (May 4, 2009) Accessed 2021, January 30
24 Mulligan, Brennan; Scott, Benjamin. “Animating Your Table (with Benjamin Scott) (2020)
25 Mearls, Mike, and Jeremy Crawford. "Dungeons Master's guide". Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast. (2014) accessed 29 January 2021
26 Mulligan, Brennan; Mercer, Matthew. Building Your Own Campaign Setting (with Matthew Mercer) | Adventuring Academy. Dimension 20. (2019, April 3) Accessed December 30, 2020. Video 57:01
27 Mearls, Mike, and Jeremy Crawford. "Dungeons Master's guide". Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast. (2014)-accessed 20 January 2021.
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Casino Superlines Review

Casino Superlines is a relatively new online casino, established in 2017. It is owned and operated by Equinox Dynamic N.V., a company registered in Curacao. Equinox Dynamic is also certified by the local gambling authorities to conduct gambling operations and carries a license from the government.
The Superlines brand is one of the main properties of the company and one of their more successful online casinos. Since it was released to the general public, Casino Superlines has only increased in popularity. This is due to the fact that it offers a solid gambling experience and is available to a wide player base. There are hundreds of slots and table games on offer, allowing anyone to have a good time. Moreover, the casino also provides players with worthwhile promotions and supports a large number of payment services, thereby making it easy for anyone to quickly come on board. In this review, we will take a look at the major aspects of Casino Superlines and provide you with our honest feedback.

Casino Superlines Promotions and Bonuses

The Welcome Package Casino Superlines will give you the opportunity to greatly increase your bankroll over the first few deposits. Your first deposit will be matched an amazing 400% up to €1,000. Effectively, you will have five times the deposit amount to play with. When you make your second deposit, the percentage match is humbler than the previous one but still pretty good. The second part of the offer involves a 100% match up to €1,000, while the third bonus is a 200% match up to €1,000. All in all, you can get up to €3,000 in bonus funds and that is absolutely great. Of course, you will need to deposit a minimum of €20 each time to get your bonus.
Additionally, there are certain rules that you have to follow if you want to get the most out of your bonus. For one, there is a wagering requirement that you have to fulfil before you are allowed to withdraw the funds which amounts to 45 times the value of the bonus. For the purposes of the wagering, your maximum bet will be limited to €5.00 at a time and exceeding this cap may result in the invalidation of the bonus. Moreover, the requirement can only be met while playing slots and scratchcards, with table games and other game types being excluded. Additionally, specific slot titles have reduced contributions while others are altogether excluded. As far as withdrawals are concerned, you can only cash in a sum resulting from your bonus that does not exceed 20x the original deposit amount.
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Casino Superlines Software Providers

One thing that many gamblers overlook when considering an online casino is where the games of the given casino come from. Software providers are an essential part of the online gambling industry, developing the games that we all love to play. However, there are many such companies out there, each offering specific titles. Casino Superlines has partnered up with some of the most respected software providers in the business and was able to acquire a substantial library of casino games. Among the list of software providers, we find large names such as NetEnt, NextGen Gaming, Betsoft, Play’n GO, 1×2 Games, Amaya, Thunderkick, Elk Studios and others.
Each of these software providers has a history of creating high-quality slots and table games, allowing customers to have a great time gambling on the Internet. Their names alone should speak volumes regarding the quality of their product and with hundreds of games to choose from, you will be able to play to your heart’s content.

Casino Superlines Banking

Managing your bankroll is an important skill for any gambler and you also need to be able to easily move funds between your personal balance and your casino account. At Casino Superlines, you will not be able to use physical cash and as a result, you will be required to utilize one of the many online payment solutions supported by the casino.
These are available in several different forms – credit cards, eWallets, online banking, prepaid solutions and mobile payments. Typically the minimum deposit, regardless of what method you use, begins at €20. The maximum limits, however, will vary depending on the service.
If you choose to make your deposit with a credit card, you will be able to use the three most popular brands out there – Visa, MasterCard and Maestro. Alternatively, you may also opt to use an eWallet service due to their many advantages. In such a case, you will be able to manage your bankroll with Skrill, Neteller, Qiwi Wallet, and Przelewy24. These allow for instant deposits and quick withdrawals, where supported. Moreover, they also allow you to maintain some degree of anonymity on the Internet.
As far as online banking services are concerned, Casino Superlines gives you a lot of options. More specifically, you will have at your disposal UseMyServices, EPS, PostePay, TrustPay, POLi, EasyEFT, Sofort, GiroPay, Interac Online, and Trustly. While these can make instant deposits, you need to consider that many are regional services and may not be available to you. Prepaid solutions are available in the form of ecoPayz and Paysafecard, whereas mobile payments can be made via Zimpler and Siru Mobile. Alternatively, you may also make a deposit in Bitcoin if you are a crypto enthusiast.
Withdrawals are available, though not via all the above-listed services. You will be able to cash in your balance with Neteller, Visa, Skrill, Qiwi Wallet and Bitcoin. If you made a deposit with a service that does not support withdrawals, the casino will be more than happy to send you your money via Bank Transfer. The processing times will vary significantly between the different withdrawal solutions. Credit card withdrawals can take several days to clear, whereas transactions issued to eWallets will process almost instantly once they are sent. The minimum withdrawal starts at €100 and the maximum goes up to €5,000 per month.
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Casino Superlines Mobile Features

Playing from a mobile device has become the norm for millions of gamblers from all over the globe and online casinos can scarcely afford to ignore this tendency. To this end, they offer fully-functioning mobile versions of their gambling services and Casino Superlines does the same. Should you wish to take your favorite slots and table games with you, the casino gives you the opportunity to play from anywhere that you like. The only requirement is a working smartphone or tablet and a stable Internet connection.
Accessing the mobile version is completely easy and you can do so on just about any device. All you need to do is load the casino website within your browser and continue as you would on a desktop computer. It is that simple. You will be able to navigate any section of the casino and still have the same features at your disposal, namely, promotions, customer support, banking options and the full extent of the gaming library. You will not be limited in any way should you choose to play from your mobile device. In fact, the mobile version also comes with some features to make your experience better on a small-screen device. You will notice that all the menus have been adjusted for better functionality from a smartphone while some games include different user interfaces for improved usability. All in all, the mobile casino does not lack any features and we are sure that you will have a great time.
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Casino Superlines Games

The games selection is the primary reason why you would want to join Casino Superlines. It comes with more than 600 unique titles and each gives you the opportunity to experience something new and exciting. These span multiple different game types, including but not limited to slots, roulette, blackjack, progressive jackpots, live dealer titles and others. There is always something new to play so you will be occupied for quite a long time if you choose to join Casino Superlines. Below, we will outline some of the more popular genres and also make mention of the worthwhile titles that you can play.


If you are into slots then Casino Superlines certainly has something for you. The majority of the gaming library consists of slot games and there are more than 500 unique titles for you to enjoy. They come in a variety of different forms – video slots, classic slots, with 20 paylines, with 25 paylines, with 40 lines, etc. Regardless of what your preference is, you will find it here without a doubt.
As for the specific titles that you can enjoy, there is a large variety of themes and aesthetics in the slots category. Classic-themed games are always popular with prominent examples including Sevens & Fruits, Fruity Wild, Golden 7 Fruits, and more. Alternatively, you can also have a lot of fun with the animal-themed titles as well. Particularly, Golden Mane, Nuts Commander, Safari Spin, and Birds being among the more interesting. Of course, we also recommend that you try out some of the games with the Asian culture theme, namely Dragon King, Xing Guardian, Dragon Lady, 12 Animals and others.
Slots inspired by mythology are always popular and for good reason. At Casino Superlines, you will be able to play Viking Gods: Thor and Loki, Medusa II, Thunder Zeus, Miss Midas, Zeus the Thunderer II and others. Crime is also a popular theme at Casino Superlines, with notable games like The Slotfather 2, Cosa Nostra, Yakuza, Art of the Heist and others. Of course, these are only a few examples of what awaits you at this online casino. There are hundreds of titles at your disposal and they are only a few clicks away.

Table Games

The table games selection is downright humble when compared to the slots one, yet still, there are some excellent titles awaiting you at Casino Superlines. These come in the form of blackjack, roulette and other table game types.
If roulette is your game of choice, you will have several titles to choose from. These include the classic variations – European and American Roulette – as well as some more interesting ones that put an additional twist on the original roulette formula. The second type can be played in the form of Zero Spin Roulette, Solen Prive Roulette, Micro Roulette, Premium Roulette and more. Regardless of what you choose to play, we are sure that you will have a great time with the available games. The betting limits are quite permissive across the board and you will be able to make good use of your bankroll.
Insofar as blackjack is concerned, there are a handful of variations that you can try your luck on. These are available in the form of American Blackjack, VIP Blackjack, and Classic Blackjack. The more intricate variations come in the form of Blackjack Switch, which allows you to exchange cards between two hands, and Blackjack Surrender where you can easily forfeit your hand and reclaim some of your original stake should things take a turn for the worst. Much like the roulette titles, the available blackjack games are also suitable for both high rollers and casual players on account of the wide betting limits.
Of course, you should also not ignore the casino poker offerings either. While not the most popular game type, casino poker can certainly deliver an excellent gambling experience. At Casino Superlines, you will have the opportunity to several variations of casino poker, namely, Caribbean Poker, Casino Hold’em Poker and Poker Three. If casino poker is not to your liking, then you can also consider Baccarat, Baccarat 777 or Keno.

Progressive Jackpots

If you are looking to one large lump sum all at once, then the only game type that can meet this expectation is the progressive jackpot genre. Featuring large prize pools, these games give you the opportunity to win a small fortune if your luck is good enough. They typically come in the form of slots and this is also the case at Casino Superlines. You will be able to try your luck on some highly entertaining games, such as Dark Harbour Jackpot, Magic Destiny, Fear the Zombies, The Giant, Lagertha, Sunset and more. Even if you do not win the jackpot during your first session, you can be sure that you will have a great time simply spinning the reels.

Live Casino

When it comes to online casino gaming you will rarely find a better experience than in the Live Casino section. Live dealer titles represent the best that the industry has to offer and each game allows you to experience a different classic game type. At Casino Superlines, you have the opportunity to try out some live dealer titles, hosted by professional dealers and offering the genuine land-based casino experience. More specifically, you will be able to play Baccarat, Casino Hold’em, European Roulette, and Blackjack. Usually, live dealer games have slightly higher minimums than the typical virtual title, however, this should not prevent casual players from participating in the fun.
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Casino Superlines Licensing and Regulations

Licensing is a major factor when it comes to choosing an online gambling website. There are only a few ways to determine the legitimacy of a given online casino and you want to make sure that any website you frequent is a legal and trustworthy operation. To this end, you wish to avoid casinos without licensing or from institutions with a bad reputation. Fortunately, Casino Superlines does not fall in either of those categories. The operator behind this casino is licensed by the Government of Curacao, one of the major regulators of online gambling websites outside of Europe. As a result of this, you can be sure that you will have a fair betting experience. In order to acquire this license, Casino Superlines has had to undergo strict audits of the RNG systems to make sure that everything is above board and that the results from games are truly random. With this in mind, you can be sure that when you play at Superlines you will be treated fairly and any winning or losing streak will be solely the product of chance.

Casino Superlines Customer Support

Something that you should take seriously is the customer support available at the casino. Depending on how long you play, there will come a time that you may need to contact customer service to resolve something or to simply ask a question. In such a scenario, you want to make sure that there will be someone on the other side who will take you seriously and provide genuine help.
At Casino Superlines, you will have several methods of contacting customer support. The live chat system is the best means at your disposal. It allows for instant communication in real time and is the most efficient way to reach the support staff. Alternatively, you may also opt-in for phone support. The casino maintains a direct line that you can call, available at +421 2330 560 65. Keep in mind that charges may apply depending on your carrier plan. Finally, if neither of those methods is suitable for you, consider contacting the casino by email. You can forward all of your messages to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and you expect a response within the next 24 hours.
Additionally, there is also a detailed FAQ section, where you will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions.
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How do you want to do this? A Discussion on Selective Rule Enforcement

Hello folks,
For my research analysis and writing class my professor let me pick any topic I want. (her mistake) So for my final term paper I chose to come up with a method of determining a guide to the use of the "rule of cool." I got a A on the paper so I figured I'd share it with you fine folks as well. It is rather lengthy so I've included the abstract first. The 8 tips for dungeon masters is near the end (third session), the first and second parts deal more with the philosophical and ethics of games. So, if situational ethics and a discussion on the Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics of Play are of use for you, be my guess.
I am a relatively new DM so I spent a long time researching and trying to absorb what would make me a "good DM". With that cavate please keep in mind I know next to nothing compared to a vast majority of the DMs here. I can think of no place better to have this paper peer-reviewed, picked apart and "rebutalled" to death than here. If you feel offended, challenged, or angry reading this... Please understand I am a moron borrowing the works and words of far smarter people. If you feel that "this is the WAY" again... I am a moron... so ... with out further ado..


The choice to be a stringent rule-follower without leniency using fanatical legalism in a game can be a source of contention between someone acting as a referee and/or “Game Master” and players of a game. Likewise, to approach games with a sense of fanatical antinomianism, or to completely ignore the rules and simply let players do whatever they want, tends to offer no challenge, and or reason to play that specific game. Using ethical theory frameworks such as situational ethics, natural law, and utilitarianism this paper seeks find the philosophical principles of what moments are acceptable and actually beneficial to bend the rules of a game. As such, it is important to define games, briefly discuss why games are played, and roles rules have on games. The game Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition will be used as the principal example. With “rule for rules” established, seven tips on how to implement it this rule using advice and guidance from some of the most well known “Dungeon Masters” in the modern era will be provided.
Much of this paper relies on the works of Joseph Fletcher, Sheila Murphy; Benard Suits, Robin Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc, and Robert Zubek for the ethical and philosophical discussions around games. For the practical advice, it relies primarily on the works of Matthew Mercer, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Benjamin Scott, Patrick Tracy, Kelly Mclaughlin and Monty Martin.
Players are your friends, or at the very least your fellow human beings. As such, seek out what is best for them. Games are about many things but principally about enjoyment. It’s okay if the player does not get exactly what they want, so long as they still had enjoyment. How it happens is up to the players, the one running the game, and whether the rules were used to enhance the experience or not. It’s possible to find that balance by asking these questions in order: “How will this decision affect: the final enjoyment of all at the table? the narrative? the rules in the future?”

**“Once upon a time, around a table…”

A man behind a cardboard screen sits across from a woman wearing a funny hat. He is frantically reading through the pages of the various books at his disposal. He finds the reference he is looking for, but it is not clear. “It is technically against the rules, it is barely within the realm of possibility, but the idea is so creative…” the man murmurs to himself. Exasperated, the man smiles a crooked grin and explains, “Well you can certainly try… give me an acrobatics check.” The woman throws a piece of plastic resin on to the table. The dice reads, “18.” The man sighs and then laments, “fine… how do you want to do this?” The table erupts in cheers, as high-fives are given from the others around the table. The woman adjusts her hat, as she gleefully explains how her character will use the momentum of several falling barrels to move across the map in a single turn without having to use all her character’s movement.
As a “Dungeon Master” (DM) for the tabletop role playing game, Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), I can say without a doubt that many DMs have encountered extremely similar events as the one described above. The choice to be a stringent rule-follower without leniency can be a source of much resentment between the DM and the players around the table. Likewise, to completely ignore the rules and simply let players do whatever they want offers no challenge, no reason to play. In terms of D&D rule enforcement, as is with many events in life, the choice of always being either a “Harsh Disciplinarian” or the lenient, “Laissez Faire Guide” is a false dichotomy. Instead, seeking balance between the two choices based first on the overall needs of the players, second on the needs of the story, and third on requirements and rules of the game should be the norm.

Session 1: What is the Relationship between, Players, Games and Rules?

The 19th century philosopher and founder of modern cultural history, John Hughes once wrote, “Play is older than culture, for culture, however inadvertently defined, always presupposes human society and animals have not waited for man to teach them their playing.” 1 Why do humans play? Is it instinctual? Bernard Suits was a Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Philosophy for the University of Waterloo and his essays are in part responsible for the field of philosophy of games in the late 20th century. In his book, “The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia,” Suits’ book uses Aesop’s fable about the grasshopper to argue that play is what we would do in a perfect civilization. He believed that in a world devoid of work, humans would still seek out challenges through play, suggesting that it is human nature to challenge ourselves.2 But is that the only reason someone plays a game?
One YouTuber opined that “In a practical sense, games facilitate systemic thinking by getting us to view abstractions, but also engender creativity by getting us to play.”3 If true, these are essential tools for humanity to function as an intelligent race. This makes sense from an evolutionary level as to why humanity would develop play, but is there more to it than “games encourage outside the box thinking?”
The landmark paper titled, “MDA: A formal approach to game design and game research” is one of the earliest attempts to formalize the field of video game design theory and it is fundamental to how modern game designers look at these systems. It serves to define the importance of mechanic, dynamics, and aesthetics of play and is instrumental to helping understand what players will expect out of a game. We will discuss more about dynamics and mechanics later, but first let us focus on aesthetics.
Aesthetics of Play Defined
Term Definition Examples
Sense Pleasure Enjoyment derived from how it stimulates the senses The visuals of a game, sound, and music, feel of the dice, etc.
Fantasy Enjoyment derived from the ability to step into a role that cannot be experienced in real life Playing a game as a magic wielding sorcerer or rocks in the far flung reaches of outer space
Narrative Enjoyment derived from game as drama, it is about the stories and experience gained Heavily story driven games such as Last of Us, Dungeons and Dragons, Final Fantasy
Challenge Enjoyment derived from overcoming an arbitrary obstacle Platformers like Mario, or even drinking games like beer pong, or corn hole; social games like charades, etc.
Fellowship Enjoyment from working cooperatively as a group to accomplish a goal Team based or social games such as Among Us, the card game Spades; save the world mode on Fortnite
Competition Enjoyment from showing dominance Chess or Go, Battle royal games such as Fortnite or PubG or Call of Duty; Fallguys; darts Poker; Uno, Killer bunnies or Magic the Gathering;
Discovery Enjoyment from uncovering the new or discovering news ways to play a game. These can range from searching to find things to choose your own adventure Minecraft; Zelda Breath of the Wild; simple matching games; the board game Betrayal at the House on the Hill; or games like Fable; Dragon Age Inquisition; or Mass effect
Expression Enjoyment from showing an aspect of one’s self; or games that allow full customization of characters Creation games like Minecraft; role play games like fallout 4; world of warcraft or Fortnite
Submission (aka Abnegation) Enjoyment from being able to “turn of the brain; and tune out the world” or what is also known as zone out factor. Bejeweled; candy crush; the lever-pull games at casinos, solitaire, etc.
(Source: Portnow & Floyd, October 2012)5
Aesthetics are things like sense pleasure, fantasy, the narrative of the story, challenge, fellowship, discovery, expression, and something called submission.4 There is an additional aesthetic that most game designers also consider when designing games termed as “competition”.5 These are all reasons people play games and it is important to keep all these in mind when acting as a DM.
The table above works to define these terms more appropriately and makes it easier to reference later. The reasons a player may want to play a game vary and change over time. If a DM can understand their players’ goals (i.e., what the player hopes to get out of the game) the DM will be able to understand why someone might want to perform a certain action, play a game, or want to ignore a certain rule in the first place.
On that note, what are rules in games? Think about it… Games are weird… well I should say the act of playing a game… is weird. Suits once wrote in his article, for the “Philosophy of Science Association Journal,” "To play a game is to engage in activity directed towards bringing about a specific state of affairs, using only means permitted by rules, where the rules prohibit more efficient [means] in favor of less efficient means, and where such rules are accepted just because they make possible such activity."6 In other words, to play a game we create rules that prevent us from achieving a goal through the easiest means available. Instead, we make something more difficult and we play a game. For instance, in basketball, it would be far easier to simply carry the ball all the way to the basket instead of dribbling it.
In D&D, there is a similar activity to dribbling. It is called a “dice roll.” It is something that players must make to see if they succeed or fail at a task. The player rolls a 20-sided die and tries to get above a certain score to succeed. Players can roll normal, with advantage, or with disadvantage. Rolling with advantage allows the player to roll the D-20 (the 20-sided die) twice and use the higher number. Rolling with disadvantage also has the player roll the D-20 twice, but they must take the lower number rolled instead. It introduces a chance of randomness, and players will find any excuse they can to avoid having to make a roll with "disadvantage." In his book, The Grasshopper, Suits argues that we do this because it is the act of overcoming that limitation that we find enjoyment. By taking on these restrictions and accepting these limitations, we take on what he coins as a "lusory attitude" which allows us to play the game as it is meant to be played.
Suits would argue that by not playing the game according to the rules as written, the player would have only achieved a “quasi-victory” not really worthy of achievement. He also goes on to say that even the act of “failing to win the game by virtue of losing it implies an achievement, in the sense that the activity in question -- playing the game -- has been successfully, even though not victoriously, complete.”7 So, according to Suits, it’s better to follow the rules of the game and loose than to not follow the rules and win. It’s important to point out that the aesthetics of play had not yet been defined and Suits’ work mainly focused on the “challenge” aspect of play. This is where many sports and game philosophers begin to find fault with Suits. In the “Journal of Philosophy of Sport,” a rebuttal of Suits’ work by David Myers asks, “What if the goal of the player isn't to follow the rules or even play the game?”8 For instance, what happens if the player is motivated by competition and doesn’t care about rules so long as “they win?” While an extreme example, this paradox isn’t out of the realm of possibility. Therefore, focusing on just the challenge aesthetic of game play and simply playing the game “rules as written” can lead to a disconnect between what the player desires and the game itself.
Jesper Juul, an Associate Professor in the School of Design at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, wrote in his textbook on video game design, “Rules specify limitations and affordances. They prohibit players from performing actions such as making jewelry out of dice, but they also add meaning to the allowed actions, and this affords players meaningful actions that were not otherwise available; rules give games structure”9 Basically, without rules we cannot even have play. However, if the player ignores the rules that player won’t be able to enjoy the full experience of the game, because the rules both afford the opportunity to enjoy the game and provide the obstacles in the first place.
How the rules affect actual game play is where Mechanics and Dynamics come into play. (See, I told you we would get back to it eventually.) Mechanics are the rules and systems that govern chance to create the game we experience. Dynamics are how those rules come together to govern the strategies of that game. In D&D, an example of mechanics is how a player would have to roll a 20-sided dice to see if an action would succeed. Dynamics are the actions the player takes to manipulate the situation and give themselves advantage in the roll. Some examples of this are using a spell caster’s familiar, flanking an enemy in combat, using the bend luck trait, or lucky feat. This is akin to how the rules of poker dictate that bluffing is allowed (mechanics); but how the bluffing player conceals their tells and bets is entirely up to that player (dynamics).
What happens when the player’s desired aesthetics and the mechanics don’t allow for the dynamics the player wants to use? This is where it falls on the DM to determine if the game can handle a little rule bending. In the Dungeon Master Guide’s introduction, it states “The D&D rules help you and the other players have a good time, but the rules aren’t in charge. You’re the DM, and you are in charge of the game…” However! It goes on to say, “The success of a D&D game hinges on your ability to entertain the other players at the game table.” What is a good way to approach this? Is it THE DM IS ALWAYS RIGHT, able to enforce their will on the players whenever it suits their need? Should the DM strictly enforce the rules and narrative of their planned story without the need to appease the players’ wants and desires?... well… The DM COULD do it, but it won’t be long before their players stop showing to game sessions. Just like the rules, without players, there is no game. Or as one notable professional DM and YouTuber once put it:
“The game you weave belongs to the players as much as yourself… so make sure to humor them every once in awhile by giving them a chance to be extraordinary" - Patrick "the Goddam DM" Tracy 10

Session 2: The Ethics of a Dungeon Master

So how does someone seek a balance between the rules and the players? Enter situational ethics. Situational ethics, first proposed by philosopher and first professor of ethics at Harvard Medical School, Joseph Fletcher,** is an attempt to seek a middle ground between two ethical schools of thought: Legalism and Antinomianism. In legalism, morality must come from a strict set of rules that must be obeyed at all times and cannot be deviated from or broken for any reason. Antinomianism, on the other hand, is the idea that there should be no rules, you should be able to do what you want, whenever you want (lawless society). 11
In D&D terms, "Fanatical Legalism" would be similar to what many DMs would characterize as "Lawful Stupid," where a certain player's character enforces harsh judgement without ever showing mercy to those who would break the law regardless of the circumstances… even to the detriment of the party… or that small band of orphans who were stealing food out of desperation…
Likewise, in D&D terms, "Fanatical Antinomianism" would be similar to what DMs would characterize as "Chaotic Stupid," where a player's character completely ignores consequences an action would bring and simply act according to their whims… even when it's an obvious trap… that has a 100 percent chance to damage not only your character, but the other players as well.
Fletcher's work states that the morally right thing to do depends on the situation and can change throughout the situation, but at the same time, there is a universal “moral law” on which to base our actions that he called "Agape" love. Derived from the Greek word of similar pronunciation, Fletcher sought to define Agape as a means to show love for your fellow human. In his book titled “Situational Ethics,” Fletcher states, "All laws, rules, principles, ideals and norms, are only contingent, only valid if they happen to serve love."12 Or to put it a different way, a desire to see your fellow human be happy is and should be the goal. It is not really a feeling, but an attitude to do what is best for others.
In terms of the D&D alignment chart, this would be easiest to define as whether someone is "Good" or "Evil." Whereas a “good character” is someone who acts for the betterment of others regardless of personal motivations, conversely an “evil character” acts out of their own self-interests regardless of how this action would affect others. Those that follow the concept of Agape would be “good characters.” Those that do not, would be evil.
This is where the so-called “Rule of Cool” comes into play. Mathew Mercer, an extremely acclaimed DM, comedian, and writer of D&D’s “Explorer’s Guide to Wild Mount,” and host of the show “Critical Roll,” defines the Rule of Cool as a trope in the D&D community that is “the willing suspension of disbelief for the sake of a cool moment.”13 It’s used in moments where the use of an certain object or action would be nearly impossible according to the mechanics of the game, but because it is a “cool dynamic,” the DM allows it. But what is “cool?” Is it a player that is normally too nervous to speak up being able to do something unique on time despite it being against the rules? Is it a player that has spent considerable time perfecting a skill and being able to perform a truly “epic task” (such as the jumping across barrels to effectively triple their movement distance)? Is it succeeding in persuading the main villain to befriend the party through a series of increasingly complex but successful rolls?
In all these situations listed above, there is a common theme that ties all the principles of what this paper is trying to address together in a simple phrase. As a DM, before making a ruling ask, "How will this decision affect the final enjoyment of all at the table?" Now a DM cannot give the players everything they want. Doing so cheapens the truly extraordinary moments. Finding the right balance can be difficult. That is why the flow chart above is suggested when trying to figure out whether it is a good time to “Remember the Rule of Cool.”

Session 3: “Well… You can Certainly Try”- Some Famous DM

Finally, we can discuss how the desire to make the most enjoyable experience for everyone at the table plays out using real-world examples and advice from some of the most well-known DMs in the business. Using the concept of Situational Ethics’ Agape, we can see how to work in the rule of cool using eight tips for Dungeon Masters.
Tip 1: It is advised to know your audience.
Not everything is as it seems, so be sure to pay attention to your players and look at them when you are describing the situation. Make note of how they react when tones or themes change. Remember those reasons people play games mentioned earlier? This is where those come into play. Additionally, while not something outright suggested, it is nevertheless important to take team dynamics into account.
The book “Four lenses unfolded” describes how various personality types can interact and work to solve problems. In it, the book describes four primary temperaments: Green (analytical), Blue (empathetic), Orange (adventurous), and Gold (goal oriented). Unlike most other personality tests, four lenses theory suggests that while we have a dominant personality at any given moment, other aspects of these personalities can manifest as well. Being able to draw on these aspects at will is the mark of a “mature” individual.14 As a DM/referee, coach, or manager, being able to do this and adapt to the needs of the players will take player engagement to the next level.
Tip 2: Establishing and Managing Expectations Early and Often, Works to Prevent Disappointment and Confusions
Mercer once put it this way, “Establish early on in your campaign how much of a level of crazy you're willing to allow. This allows for players to better understand what to try for and what not to try for.”15 Whether you are a teacher, referee, coach, parent, supervisor, or mentor, establishing expectations with those involved mitigates problems before they arise.
One of the main tools DM’s have for this is that is recommended by Mercer, as well as nearly every DM in existence on the internet, is the “Session Zero.” Session Zero is a term used to describe a session where no play occurs but instead rules that will be used and rules that will be ignored or bent is established. It also serves to establish a theme the players can expect from any campaign. Using the first chapter of the DMs guide will help considerably in establishing this. Additionally, one of the best guides for this is laid out by the DM YouTubers known as “the Dungeon Dudes” in their video titled, “How to Run a Session Zero for Dungeons and Dragons 5e.”16 But always keep Agape in mind throughout this process. In this step, it means actively listening to the players. The DM may want a gritty, tough, realistic, and challenging campaign. But if the players want a high fantasy power trip, some adjustments are going to need to be made to the campaign. Listening to players and changing the plans accordingly is not easy. It requires A LOT of humility and ego suppression. Especially when the DM has already designed how the game is going to go… which leads us to the next tip.
Tip 3: It is important to develop a healthy relationship with failure.
Celebrated author Orson Wells once wrote; “If you want a happy ending, that of course, is dependent of where you stop your story.”17 This applies to both the players and DM. There will be times when the DM is tempted to ignore the rules because the consequences seem dire. The player fails an athletics check trying to use a dynamic that had a high-risk, high-reward moment. Now the player’s character is doomed to fall several hundred feet down a ravine to what is likely certain doom in lava. But this isn’t the end. That player’s character is most likely dead, but their death could result in a moment of drama and tension for the players. It’s the very real chance of failure that encourages players to think critically about a situation and experience excitement and tension. Brennon Lee Mulligan, the DM of the D&D streaming show, “Dimension 20,” put it this way… “if you are not allowing for failure, you are essentially just telling a story,” and thus never actually playing a game (make-believe as Suits would put it). 18
Another thing to consider is that through failure, we can often find comedy as well as ways to encourage players to think critically and find new escapes, 19 at least according to the mind behind the “Replaying the Curse of Strahd” videos, Benjamin (Puffin Forest) Scott. Lastly, Mercer strongly advises that if a DM allows too many “rule of cool moments” to happen in succession, the weight of the moments and consistency of the game will be lost. 20
Players that are afraid to fail will not try. Mercer explains that “Most role play games are designed to forge a heroic story (showing feats of legend) so let the players try! Let them fail, and occasionally succeed!” This is where his catch phrase “you can certainly try” comes from. 21
Tip 4: Whenever Possible, Avoid Taking Things Personally
In his lecture on not talking things personally, soccer referee and public speaker, Frederik Imbo, explained there are two sides of a coin to keep in mind when trying not to take things personally: “It is not about you,” and “it is about you.” 22 Look at the other person’s intentions not just yours. With that in mind, it is okay to give yourself empathy and speak up. When someone seems upset with you, ask what are they hoping to get out of this releasing of emotions? Additionally, ensure that your pride isn’t preventing you from making the correct call. Yes I am talking about Ego again; it is that important! It is the DM’s world, but it is the players’ game. Without both, the world and the game, you do not have D&D.
D&D has a weird paradox of being both a story and a game. It has both a narrative as its core premise, but it is, in fact, also a multi-player game. Without at least two people you cannot really have much fun. DMs should make sure that everyone at the table enjoys themselves. Tip 5: Mechanics are important precisely because they are a means of delivering impactful story moments.
Remember that rule of cool concept? Extraordinary moments don’t happen often, and this is by design of the mechanics of the game. Humans remember the novel and unique way more often than the mundane. Mundane things tend to blend into the background. It’s the unexpected moments that highlight the more impactful story moments, especially if that moment is tied to strong emotions.23
With that in mind, Mulligan suggests looking at where the players are putting their resources before deciding how to rule on a situation. Have they invested experience points/levels into a specific skill that is relevant to this situation instead of just something they can use in combat? If so, reward them for wanting to do something that is a part of the world you are creating together. 24
Tip 6: Discourage metagaming but allow it whenever possible.
Look for any and every excuse you can to give advantage on an arcana check by setting the DC low (10 or higher). If the player succeeds, they can use what they know… they are going to anyway, but at least then they can talk about it with the other players.
According to the DM guide Chapter 8, metagame thinking means “thinking about the game as a game,” Examples would be thinking “the DM wouldn’t throw such a powerful monster at us so early in the game, so we will surely be saved and not have to take this fight seriously,” or “the DM spent A LOT of time describing that door… maybe we should search it again!” 25
The problem with metagaming isn’t really about what advantage the players are getting in the game. The problem is that manipulation of the dynamics, when used to extremes, can spoil the plot line of the cumulative story being told. This can lessen the drama and tension elements resulting in decreased enjoyment of those involved. Additionally, it can create a dynamic where the DM is constantly having to escalate encounters to challenge the player, encouraging a potentially toxic “DM vs player” mentality.
For instance, how would a street orphan barbarian with no formal education and a wisdom of …let’s say very low…be able to know that liches phylactery is the source of their power. The solution here depends on why the players are playing this specific game. Is it the narrative of the story? Is it discovery? If these aren’t anywhere close to the reasons these players came to the game table in the first place, the narrative is not going to take as much of a factor into decisions. Metagaming in this instance isn’t going to be much of a problem.
Tip 7: Keep in mind, the ending is “A” destination, but the story is about how you get there.
A DM may hold off the extra cool moments for the final parts of the game, keeping their players in complete darkness and grit the entire way. However, without at least some levity along the way, some “water for the weary travelers,” as Mercer put it, they may not make it to the end.26 So, do not be afraid to relax the rules from time to time to give them those cool moments, but do so sparingly lest the destination lose its luster as well. Always keep in mind it’s about the enjoyment of crafting and playing in the world together that makes this, or really any game, fun.
*Tip 8: When all else fails… take a break and have the Tarrasque attack the party. *
When all else fails, roll two D-20s out of players’ views… fake a worried expression… role a D-100 (also out of player’s view) look over the score concerned as you pour through your notes… then explain sorrowfully… “I’m sorry… The Tarrasque has risen and has attacked the party. Everyone roll initiative.” This is actual advice from the DM manual. It is right under “faking illness and running away.”27 The point is this: never be afraid to pause or call a game when it’s over or needed.
Maybe something incredibly uncomfortable for a player has happened. Maybe the DM has reached the end of what they were able to prepare for that session. Perhaps everyone is hungry or needs a bathroom break. Maybe the entire table has gotten to a point where no one can agree on anything and team dynamics are breaking down. That game world will always be there… but your friends won’t. Cherish that moment and make as many good moments as possible. Additionally, taking breaks both in-game and in the real world allow for quiet moments. These allow for the greater moments to shine through and the players will enjoy their experience more.
The graphic above serves to summarize the eight tips above and show their relationship with the narrative, enjoyment, and the rules when put in the context of situational ethics. From this graph, the relationship between the eight tips and how they play into the narrative, enjoyment, and rules of the game can be seen. Each of the tips can influence many parts of the game but they are intended to primarily influence the aspect of the game they are adjacent to. “Knowing the players” should influence the narrative and what kind of enjoyment the players receive. What mechanics are used to enable the game is causally related to how the rules are used and so on. Please note that Agape is at the center as, with every decision a DM makes, considering what is best for the players should be central to the experience of any game.
The Epic Conclusion
Through crafting a game-world together with your players, a DM has the potential to tap into one of the greatest traditions humanity has: camaraderie with friends. At the end of the day, these players are your friends, or at the very least your fellow human beings. As such, you should want what is best for them. Through trials, hardships, and drama, we get to put the punctuation on the moments of excitement, joy, happiness, and bliss. It is okay if the player does not get exactly what they want, so long as they still had enjoyment. This is because getting everything we expect is sometimes boring. However, always keep in mind that at the end of the day, games are about having fun. How that happens is up to the players, the DM, and whether the rules were used to enhance the experience or not. It’s possible to find that balance by asking these questions in order: “How will this decision affect: the final enjoyment of all at the table? the narrative? the rules in the future?”
1 Huizinga, Johan . "Homo Ludens". Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. (1980), pp. 1., accessed January 19, 2021. homoludens_johan_huizinga_routledge_1949.pdf
2 Suits, Bernard, “The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia,” Broadview Press. Ed. 3. (November 29, 2005): 54–55. Accessed December 31, 2020.
3 The Game Overanalyzer, The Aesthetics of Play | Why We Play Games, and the Search for Truth and Beauty in Game Design. The Game Overanalyzer. (January 11, 2020), accessed 6 January 2021. Video 18:44.
4 Hunicke, Robin, Marc LeBlanc, and Robert Zubek. "MDA: A formal approach to game design and game research." Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Challenges in Game AI, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 1722. (2004). Accessed January 11, 2020
5 Portnow, James; Floyd, Daniel; Aesthetics of Play- Redefining Genres in Gaming. Extra Credits; (October 17, 2012), Video 9:13. Accessed December 30, 2020.
6 Suits, Bernard. “Discussion: Games and Paradox.” Chicago University Press. Philosophy of Science Association Journal, Vol 36, no. 3 (September 1, 1969). pg 316–.321. Accessed December 30, 2020.
7 Suits, Bernard. “Discussion: Games and Paradox (1969)
8 Myers, David. “Game as Paradox: A Rebuttal of Suits.” Journal of the philosophy of Sport 39, no. 1 (May 1, 2012). Accessed December 30, 2020.
9 Juul, Jesper. "Half-Real: Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds", MIT Press, (Aug 19, 2011) pp.57-59
10 Tracy, Patrick. DM Tips: The Rule of Cool. Fantasy Bango. (October 20, 2017). Accessed December 30, 2020. Video 2:23
11 Fletcher, Joseph F. Situation Ethics: The New Morality. Westminster John Knox Press, (1997). Page 17-26 (accessed January 20, 2021)
**Please note that just because Fletcher’s Situational Ethics is used prominently, this is not an endorsement of all his views. Fletcher’s work has been used to justify terrible atrocities, such as eugenics, this should serve to point out that any philosophy taken to extremes can lead to terrible outcomes
12 Fletcher, Joseph F. Situation Ethics: The New Morality. (1997)
13 Mercer, Matthew. The Rule of Cool! (Game Master Tips). Geek & Sundry. (February 16, 2016). Accessed December 30, 2020. Video. 5:52
14 Bryce, Nathan K., “Four Lenses Unfolded: A Deeper Understanding of Temperament Values,” Insight; (January 29, 2002,).
15 Mercer, Matthew. The Rule of Cool! (Game Master Tips). (2016).
16 McLaughlin, Kelly; Martin, Monty. "How to Run a Session Zero for Dungeons and Dragons 5e". Dungeon Dudes. (September 3, 2020), Accessed 12 30, 2020. Video.
17 Wells, Orson, "The Big Brass Ring." Santa Teresa Press (1987, January 1) 1-148
18 Mulligan, Brennan; Scott, Benjamin. “Animating Your Table (with Benjamin Scott) | Adventuring Academy Season 2 | Ep. 16 |” Adventuring Academy. Dimension (2020, December 28). Accessed December 30, 2020. Video 1:24:18
19 Mulligan, Brennan; Scott, Benjamin. “Animating Your Table (with Benjamin Scott) (2020)
20 Mercer, Matthew. The Rule of Cool! (Game Master Tips). (2016)..
21 Mercer, Matthew. The Rule of Cool! (Game Master Tips). (2016)
22 Imbo, Frederik, "How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen" TEDx Talks; (March 4, 2020) accessed 10 Jan 2021, video 17:36
23 Kensinger, Elizabeth. Remembering the Details: Effects of Emotion. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. (May 4, 2009) Accessed 2021, January 30
24 Mulligan, Brennan; Scott, Benjamin. “Animating Your Table (with Benjamin Scott) (2020)
25 Mearls, Mike, and Jeremy Crawford. "Dungeons Master's guide". Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast. (2014) accessed 29 January 2021
26 Mulligan, Brennan; Mercer, Matthew. Building Your Own Campaign Setting (with Matthew Mercer) | Adventuring Academy. Dimension 20. (2019, April 3) Accessed December 30, 2020. Video 57:01
27 Mearls, Mike, and Jeremy Crawford. "Dungeons Master's guide". Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast. (2014)-accessed 20 January 2021.
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Are you ready to become a winner in your favorite casino? “Sieger” means “winner” in German, so Casino Sieger makes some great promises from the very start. But before you register and make the first deposit, make sure to read our review. Casino Sieger is a gaming website, established in 2009, that collaborates with a great number of popular software providers such as Microgaming, BetSoft and NetEnt. It supports classic casino games, live casino tables, sportsbooks and virtual sports - more than enough variety to participate in a different activity every day.

Casino Sieger Review

Before we start raving about Casino Sieger, we would like to remind you that not every casino is suitable for every punter, no matter how good it sounds. It all comes down to preference. This casino, however, focuses on a diverse gaming portfolio that includes all popular styles, themes and variations. Whether you are a high roller or a complete beginner, there will certainly be a title or two that will speak to you. Some live casino enthusiasts might say that there aren’t enough live games, and we partially agree - Casino Sieger is missing some great live gaming shows that are fun and highly amusing.
We would also love to see more deposit bonuses that are simple and straightforward, with no special calculations involved. Still, their Build a Bonus feature provides an interesting twist to deposit bonuses and motivates you to play regularly. What we don’t like about this casino is a 10% handling fee on your transactions, especially as eWallet transfers take literally seconds, and don’t require as much work as bank transfers. 10% is a lot, no matter how much you want to withdraw - €200 or €20. Giving up on fees would be an incredible step forward and would bring more new customers who are playing on a budget or simply want a cheap, yet efficient casino site.
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Casino Sieger Promotions and Bonuses

As an establishment that is focused on both casino and sports betting experience, Casino Sieger features two different bonuses. Of course, the one that is more important is the casino welcome bonus, and in this case, it is 100% up to €200. Sportsbooks welcome bonus is 100% up to €100. It is fascinating how they created two welcome offers for two completely different types of punters. And while some might think the sportsbooks users are neglected by getting only up to €100 bonus, the fact is that sports betting and casino bets operate in completely different ways, and the wagering requirements tend to be quite different.
It would be amazing if the casino tossed in a few extra spins as well. Furthermore, having a separate welcome bonus for live casino punters would be extremely beneficial for both users and the establishment, as it would attract more professional clientele and high rollers who prefer a realistic casino experience in the comfort of their own homes. Don’t get us wrong, this is still an incredible offer, worth your time and money, just make sure to read all the terms and conditions before claiming the bonus. They are located in the footer, and there is a single document for all promotions and bonuses available on the website.

Bonus terms and wagering requirement

Bonus terms are transparently listed on the website, and we suggest you read them as they are an incredible source of all the information related to bonuses. They even feature examples that can help you easily understand how to wager your bonus. While playing the bonus, you will be able to withdraw the amount that equals the percentage of the wagering requirement you played. So, if you got a €100 bonus, and wagered 20%, you can withdraw €20.
Every bonus must be wagered 30 times before becoming fully eligible for a withdrawal. Profits made by playing free spins must be wagered 60 times. The games contribute to the wagering requirement as follows:
  • Slots: 100%
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Please understand that sportsbooks bonuses have different wagering requirements due to the nature of the game.
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Promotions and bonuses

Casino Sieger’s promotions are primarily focused on sports betting, but there are also a couple of good deals for casino users. There are raffles, tournaments and competitions that last for a certain period of time and bring you free spins, cash prizes and jackpots. This site is giving out €2 million in daily Drops and Wins, as well as free cash prizes in their monthly tournaments.
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Casino Sieger Game Selection

Casino, Live Dealer, Jackpots

Casino Sieger features over one thousand popular games and covers all genres, themes and types of gaming. The platform provides a great overview of all games available; all you have to do is glance over the main menu, and then click the category you are interested in. And if you are on a hunt after a specific title, simply use the search bar - it works impeccably, and the results will be there immediately for you to click and play. This site includes live casino games, classic table games, slots, virtual sports, as well as sportsbooks, bingo, scratchcards and many other games that are not so common at online casinos.

Slots and table games

Slot fanatics will love Casino Sieger as it provides an incredible selection of these popular games. What we found interesting is that the site has a special category for sport-themed slots. We expected to see at least 50 sport-related games, but there were only 24 sports slots available. Punters who play only recent releases should focus on a category called New, as it features all the latest gaming titles, and while doing this Casino Sieger review we noticed some games that were fresh out of the oven: Artemis & Medusa, Goldaur Guardians and Bling. Of course, you can always take a few spins on classics such as Gonzo’s Quest and Book of Dead.
Table games can be found in the Casino category, and be prepared to see some live casino games as well, despite them having a separate section. But this doesn’t make finding the game you will love any more difficult, as they are all organized by the category - blackjack (60 titles), poker (58 titles), baccarat (11 variants), roulette (32 variants), video poker (39 titles), scratch cards (over 70 titles), other games (37 games). The most interesting game in this section is Blackjack 3D Multi-Hand, a game that is very similar to live blackjack but isn’t live-streamed.


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However, progressive jackpot slots are and always will be more popular than progressive table games. Casino Sieger features some amazing titles like the Mega Moolah series (all the existing titles), CashSplash saga, Treasure Nile and Imperial Riches. There are also some less popular titles like jungle-themed Tanzamunni, enchanting Wild Spells, as well as Jackpot Rango, Basic Instinct and Rambo, all based on hit movie titles. The only Drops and Wins slot in this category was Wolf Gold, a Pragmatic Play title that features only one payline, in the special field at the bottom of reels. However, there are more Drops and Wins titles available, and you can find them by using the Pragmatic Play provider filter.

Live Casino

Live casino games in this establishment are provided by Pragmatic Play and Net Ent, two reputable software companies that thrill players across the globe with vibrant slots and luxurious live casino games. There are seven variants of roulette, 18 types of blackjack, five types of baccarat and sic bo, which indicates this live casino is on the smaller side. Still, this makes it perfect for beginners who can’t handle a great variety of games and variants all crowded on a single platform.
If we had to mention some titles that were fun for us, it would definitely be Roulette Macau. The minimum bet is €0.50 and the maximum bet is €2,000, but what surprised us the most is the live chat feature where you can talk to your peers all across the globe. Talk about authentic casino experience! This casino lacks only one type of live gaming - gaming shows that are most common at Evolution Gaming live casinos. Adding a few popular titles would further diversify their portfolio and be a popular choice among punters who like dynamic yet lighthearted types of gambling that don’t require a lot of attention, skill or knowledge.
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Deposits and Withdrawals

The minimum deposit at Casino Sieger is €10, while the minimum withdrawal is set at €20. You can make the payment via several popular methods: Sofort, AstroPay Card, Visa, MasterCard, SafetyPay, ecoPayz, Skrill, Neteller, PaySafeCard, PassNgo, Zimpler, Trustly and many more. And while some of these payment methods might be restricted in certain countries, there is always more than plenty to choose from. All payouts are processed within two working days, and you might even have to verify your identity, but trust us, this step is essential for safe and smooth transactions. It takes up to four working days for the money to get to your bank account.
If you don’t want to verify your account, keep in mind you can withdraw only up to €2,000. Per week you can withdraw up to €1,000, and there is a limit on €2,500 in withdrawals per month. Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule so make sure to read T&C carefully. Furthermore, the company reserves the right to charge a 10% fee on withdrawals which can be considered quite pricey.

Verifying your Casino Sieger account

As already mentioned, all players who want to enjoy their winnings to the fullest must verify their account. The entire process is quite simple and takes just a little bit of effort. You have to prove your:
  • Identity, by providing ID copy or similar document that proves who you really are
  • Address, by sending a utility bill or bank statement, no older than 60 days, with full name and address
  • Banking information
  • Phone number
In some cases, the casino might request a notarized copy of the documents mentioned above.
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Security and Licensing

Casino Sieger is owned and operated by Condor Malta Limited. It is also regulated and licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority. In addition to that, the company holds NetEnt and BetSoft RNG certificates which prove all players have a fair chance of winning, as no results and outcomes are rigged. You can find the PDFs of these certificates on the website if you are interested. Their Privacy Policy is detailed and provides a great insight into how your data is handled, stored and used.
In conclusion, Casino Sieger seems like a fair and reliable online casino. Players will definitely appreciate the fact it is a regulated establishment and not some shady joint from the dark corners of the web, with no license and zero customer protection. All bonus requirements are explained to the last detail and available to you even before you register, which is something to appreciate. This casino has nothing to hide!


Casino Sieger is the ultimate winner when it comes to a user-friendly interface; let’s take it step by step. First, the casino looks sleek, elegant and professional thanks to an attractive combination of black, silver and gold. All buttons are easily visible, and even users of the older generation won’t have any difficulties navigating it. Second, games are well organized in their respective categories, and there is also a search bar that works without mistake. Do you need to know more about bonuses? Bonus terms are easily accessible and published for everyone to read, so there is no guessing game when it comes to playing the wagering requirement.
Furthermore, almost all games feature a demo mode, which means you can play virtual money before your real deposit. That way you don’t risk any real money, but still manage to learn all the rules and features. Overall, it was a pleasure to play in this casino.

Mobile Casino

Casino Sieger mobile platform follows the same design concept as the desktop platform, with some minor adjustments for more pleasant mobile gaming. One of those adjustments is a slightly different games menu, but we have to admit it doesn’t affect the playing experience in a negative way. On the contrary, it makes more sense to navigate vertical tabs than horizontal ones while playing on the phone.
The mobile gaming interface is instant and supported by all modern browsers that can be set up on Android and Apple phones. There are no downloads and updates involved, and your mobile storage space won’t be affected by mobile gaming. This advanced approach towards mobile gaming allows you to play whenever and wherever; just make sure you have a reliable internet connection, and a solid WiFi or mobile data plan with your operator. All games load pretty fast, and work without any delays or buffering.
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Casino Sieger Help and Support

Feel free to contact their customer support via live chat. Agents respond quickly, and even though you might have to wait a minute or two to get your answer, the service is simply superb so we can’t complain. Before starting the chat, you will have to provide your name and email, as well as type the question you have for the support. Alternatively, you can contact them via email.
These are the main categories in the Casino Sieger FAQ:
  • About
  • Account
  • Contact
  • Bonus
  • Financial queries
  • Games
  • Sportsbooks
In addition to FAQ, there are also game guides that provide basic rules on how to play certain gaming titles.
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They offer a great selection of games from casino game providers such as NeoGames, Microgaming, NetEnt, Rabcat, Pragmatic Play, and Pariplay. These include:
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No matter which game you choose, the Winners Magic Casino wins will certainly make you happy.
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The rise of mobile gaming affected the standards of the online casino industry. Winner’s Magic interface is primarily designed for mobile devices, and all mobile casino features, games and promotions, as well as banking methods, customer support, etc. are clearly stated on the mobile website.
Winner’s Magic Casino’s mobile version is supported by iOS and Android platforms. Players don’t need to download an app as the casino loads on compatible mobile browsers. Regarding usability and functionality, the different website sections are easily navigated, and all the menus are clearly accessible.

Loyalty Program

The best part about Winners Magic Casino loyalty program is that the more you play the bigger rewards you get. The VIP-program has 7 levels, each level unlocking something special. For example, “Silver Member” players get 10 Free Games on Sunday, can take part in VIP live tournaments, and will also receive a birthday bonus. What makes this loyalty program exciting are the two top levels “Premium VIP” and “Prestige VIP” which can only be unlocked with an exclusive invitation, and will then be granted higher deposits and higher cash out limits. Getting to the highest level is your Winners loyalty card that will bring you prizes, money and lots of fun.

Promotional Offers at Winner’s Magic Casino

The higher you get, the ranking system offers you better perks and rewards, including birthday bonuses, faster cash out times, and much more. Always make sure to read the terms and conditions before signing up and claiming a promotion. Winner’s Magic gives a fair and honest online casino experience by offering fantastic casino bonuses and promotion to boost their customers’ entertainment.
  • Brand new players receive a welcome bonus of up to €200 and 100 free spins to their account over the course of three days to play on all casino games.
  • All new players of Winner’s Magic Casino are greeted with a match-up bonus and a total of 100 free spins.
  • The player must make a first deposit of a minimum of €10 to receive the match up bonus.
  • The Free Spins must be used on the day they are received.
  • Upon completing the deposit of €20, players will receive 20 spins, followed by 40 more on the second and third day. for the match bonus and a minimum deposit of €20 for the free spins.
In addition, there is a wagering requirement which amounts to 35 times the value of the casino bonus. So, if you claim the full €200 bonus, you will need to wager €7,000 before you can withdraw it.
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Payment Methods

Deposit / Withdrawal Methods: Bank Transfer, Visa, MasterCard, Bank Transfer, Klarna, Trustly, Skrill, Skrill 1-Tap, Neteller, ecoPayz, PayPal, Rapid transfer, Giropay, Interac, EasyEFT, AstroPay card, Much Better, Euteller, Zimpler, EPS, paysafecard, Instadebit
Withdrawal Duration:
  • Fastest: e-payment - 3 business days
  • Slowest: bank check - 8-10 business days
  • Withdrawal Limit: 7000€ per month


The verdict in our Winner review is that Winners Magic Casino is set up with a winning recipe and players can instantly feel some real magic. It is a simple, user-friendly website with a fine selection of games that keeps players coming back for more. One of our favorite things about Winner’s Magic is that the casino is stacked with games in different categories and from different game providers. There are Magic slot machines, video games, live casino games, and scratch cards. Winner’s Magic Casino is a thrilling and exciting place for any type of player to try their luck.
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Royal Vegas Casino Christmas Free Spins No Deposit Bonus

Royal Vegas Casino Christmas Free Spins No Deposit Bonus

Royal Vegas Casino Christmas Free Spins
Merry Xmas!!! This is the best time to play at Royal Vegas Casino since they offer no deposit free spins on their Wheel of Free Spins! Try your luck and win up to 100 free spins and $1200 free bonus. No risk, no deposit, no questions!
>> Spin and win at Royal Vegas Casino <<

Royal Vegas Casino Review

Established in 2000, Royal Vegas has been around for two decades now. Achieving longevity like this is no small feat in the crowded world of online casinos, but Royal Vegas seems to have done it in style – thanks to an ever-increasing selection of quality games, around-the-clock customer care, trustworthy banking mechanisms, cutting-edge security features, and appealing bonuses, promotional offers and a loyalty program. Furthermore, Royal Vegas is certified by eCOGRA for responsible conduct and fair gameplay, while being licensed by the prestigious Malta Gaming Authority. Let’s explore further.

Bonuses and Promotions

Upon registering an account at Royal Vegas, players will be eligible for a welcome offer valued at up to C$1200. As it’s credited across the course of the first four deposits made, it works out to be 4 x 100% match bonuses up to C$300 each. The offer must be claimed within seven days post-registration, plus players will see in the terms and conditions that there is a 50x wagering requirement and a minimum deposit of C$10 included.
What else does Royal Vegas offer? A Daily Deal every day, which is a 24-hour offer tailored around each player’s specific play history. Furthermore, Royal Vegas has a Bonus Wheel, which is available at certain times and provides the possibility of spot prizes. Then there are the themed promotions, whereby players can score match bonuses, loyalty points, bonus credits and more.
Lastly, there is the loyalty program, which is premised around loyal play – each time a player makes a real money bet, they will earn points. Bonus credits can be gained in exchange for these points, plus the number of points accrued will decide what level the player ascends to next: each successive level adds extra benefits for the player to enjoy. The levels start at Bronze, moving up to Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and ultimately, Privé.
>> Spin and win at Royal Vegas Casino <<

Royal Vegas Casino Review

Established in 2000, Royal Vegas has been around for two decades now. Achieving longevity like this is no small feat in the crowded world of online casinos, but Royal Vegas seems to have done it in style – thanks to an ever-increasing selection of quality games, around-the-clock customer care, trustworthy banking mechanisms, cutting-edge security features and appealing bonuses, promotional offers and a loyalty programme. Furthermore, Royal Vegas is certified by eCOGRA for responsible conduct and fair gameplay, while being licensed by the prestigious Malta Gaming Authority. Let’s explore further.

Bonuses and Promotions

Upon registering an account at Royal Vegas, players will be eligible for a welcome offer valued at up to C$1200. As it’s credited across the course of the first four deposits made, it works out to be 4 x 100% match bonuses up to C$300 each. The offer must be claimed within seven days post registration, plus players will see in the terms and conditions that there is a 50x wagering requirement and a minimum deposit of C$10 included.
What else does Royal Vegas offer? A Daily Deal every day, which is a 24 hour offer tailored around each player’s specific play history. Furthermore, Royal Vegas has a Bonus Wheel, which is available at certain times and provides the possibility of spot prizes. Then there are the themed promotions, whereby players can score match bonuses, loyalty points, bonus credits and more.
Lastly, there is the loyalty programme, which is premised around loyal play – each time a player makes a real money bet, they will earn points. Bonus credits can be gained in exchange for these points, plus the number of points accrued will decide what level the player ascends to next: each successive level adds extra benefits for the player to enjoy. The levels start at Bronze, moving up to Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and ultimately, Privé.
>> Spin and win at Royal Vegas Casino <<

Games and Software

With more than 500 games available to play at Royal Vegas, lack of choice is definitely not an issue. What’s more, the games are generally of the finest quality and cater to all types of players – ranging from slots and progressive jackpot slots, to video poker, roulette, blackjack, live casino and more. It’s also worth noting, these games are powered by some of the top software providers in the biz, such as Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, which means gameplay, navigation, features, audio, and graphics are all top-notch. In addition, selected games have been optimised for mobile play without any compromising of quality.
Popular titles include the likes of Mega Moolah, Adventure Palace, Thunderstruck II, Atlantic City Blackjack Gold, Lightning Roulette, Texas Hold’em and Jungle Jim – El Dorado, to name just a few.

Banking and Security

When it comes to ensuring player peace of mind, Royal Vegas employs 128-bit SSL encryption technology that guarantees the confidentiality of all personal data supplied to the casino. Plus, Royal Vegas offers a wide variety of global and region-specific banking mechanisms that include prepaid vouchers, bank transfers, credit cards, debit cards, and web wallets – brand names include the likes of Visa, Mastercard, NETELLER, and Maestro, to name just a few. Royal Vegas is also fully licensed and regulated, plus it adheres strictly to responsible gaming practices.
>> Spin and win at Royal Vegas Casino <<

Customer Support

If there are any questions that the players want to ask or if they want to provide feedback to the casino, Royal Vegas has an excellent 24/7 customer support service in place. It’s reachable via the accessible live chat option, or by email, plus the friendly and efficient hosts on the other end can respond in a variety of languages, which include English, French, Spanish, German and more. Players can also connect to Royal Vegas’s FAQ page, which has detailed responses to all of the most frequently asked questions.
Royal Vegas is a fine online casino with a wide array of games, as well 24/7 customer support in multiple languages, reputable deposit and withdrawal methods, themed promotions and more.

Games and Software

With more than 500 games available to play at Royal Vegas, lack of choice is definitely not an issue. What’s more, the games are generally of the finest quality and cater to all types of players – ranging from slots and progressive jackpot slots to video poker, roulette, blackjack, live casino, and more. It’s also worth noting, these games are powered by some of the top software providers in the biz, such as Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, which means gameplay, navigation, features, audio and graphics are all top-notch. In addition, selected games have been optimized for mobile play without any compromising of quality.
Popular titles include the likes of Mega Moolah, Adventure Palace, Thunderstruck II, Atlantic City Blackjack Gold, Lightning Roulette, Texas Hold’em, and Jungle Jim – El Dorado, to name just a few.
>> Spin and win at Royal Vegas Casino <<

Banking and Security

When it comes to ensuring player peace of mind, Royal Vegas employs 128-bit SSL encryption technology that guarantees the confidentiality of all personal data supplied to the casino. Plus, Royal Vegas offers a wide variety of global and region-specific banking mechanisms that include prepaid vouchers, bank transfers, credit cards, debit cards, and web wallets – brand names include the likes of Visa, Mastercard, NETELLER, and Maestro, to name just a few. Royal Vegas is also fully licensed and regulated, plus it adheres strictly to responsible gaming practices.

Customer Support

If there are any questions that the players want to ask or if they want to provide feedback to the casino, Royal Vegas has an excellent 24/7 customer support service in place. It’s reachable via the accessible live chat option, or by email, plus the friendly and efficient hosts on the other end can respond in a variety of languages, which include English, French, Spanish, German, and more. Players can also connect to Royal Vegas’s FAQ page, which has detailed responses to all of the most frequently asked questions.
Royal Vegas is a fine online casino with a wide array of games, as well as 24/7 customer support in multiple languages, reputable deposit and withdrawal methods, themed promotions and more.
>> Spin and win at Royal Vegas Casino <<
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24Bettle Casino - €5 Free Bonus No Deposit Required!

24Bettle Casino - €5 Free Bonus No Deposit Required!

24Bettle Casino No Deposit Bonus and Free Spins
Are you a new punter to 24Bettle Casino?! That's good! Today, we are giving away €5 FREE bonuses to all new players! Just click on the registration link below, fill the sign-up form and enjoy free chips! Use your free money on any game you like. Keep all your profits! Fast withdrawals 24/7! Have fun!
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24Bettle Introduction

If you are searching for an ideal casino with the best gameplay and bonus options, look no further than 24Bettle. Welcome to 24Bettle, an online casino with extended gameplay on three adventure-filled islands rich with treasure and rewards. The casino is the best online gaming destination for players residing in the European Union.
Since 2016, the casino has graced the internet with its digital presence and is continuously ranked as one of the best online casinos. 24Bettle might sound like an online casino that caters to the needs of high rollers. However, that is certainly not the case. The casino is an ideal gaming hub for newbie players and for people who want to indulge in occasional gaming.
24Bettle is a vibrant online casino with less than three years of experience in the iGaming industry. The games are available for players in a fun and engaging manner. There is a nice welcome bonus worth 100% up to €240 and 240 free spins awaiting new players. The cosmic design and the blue-white color combination make them one of the most appealing online casinos.
24Bettle has a massive selection of games from reputed software providers like Microgaming and NetEnt. There is a live studio available with an integrated sportsbook. Games are available for playing in Instant Mode across multiple devices running on iOS and Android operating system. Check out our comprehensive review below to learn more about 24Bettle Casino and their features.
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24Bettle Welcome Bonus

It is quite common to come across an online casino that offers a welcome bonus to players after account registration. It is something that 24Bettle Casino also offers to their new players. To receive the welcome bonus, you need to complete the account registration process and verify your mobile number. Once you have done that, you will receive a 100% welcome bonus up to €240 and 240 free spins.
The operator will offer the free spins over a period of 10 days. It means you will receive 24 free spins daily that you can use on specific online slot titles. You can activate the welcome bonus after making an initial deposit of €10. Make sure that you claim the bonus within seven days of account registration else the operator will cancel out the offer. Also, you have 30 days to use the bonus money, and it carries 30 times wagering requirement for requesting a withdrawal.

24Bettle No deposit bonus

If you sign up now you get 5€ free. You don't need to deposit! Discover the casino for free and play your favorite game. And don't be afraid that you can not use your welcomesbonus afterward. You will still double up your first deposit!
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24Bettle Free Spins and Other Promotions

From time to time, 24Bettle Casino comes up with exciting free spins and other promotions. There are exclusive deals that run on a weekly and monthly basis that gives players the chance to win attractive money. You can check out the details about the same by accessing the Promotions section at the casino website. It is essential to know that the promotions run for a limited period. So, we highly recommend subscribing to the newsletter so that you don’t miss any updates regarding promotions and special offers.

24Bettle VIP Program

At the time of writing this review, the operator was not offering any VIP casino club to its players. The casino treats all the players with utmost royalty and doesn’t differentiate between a high roller and newbie player. As soon as you make a real money deposit, you will get exclusive privileges to state of the art features.
The casino does, however, offer a loyalty program to the regular players. For every real money wager, you will receive comp points. Once you accumulate enough comp points, you can redeem the same in the Loyalty Store at the casino. In return, you can get attractive prizes like free spins, no deposit bonus and match bonus.

24Bettle Game Offer

Being a player at 24Bettle, you can choose from some of the most popular slot titles from Microgaming, NetEnt and Play ‘N Go. Majority of the games come with bonus rounds and multiple features like wild symbols and paylines. Some of the most popular games include Gonzo’s Quest, Jack Hammer 2, Pistoleras, So Much Sushi and Glow Slot. There are several progressive jackpot slot games available like Mega Moolah where you can get a chance to win millions.
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At the same time, the virtual table games section at 24Bettle is quite expansive. If you are looking for roulette riches, you can test your luck on different variants of European, French, and American. At the same time, the blackjack games are quite varied and come with multiple versions. You can choose from Double Exposure and Big 5 Blackjack Gold to Single Deck Blackjack. Other game titles include more than one dozen table poker and multiple versions of Baccarat game.
The variety of video poker games is again quite diverse at 24Bettle Casino to please the most discerning players. There are 13 poker games available across a single hand and multi-hand variant. Some of the favorite games include All Aces, Double Joker, Tens or Better, Deuces and Joker and Bonus Deuces Wild. The casino is also home to the best specialty games ranging from bingo and scratch card to titles like Triangulation.

24Bettle Live Casino

At 24Bettle, if you want to experience live gaming, you have to choose from two different studios. The Microgaming Studio features Live Blackjack, Live Roulette and Live Baccarat in single player and multiplayer variant. In the NetEnt Studio, you can play Auto Roulette, Live Roulette and other live versions of blackjack game. Both Microgaming and NetEnt broadcast the live dealer games in real time and use professional standards for quality gaming.
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24Bettle Mobile

The mobile gaming of 24Bettle deserves a round of applause especially in comparison to other casino brands. And it is not because it’s special or unique, but you get more of a laidback feel of a desktop casino. You need to have the existing login credentials to access the games on their mobile version. If you don’t, you have to set up an account and start playing mobile games immediately.
You can play your favorite games like slots, table games and lots more with one click of a button. Games are available in demo version also, and you can make real money deposits using popular payment methods. You can even access live dealer games and experience the fun of the land-based casino without setting foot outside. The mobile games are compatible with all portable devices running on Windows, Android, and iOS operating system. There is no need to download anything as all games come with Instant Play feature.

24Bettle Payment and Withdrawal Methods

The casino offers a decent range of banking option to send and receive money to the game account. All available payment options come with state of the art security features and are extremely fast at the same time. You can make deposits using MasterCard, WebMoney, TrustPay, Skrill, Trustly, Visa and PaySafeCard. For withdrawals, you have limited options in the form of Skrill, Neteller, and Bank Wire Transfer. Euro is the only currency form available at the casino for deposits and withdrawals.
If you wish to make transactions in a different currency, you will have to bear the currency conversion fees. You should know that the operator does not levy any fees for the online transactions. However, your bank may attract charges for using a particular payment method. So it would be better to get in touch with your bank and select the payment processor which is less costly. As soon as you make a deposit, the operator will update the account balance. The casino processes the withdrawal requests on the same day, and you can receive the money within five business days. The maximum withdrawal limit is set at €5000 per month.
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24Bettle Customer Support

Do you need any evidence that the casino values the presence of their high-value customers? Reliable and efficient customer service is one of the essential priorities at 24Bettle Casino. They have a team of qualified professionals who operate 24/7 throughout the year including holidays. The casino offers a smooth operation and tries its level best to keep everyone happy and going.
If you experience any problems, which won’t be the case, you can get in touch with the representatives. The staff is highly agile, friendly and has more than five years of experience in the iGaming industry. You can communicate with them via live chat and email program. Unfortunately, telephone service is not available to the players for the moment. Response time is immediate via live chat whereas you can expect replies via email program in less than 12 hours.

24Bettle Reliability and Security

While playing at any online casino, safety and security are definitely of utmost importance. Would you like the casino to reveal your confidential information to 3rd parties? Or play games that don’t come with Random Number Generator and are not tested by game agencies? We know the answer to both these question is a hard cold NO. You will be pleased to note that 24Bettle employs the best security protocols to keep their players safe.
You will get the best and safe playing environment away from the reach of nefarious cyber criminals. The casino website comes with 128-bit standard SSL technology to secure the player data. At the same time, all payment processors receive similar security backing for online deposits and withdrawals. Regarding the safety of online games, you should know that each game comes with a Random Number Generator. Thus unique algorithm makes the casino games fair and random for winning outcomes. Reputed testing agencies regularly audit the games, and the information is available on the casino website.
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24Bettle Summary

What is our verdict of 24Bettle Casino? Although they are not the number one casino, they can achieve this feast in the near future. The casino is ideal for both newbies as well as high rollers. The game selection is massive, and titles are available from the best software providers in the iGaming industry.
The mobile gaming feature is genuinely fantastic, and live casino games add icing to the cake. The payment options are expansive with dedicated and sound customer service round the clock. With nice welcome bonus and special promotions, this is the best casino you can ever wish. We highly recommend registering an account with 24Bettle and experience a new world of online gaming.
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Cryptoslots (USA) Crypto Casino - free chip and no deposit bonus!

Cryptoslots (USA) Crypto Casino - free chip and no deposit bonus!

Cryptoslots USA Casino and Crypto Payments
Cryptoslots is a crypto casino that accepts players from the USA! If you are a new customer here, you get $50 free chip (no deposit bonus code) and 177% welcome bonus after depositing. No download needed! Good luck!
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Cryptoslots Review

CryptoSlots is one of the newest and most unique online casinos that you will ever come across. Owned and operated by Slotland Entertainment S.A., CryptoSlots is one of the several other brands managed by this company. Slotland traces its origins back to the late 90s and has also been responsible for the software development of numerous casino games, featured exclusively at its online casinos. CryptoSlots is one such and this gambling website is heavily marketed towards the cryptocurrency crowd, operating exclusively with Bitcoin and other notable cryptos.
As an online casino, CryptoSlots offers numerous casino games and draws in players with the excellent service it provides. New and returning customers will get to enjoy a number of promotional incentives and those who favor cryptocurrencies will feel right at home. In this review, we will take a comprehensive look at CryptoSlots and go over each of the major factors of this online casino.

Cryptoslots Bonuses and Promotions

Members of CryptoSlots Casino are eligible to receive bonuses simply for topping up their casino balances. In claiming a promotion, one can greatly increase the size of their bankroll and the total amount that they can wager. The first promotion at CryptoSlots involves a match bonus for the first three deposits made to this online casino. Your initial deposit will be matched 111% up to $500, provided that you enter the bonus code ‘WELCOME1’ when you complete the payment. If that is not enough for you, be sure to take advantage of the second deposit bonus which will match your payment 77% up to $500 as long as you enter the bonus code ‘WELCOME2’. Finally, CryptoSlots offers you the opportunity to claim a third and final bonus, which involves a 99% match of your third deposit up to $500 and requires the bonus code ‘WELCOME3’. The minimum deposit needed to all three bonuses is $25 worth of cryptocurrency.
In order to make the best out of these bonuses, there are rules that you have to follow. To begin with, the wagering requirement tied to each bonus amounts to 35 times its value. Therefore, if you claim the full $500 of each offer, you will need to $17,500 before you can withdraw the bonus cash. Speaking of which, you can only cash in up to $5,000 as a result of each bonus. The casino does seem to impose a maximum bet amount for the purposes of the wagering requirement, however, certain games contribute more to it than others. For example, bets on slot titles are worth 100% of their value, whereas the same on video poker are only counted for 20%. The Jackpot Trigger progressive game cannot be played with bonus funds. You will have 90 days to complete the wagering requirements before the bonus money becomes void.
Every week on Wednesday, CryptoSlots Casino will provide you with a cashback worth 3% of your net losses for the previous seven days. Not only that, but the cashback funds are tied to a low wagering requirement of 1x, meaning that you only have to wager it once before they become real money. The maximum cashback that you may receive is $1,000 and you can play all the games, except Jackpot Trigger, to fulfil the wagering with respect to the wagering contributions.
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Cryptoslots Software Providers

CryptoSlots Casino does things differently than most other gambling websites and this is also true when it comes to acquiring the games. Traditionally, online casinos rely on third-party software providers to develop games and the two work out some agreement on how to offer them to the public. However, CryptoSlots has taken a different approach. All games featured at this online casino are developed in-house by Slotland Entertainment S.A., the company behind this casino brand. Slotland Entertainment has a practice of creating casino games and then opening online casinos to give the public a chance to play them. As it happens, this company does not offer its games outside of its own casino brands and this means that you will have the opportunity to play something exclusive. All games featured at CryptoSlots are fully modern and can be opened directly within the window of your browser, thanks to the instant-play interface. Moreover, Slotland Entertainment has also designed its titles to be mobile-compatible, but more on that later. Granted, developing all titles in-house is a slow process and CryptoSlots does not offer the largest number of games out there. However, we will go more into detail later on when we take a comprehensive look at the gaming library.

Cryptoslots Banking

Bankroll management process at CryptoSlots Casino is unlike that at most other gambling websites. For one, this online casino only accepts cryptocurrencies and does not deal with traditional methods of payment normally used in the online gambling industry, such as credit cards or eWallets. More specifically, CryptoSlots accepts payment in four highly popular currencies, namely, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Monero. Each of these gives you the opportunity to move money to and from your bankroll. The speed of the transactions is some of the best out there. Deposits will go through within 5 minutes, with some variance between the different services. Withdrawals are also just as quick, in terms of pure processing time.
Using cryptocurrencies exclusively is not common and it can take some getting used to. If you have never done so in the past, there are some factors that you have to be aware of. For starters, the fluctuating value of each currency is a big deal for some players. Cryptocurrencies are known to be quite volatile due to their lack of central authority and their value can swing drastically from day to day. When you make a payment to CryptoSlots, the casino will take the current value of your deposit in USD at the time of the transaction based on the exchange rate and add it to your balance. Your balance will be in USD for gaming purposes but all payments are handled in cryptocurrencies.
As far as transaction limits are concerned, the minimum deposit starts at the equivalent of $25 of the respective cryptocurrency. You can deposit up to $50,000 and exceeding that amount will see the difference returned to your crypto wallet. Withdrawals start at the equivalent of $100 in the respective cryptocurrency. It is important to note that any winnings will be cashed in with the same cryptocurrency used to make the deposit. All deposits have to be wagered once before they can be freely withdrawn. Failure to do so is considered money laundering by the Casino and a 30% processing fee will be applied. Additionally, any wins above $10,000 will be paid in multiple simultaneous installments to multiple wallets controlled by the player.
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Cryptoslots Mobile Casino

Mobile gaming is an important factor for most players out there. Being able to open up the casino from your smartphone or tablet is almost invaluable, especially in your moments of downtime when you have nothing to do. CryptoSlots understands this and is able to offer you a great mobile gaming experience. The casino website is compatible with just about every smartphone and tablet on the market, allowing you to access your favorite titles regardless of where you are.
Opening the mobile casino is not difficult by any measure. All you need to do is load the casino website within your browser and continue as you would on a desktop computer. The casino interface is made to scale with the size of the display, which means that you will not lose out on any functionality. The same is true for other features of the casino, as well. Mobile players will still have access to all promotions, banking methods, customer support and most importantly, the gaming library. The gambling experience that you have on your desktop computer is also available on mobile platforms. The instant-play interface is also featured on the mobile version, allowing you to directly load up any game directly within your browser window. Just like the general interface, the games have also been modified for better use on the smaller devices. All in all, mobile gaming is a joy at CryptoSlots and we are sure that you will have a great time.

Cryptoslots Casino Games

The gaming library of CryptoSlots is not the largest or most diverse out there. In fact, it only comes with a handful of games and features primarily slots and video poker. Granted, this is expected when an online casino uses the software of a single developer. But how does this all work out for the player? Below, we will cover the major game types found at CryptoSlots and give you some information about how the library stacks up against the industry’s standards.


The slots selection includes the largest number of titles from all available game types at CryptoSlots. The casino offers numerous different slot varieties, with a good diversity in terms of gameplay features and genres. Each game comes with its own unique theme and aesthetic, as well as, a specific number of paylines and betting limits. There is a number of games suitable for both high rollers and casual players. The ‘High-Limit’ slots are tailored after those with deep pockets and some allow for bets of up to $500 per spin. They are easily distinguished by the special mark found at the corner of the thumbnail. Of course, casual players will not miss out on all the fun, as these titles are also available with standard limits, as well.
As for the specific slots that you can play, they are different and no two games are the same. You will be able to try your luck on classic-theme titles, such as Fruitful 7s or Fruits and Bars. Additionally, you will also have at your disposal some mythology-themed slots, namely, Olympus and Pyramid Plunder. We should also not forget notable titles like Robot Escape and Trip to Japan.

Video Poker

The other major genre featured at CryptoSlots comes in the form of video poker. This game type has been popular for many years and it has seen a surge in popularity since it became available in the online casino scene. Video poker combines the inherent randomness of slots with the rules of poker and delivers a top-tier gaming experience. It is different from most other casino games in the sense that your decisions have a direct impact on the game and your overall success. It is not difficult to see why it became a fan favorite at CryptoSlots and why so many people enjoy it.
As for the video poker variations featured at CryptoSlots, you will have at your disposal some of the most popular variations in the casino scene. These include Jacks or Better, where you form winnings hands with a pair of Jacks or higher, and Joker Wild, in which the Joker card can stand in for any other in the deck. Other excellent options include Aces and Eights, a variation in which certain combinations of Eights and/or Aces offer great payouts, and Deuces and Joker Wild, a combination of two popular video poker variations. Indeed, CryptoSlots offers a good number of video poker games, some of which can even be played in the multi-hand format, allowing you to play with up to five hands at once.

Progressive Jackpot Games

When it comes to jackpot games at CryptoSlots, you will have a single one at your disposal. More specifically, we are talking about Jackpot Trigger, the crowning jewel of CryptoSlots Casino. This game is inspired by the classic 3-reel slots and comes with a theme to match. However, it includes 10 paylines and offers a massive payout of $1,000,000 to the lucky player who manages to form the right combination. Jackpot Trigger comes with impressive graphics and a beautiful color palette.
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Cryptoslots Licensing and Regulations

Where licensing is concerned, you want to be sure that the operator is completely above board and within the confines of the law. In the case of CryptoSlots, things are not as clear-cut as with other online casinos. For starters, the operator is based in Anjouan, an island in southeast Africa and also has a license from the local government. This is not a regular destination for a gambling operation and there is little information on how regulations are implemented.
However, this does not indicate that CryptoSlots is an inherently untrustworthy or fraudulent casino. In fact, CryptoSlots has done quite a lot to prove that the featured games are fair and provide genuinely random results. On the ‘Provably Fair’ page at the casino, you will find detailed explanations on how CryptoSlots produces game results. The casino goes into detail on the RNG systems and hashing algorithms used to produce outcomes. It is written in a way that even those who are not into technology can understand it and gain an idea of how it works. Moreover, there are in-depth descriptions of all the different game types at CryptoSlots, including slots, video poker, multi-hand video poker and more. Disclosing this type of information is uncommon in the online gambling industry and it shows the integrity of the operator.

Cryptoslots Customer Support

Customer support is a major factor to the online gambling experience and one that you should not overlook. To ensure that every player has a great time, CryptoSlots offers top-tier customer service to all customers. There are several ways that you can get into contact with the support team when the occasion calls for it. Your best bet is to use the live chat system. As its name implies, it allows you to communicate with a support agent in real-time and to discuss your issues at length. This method is quick and efficient, giving you the chance to quickly solve everything. The support agents will stay with you for as long as they are needed, ready to assist you with anything. Live chat support is available 24/7.
Alternatively, you may also describe your issues and send them via email to [email protected]. The casino will try to reach back to you as soon as possible, no later than 24 hours. Email support is also the communication means that you will use to verify your identity with the casino. While not as quick as live chat, it definitely serves a purpose and you can be sure that it will deliver the desired results. In any event, CrypotSlots offers great customer service and you can always rely on the support agents to resolve any and all issues.
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All in all, CryptoSlots certainly has some excellent features and some that are not as great. To begin with, the number of games featured at this online casino is quite small and is unlikely to satisfy most people. Moreover, certain popular game genres are missing, namely, table games and live dealer titles. The slots and video poker games that are included are great, but there are so few that you may find yourself done with them all too soon.
When it comes to payments, CryptoSlots offers you immense speed and security. Cryptocurrencies are great for this and you can have your winnings on the next business day. Moreover, the transaction limits are quite wide and the casino has certain excellent security policies in place.
Overall, CryptoSlots is a mixed bag and you should personally take a look to see if this online casino is up to your standards.
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